Doujinshi Gallery
Doujinshi Gallery

Noin's mini Zechs shrine ~_~
This is our gallery of doujinshi pics with both Noin and Zechs. Click on the thumbnails to view actual picture. Special thanks to Sailor Deimos, Melissa and Mircalla for letting us host their scans! Sailor Deimos owns the first three rows, Melissa owns the 4th, and Mircalla owns the 5th, 6th, and 7th rows of doujinshi scans. If you would like to host any of these pictures on your site please click the name of the owner to go to their site - ask permission from them directly.

Err...just Noin talking to Zechs.Whoa! Major sweatdrop on noin's part. (gotta love the pissed expression)Noin looks rather shocked at Zechs'

Um, it seems like Zechs is talking to someone else.Noin is blushing! Yipes! Check out Zechs' expression.What did Zechs do now?

Noin is...sobbing?

A little scene where Zechs is yelling at Otto and Noin looks shocked.I think Noin is yelling at Zechs for wearing a maid's outfit (eep).Can Noin ever resolve this chaos?  Lady Une seems pretty smug about it and Zechs is still diligently doing some housekeeping.WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? I don't think Noin could stand it any longer.

A kawaii black and white pic from the doujinshi 'Long Long Distance'The cover of the aforesaid doujinshi =D The back cover of LLD are they warding away evil spirits? ^_^

they're wearing kimonos! ^_^ Zechs looks like he's pretty upset about something...a lovely ethereal-looking Noin embraces a lovely pretty-boy ZechsNooo! Don't go, Zechs-sama! Well, that's what it looks like she's saying..

(shiver) Zechs looks more diabolical than he ever did in the series...anou, Noin-san? 0.oNoin's hair looks kinda cool like that, actually...why'd they make Noin look like a man?? ;_;

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