What You Can Do To Help.

Amazon.com's Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
You can contribute from $1 to $100 to the disaster relief. Amazon has waived all fees and will donate every cent collected.
Go Here.

The American Red Cross
Make a donation online or locate the Blood Center nearest to you.
American Red Cross: Go Here.
Online Donations: Go Here.
Blood Bank Locater: Go Here

Emergency Supplies
New York City is currently overwhelmed with volunteer and material donation support. The only donation requested at this time is heavy equipment. Anyone able to offer vehicles or equipment, please visit the following site:
Go Here.

Helping.org offers a list of rescue organizations providing aid. Learn the vitals, from where to give blood to where to give money.
Go Here.

PayPal Relief Fund
PayPal has created a special fund to help its members easily provide assistance to those affected by these tragic events. Registered users can donate money, which goes toward the Disaster Relief Fund at the American Red Cross.
Go Here.

Salvation Army
The "specific use" option at the Salvation Army's donation page allows you to target those areas you feel are the most in need.
Go Here.

United Kingdom’s All About Giving
All About Giving has set up a special fund -- called Helping USA -- which allows UK and European residents to help out by donating Sterling, Dollars, or EUROs.
Go Here.

United Way of New York City
100% of your contribution to the United Way’s September 11th Fund goes to the support of the victims and their families.
Go Here.

NY Firefighter's Fund
Thank you to Shannen for this link. Support the NYC Firefighters who are working tirelessly to find surviors at ground zero. Thank them for providing hope to thousands.
Go Here.

This infomation was obtained @ Topica.com. I know for some of you who are so far away from what's been going on may feel disconnected and helpless but there is so much you can do to help. This struggle is far from over but with everyone's help and support, the United States will be stronger than ever. All these cowards have accomplished is to "wake a sleeping giant." So do what you can, donate what you can, and pray for those we've lost and for those they leave behind.