
When Undying Loyalty was first created in May of 2000, we had no idea that it would grow as big as it did, due to the contributions of you wonderful 6x9 fans. ^_^ It’s been a long and eventful journey, and we do not regret it, but we feel that it is time to move on. Nothing sudden or violent brought about our decision; rather, it has been building quietly for a long time.

Undying Loyalty has reached the point where there is nothing left to add to it but more pictures, fanfics, and the occasional writing piece. While there is nothing wrong with this, we kind of felt like we weren’t getting anywhere. Also, things have reached the point in our personal lives where we need to spend more time concentrating on our studies. Junior year of high school is not an easy one, to say the least!

Basically we want to spend more time on other things, from furthering our skill playing musical instruments (Shelley plays the oboe and flute, and I play the piano…badly. ^^;) to working on other websites, spending time with friends, family, etc. The Gundam Wing craze is dying down in the US and we are fading away, too, to other anime and different things.

Undying Loyalty, unlike other websites that are permanently closed, will not be deleted. Please feel free to view this site but please do not e-mail us about our decision, (as our minds are quite firmly made up :) or send any new fanfics, fanart, etc, as nothing more shall be added to our archives. We sincerely thank you all for the encouraging e-mails, helpful suggestions and submissions you’ve sent over the months; Undying Loyalty would never have gotten this far if it wasn’t for you.

Ja ne,
—Webmistresses Lady Eia and Shelley Tanishiro