Australian Protection Agency
by: James Austin Valiant
Disclaimer: This requires justice, which you, gentle reader, must give: I wrote this fic, do you think I should live? God, I love quoting from Romeo and Juliet. But, again, I better say: I don't own Romeo and Juliet,and, quite possibly, only a few characters here. This one's for the Aussie! Yeah, Mouse!

"I don't like it, man. Something's up with Valiant." Eminem spoke, venom laced in his voice.

Carson Daly shot him a look.

" Come on, Eminem, its not that bad..."

Then, without hesitation, Fred Durst burst through the door and stopped to catch his breath.

" Guys...he's at the helicopter pad."


He stood not too far away from the pad, but enough that his clothes were blown when the helicopter started landing. His eyes danced beneath his blue tinted shades, and he smiled an almost evil smile. He had a dastardly plan.

He strolled out to meet his visitor.

" Pleasant journey, I hope? Did everything turn out all right?"

His visitor half-scowled. " That wine was horrible."

He shrugged, and gave the helicopter pilot the symbol to take the helicopter back to the base camp in the northern regions of New York State. He escorted his friend inside the complex and proceeded to question her about everything. Who was she? She had still not removed her hat or coat. The Dorinian Complex, which was what they called "the base".

He helped her with her bags as they continued down the long, winding hall. Finally they arrived at the guest room and he opened the door, and she walked in, removed her coat and hat, and sat down on a wooden chair. She sighed,and turned to the computer.

"This thing gets the Internet, right?"

He chuckled. " Of course, this is not coming out of my pocket, is it? Of course not!"

" Can I get you anything, my friend? A drink, perhaps?"

" Sorry," she answered, " I had my fill on the helicopter. Besides, last time I got drunk with you, I woke up in a telephone booth on the interstate. "She shuddered at the memory, got up, and lies down on the bed, closing her eyes and letting her aches and pains slip away into a little nap.

James smiled. " Good old Mouse...always ready for everything." He walked out, and proceeded to his own chambers. He could use a nap before tonight's big meeting, and he only hoped that Andros and the French Canadian Magna Defender had kept the Astro Rangers detained.


Tracy Lynn Cruz was fast asleep, and that was about heaven. Trapped in their little cell, all together.... Well, it was getting quite annoying. Between snoring, talking in their sleep and mood swings, it was becoming very unbearable.

Roger kicked the door, and then sat down, bracing himself against the cold steel walls. Patricia was asleep as well. Only himself, Selwyn and Alpha Five were awake, and they were trying to figure out how to get out of their cell. They all still had their clothes on from two days ago; they hadn't showered, and the cell reeked.

" Well, what if we tricked Chris...I mean, Andros into thinking that one of us is dying?" suggested Selwyn.

Alpha nodded no.

"What if we.... Oh, that's it! I am out of ideas. I already gave you several and you've said no to them all! WHAT THE HECK DID YOU EVER DO FOR US BESIDES MAKE PRiS MORE CAMPY!" Selwyn roared.

Roger hit him. "Dude, shut up. You're gonna wake up Tracy..."

Alpha stood up. " That's it! Ayi-yi-yi-yi! That's it. I've got it now. You see, whoever turned Chris into the Canadian Ranger turned him into Andros. And since he's not Chris, what is Andros' biggest weakness?"

"Ashley." They both answered in creepy unison, and gleefully shook a look at Tracy. She's FINALLY gonna be some use to us...

"Tracy, wake up!" shouted Selwyn, trying to shake her out of slumber. She rolled over, and continued her pleasant sleep. He groaned, knowing this might be harder than he thought. But, Andros did have a weakness. Alpha was right. Roger spoke up. " Wait, if Tracy acts like Ashley, why don't we act like Carlos, T.J. and Cassie? That way, he might recruit into being his Canadian Rangers or something similar..."

"Gee, I never thought of that before..." considered Alpha.

Patricia sat up, her own slumber disturbed by the vast amount of noise around her. "That's because your technology is way out of date!"

"Why you little piece of rebellious Pink Ranger crap! How dare you insult me! ME! Alpha Five, right-hand robot to Zordon of Eltar.... I ought to take away your Power..."

"Nice try, Alpha," She retorted. "The Power doesn't exist!"

Alpha's suspended silence made all of their eyes open wide. He cocked his head, about to speak, but stopped.

"The Power.... Exists?"


