Welcome to Understanding Hinduism
Hello, Welcome to Understanding Hinduism/Indian Terrorism. This web page is not propaganda against India by Pakistan or any Muslims or by Sikhs or Christians. This is based on reality, truth, which is supported by Human Rights links/reports/articles and other web pages. Everything on this page is reality. The burning of Muslims in Gujrat, rapes of very young as 5yrs old to 60 years old by Hindus, genocide in Kashmir, genocide of Sikhs in the name of terrorism and the excuse of operation BLUE STAR, ongoing threats to Christians are daily going on in India. These incidents rarely come in news or in media, as victims are not Hindus or Americans. These people or cries of these people might have forgotten but it does not mean that still we cannot do anything for them. There is a lot we can do for them. It does not mean that if we are not Muslims, Christians, Sikhs or Kashmir that we should not do anything. For the sake of humanity we should listen to cries of innocent, young, old, victims of Indian autocracy. If anyone has got any question regarding anything on this web page, please do not hesistant to ask. understandinghinduism@hotmail.com
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