άρτεή (Virtue)

I am gone with the wind

I am swept off my feet

You surprised me

You came in on your white horse

And danced me away from reality

You saved me from my low life reputation

But I've suddenly fallen from my tree again


You picked me up and set me on my branch

But weren't able to climb up there yourself

I'd like to help you climb up here

But I have to keep from falling

Can you help me back up again?


The sky has fallen and so have I

The apples are rotten

And I am beautiful

There are stress marks across my heart

No relief has been unveiled

I sit here patiently and wait

Lying here face planted in the ground

Waiting for you to pick me up again


I can't imagine how I must look to you right now

Practically back where I started

I want to be myself again

I talked about suicide today

I'm back to square one