2005 S.W. Louisiana Knap-In
If you didn't make the knap-in, you missed out on alot of good food
and fellowship. We were tripping over rocks trying to shake hands and
getting up to the table. <G> The weather was beautiful with a slight breeze
that kept us cool.

Plan to make next year ... you'll love every minute of it.
I have to apologize ... I lost several pictures while working on them and
couldn't find my notes with names and spelling. If you see an uh-oh, please
contact me so I can amend the mistake as soon as possible. I certainly meant
no slight to anyone. My some-timers is getting worse every year ... forget my
own name half the time ... of course, having my wife call me Dummy might
have something to do with that.
I broke the pictures into groups to save on download time. Each picture is
linked back to it's group and there's a link back to this page on the bottom
of each group ... that sounds difficult to me ... just follow the Yellow Brick
Road and you'll do fine.

Again ... sorry for any mistakes. I'll try and do better next year.
The Village
The Gang
The Auction