Stacey's Pain

I’ve been vanquished by you in our battle
Our battle between love and hate
You laugh and scoff at me because I seek love
You show no lament for you could care less
I wish to cut out your tongue
So you can no longer harm me with your words
You make me sick with the things that you do and say
And I hate the way you make me feel
I hate you and love you at the same time
I want you here, but I want you gone
We always want something we can’t have
And I can’t have you
You irritate me anyway
And you don’t make sense worth living for
So I’ll not waste my time on you

You’re like a wart, unwanted
You’re like a pebble in my shoe, cutting my toe
How could anyone ever love you?
Your childish games and childish ways
They get in the way of living
You have no job and no education
You really don’t give a damn about what you do

Why can’t you get up and go somewhere?
Why don’t you do something with your messy hair?
Go out, get a job, and make yourself useful.
You know you don’t have to be so unlovable
Don’t make me feel the same