"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" yelled Little Boy Blue, waiting for the various conversations around the table to terminate. When they didn't, he motioned Red Ninja forward, beckoning her to " do her stuff". She bowed, and then drew her blaster, firing several BAM BAMs at the wall.

Everybody leapt under the table and waited for the worst.

"Get up you morons!" commanded the still-shadowed Prime Minister. He wasn't mad; he wasn't glad. He was more on the pissed side. It seemed that General Valiant, and his ally, General Mouse were late.

The door swung open, and Valiant stumbled in trying to keep composure. Mouse walked behind him, trying to keep his balance steady.

" Sorry," started Mouse, " we were out-"

"And he had too much to drink." finished Eminem. " We all know about his little 'problem'."

Mouse was surprised. "Oh. Well then.... he’d better get to explaining. I didn't let him finish that Irish coffee...."

Valiant made his way to the front of the room, as Mouse took a seat at the long conference table. He flipped off the lights, pulled up an overhead, and projected it onto the blank wall behind him.

"Ladies and gentleman.... We have succeeded in conquering Canada. Andros and the French Canadian Magna Defender made the current "other" Prime Minister of Canada give up leadership. We had him sent to Mexico. Anyway, here's the plan.... With General Mouse as our new ally, and the Australian Army on our side, it's time to start on conquering the United States...."

He motioned to several places on the map of the US. " First strike: Niagara Falls. We hit that, and invade New York State. We move down through the New England area, move south and head for the capital. General Mouse, I believe it is your turn." Mouse got up, and Valiant tried as best as he could to place himself neatly into a chair.

Mouse replaced Valiant's carts with her own. " Approximately three jets filled with Australian soldiers will arrive at Washington D.C. at approximately three-o'clock tomorrow morning. Hopefully, our Canadian Army will be there to meet us, and we can conquer the US as a team. Any questions?"

Carson Daly shot his hand up. "You know, something's occurred to me. Why are we doing this? Is it really important? Sure, conquering the world would be fun and stuff-" PHHZT!

Saban emerged from behind the now-smoking corpse of Carson Daly, holding up two electrical wire tied into the main backup generator for the room. He grinned, and chuckled.

"Finally!" exclaimed Eminem. " I've been waiting so long for someone to do that!"

Red Ninja sighed, and pressed a button on a control panel. Out of the darkness walked what looked like an oversized wrench. She had three arms, an exhaust pipe, tires for feet, and a mean, snarling face full of metal.

The Prime Minister nodded. " People, this is Panic the Mechanic. She was created from the last few cars that NASCAR smashed up. She is highly-intelligent, loves kids, and has a pretty mean chili recipe."

All of the sudden, there was a bright flash outside of the entrance. It was purple. The door could not take anymore as it fell down, and a female entered. She was wearing heels; a leather bodysuit with some armor, and her staff was in the other hand.

"Astronema!" They all gasped.


"Andros! Andros! Help me!" cried Ashley as she grabbed her ankle inpain. She was faking; it was obvious to Alpha and the rest of them, but notto Andros, as he peered in through the small opening in the door. To give her credit, Tracy was actually pretty good at playing injured. However, there's not really more than that when it comes to acting skills.

The Canadian Ranger's stone gaze softened when he say his beloved hurt. He swung the door open, despite the French Canadian Magna Defender's pleading to do otherwise. Andros got down on his knees and held her head in the palm of his hand. "I knew this was a bad idea...I should've let you stay with me, Ash..."

Selwyn looked at Roger, who nodded to Patricia. "All right, guys..." cried TJ, retrieving the Astro Morphers from Andros' bag "Let's Rocket!" The Blue, Black and Pink Astro Rangers drew their blaster and fired at Andros. He grabbed Tracy and ran out of the cell, and placed in his quarters.

"All right, Magna Defender.... let's go! Go...CANADA!" He shouted, and morphed into the Canadian Rangers, the Magna Defender at his right, as they followed the Astro Rangers throughout the floor. " Let's split up, Andros.... That way, we'll find them easier."

"Right!" said Andros with a nod, as he headed for the left, down the hallway that led to the kitchen. His hand instinctively went for his Spiral Saber, but he declined to retrieve before the Lunar Lance knocked it to the cold, metal floor.

"What t." He didn't have time to finish before TJ followed up with a quick strike from his Astro Axe. Andros fell to the floor, and clutched his right side in pain. He had some trouble breathing, and Roger retrained him by yanking his morpher from his belt, causing the Canadian Ranger to demorph.

Selwyn and Roger removed their helmets, their blasters pointed at his chest. "All right, 'Andros'," began Roger, " why don't you start by telling us exactly what's going on here? Start from the top."

Andros just smirked, and then his smirk turned into an evil laugh. "Nice, job, Rangers!" He said, sounding a lot like Zordon. " You've just captured and demorphed.... Andros' tri-nitro trolutine clone!"

Selwyn turned pale, and kept his composure. "Trinitro...damn it, Roger...he's a bomb!"


Meanwhile, the real Andros and the real French Canadian Magna Defender were heading down a separate hall pursuing the Pink Ranger and Alpha 5. They followed them into the secondary generator room, as the two of the good guys took hiding spots.

Magna Defender stabbed his sword on the ground in anguish. He made a quick scan of the room, trying to pick up any Power sources. He found one behind the hydro tanks, and dived for it. He landed right on top of the Canadian Ranger, and Andros had a few choice words for his friend and ally.

" I'm over here, you can't catch me!" cried Patricia as she snuck through a small opening in the wall, Alpha in tow. Magna Defender aimed his sword directly at the opening, but missed. He trekked through the sparks and rubble and through the crack. Andros followed close behind, his Spiral Saber ready.

" Satellite Stunner!" She cried, as two pink bullets of energy hit both Andros and the Magna Defender. Andros just chuckled under his helmet,and raised his Astro Blaster/Spiral Saber combination weapon. " FIRE!"

" Satellite Stunner!" The two beams shorted each other out, and there was a bright flash that blinded everyone in the room. However, Andros managed to land a lucky shot on Cassie through the smokes, and as his eyesight regained, he got a good look at the fallen Pink Ranger.

Magna Defender pulled out a plug from Alpha's back and he dropped to the floor, clattering like a tin can. Defender joined Andros at Cassie side. The Canadian Ranger bent down to pick her up, but he heard a voice from behind him.

" Drop her, Andros!" shouted TJ; his Astro Blaster aimed at Andros. Carlos followed close behind, dragging the fake Andros with him. " Take your best shot," ordered the Canadian Ranger. " It won't help you now!" He answered, as though he knew what was about to happen.


Tracy peaked her head out the door of the room Andros had brought her too, and started to sneak down the hall. She tripped and fell over a pipe,and skinned her knee. She moved up against a wall She looked around her.

She was shocked to see a white ghost, which hovered ever so slightly above the ground. It was dressed like a Power Ranger; it looked like a Saban-creation.... It even smelled like a Power Ranger. She slowly turned away and started to run.

But the ghost caught up with her. The ghost wrapped itself around her, and a bright flash of light followed, as Tracy morphed into....


" You drop it, Blue Ranger!" shouted the Edmonton White Ranger. TJ holstered the Astro Blaster, but followed it up with a roundhouse kick. Carlos went and grabbed Cassie, leading her out of the room and taking Alpha along with them. TJ fired a few more shots, and flew out into the hall, shutting the door behind them.

Ashley's eyes grew wide as she glanced over at the Andros clone. " What's that?"

Magna Defender knelt down and covered his head. " It's the..."

" It's the bo...." gulped Andros.

He didn't have the time to finish his sentence as the robot uttered a familiar "Goodbye", then it's eyes shut and it started to vibrate. Its head blew up in a small explosion, and the rest of the body blew up in flash of red, yellow and orange light. The room exploded.


" Well, Terrance, I guess that's it. We've gotten every Canadian Ranger power. In fact, we have the Dark Green, Bronze, Orange morphers right here."

" Hey, I wonder what would happen in we TRIED morphing?" said Terrance.

Before they could press the buttons on the morphers, a shot came from behind them, killing Philip. "Please.... No....don't.... don't kill me!" screamed Terrance. He started to run, but the mysterious hunter caught up with him and shot him as well.

The hunter gathered the morphers, and headed out of the heavily wooded area, leaving Terrance and Philip. She smiled, and the pale moonlight cast an eerie shadow over the face of the assailant. Putting the Orange morpher onher wrist, she pushed the button, and morphed into the Orange Ranger.

Bending down to pick up her backpack, she stuffed the morphers inside and jumped on her motorcycle. All right, James.... I'm on my way! She thought as she sped away on the cycle, leaving a trail of dust behind her.

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