UNFAIR? - Destroy Sexism, Boycott Animal Porn
You may have the demos, but this is it! The most recent Unfair? sound with intense riffs make this an original crust peacepunk, roots d.i.y. blast recorded at D.R.R.S. Thrashy but with more melody and hardcore. 3 songs with a tight, clear studio sound.


UNFAIR? -Freedom - Original cover design and music make this the first remastered individual peacepunk - 4 songs. Support Unfair? by purchasing our merchandise.*- Remastered from the Spiral release. - This was D.I.Y. produced and recorded in Sarasota, Florida at Dreamgate Studios.


A Collectiv - Vegan Straight Edge Support for the A.L.F, Boycott the A.T.F! - 4 anti-ageist animal rights and political songs with a roots edge. recorded in Tujunga Canyon, this melodic raw hardcore makes this fun lighter bustin' heavy and d.i.y. Produced by Mike Bridgeford. "Back to the roots" hardcore.


Our professional cd's are flawless studio replications. All cd's are printed with eco - friendly inks and printed on quality recycled paper. CD's are currently out of print.

© Mediattack! Cd's. 2004.

Mediattack! is a dual positive // negative media reflection about living in a world of pain and mixed ideologies. Some of the bands are reflections of how extreme and punk the world has become, other sounds are just simply good music that we like with economically and poetically challenging roots and soul. Mediattack! is a peace label with a strong animal rescue influence and we know that our sounds or recording processes will never go entirely out of style. Mediattack! will keep you updated on new bands and changes to the website and the cat colony information. Attention reactionaries: This is not a political, dictatorial, fascist, or a musically predjudiced record label for ripping off our audience. Peace.


More Band Websites: Coming soon.


Joey First - Popculture.

Music cd released on Peacework Records.


National Anti-Vivisection Society


Vegan Outreach


New England Anti-Vivisection Society


Punk and Postpunk Animal Rights and Rescue Campaign


New Eden Records and Rebuilding Communications - Vegan Animal Rights Products and Music Distro


London Punks - Direct Action Animal Rights and Ave. A Butchers compilation cd's and animal rights punk distro


Impact Press - Great Magazine!


Straight Edge Online - Open - minded topics to Consider.


Thrill Racer - An interesting and insightful Vegan Alternative Online Publication.


Conflict - The Ungovernable Force


Stickfigure Distro


Ebullition Distro


Red Alert Distro


Mortarhate USA Distro and label.


Bodhisattva - Cool band that recorded several songs at DRRS.


Counteract Recording and Distro


Catchphraze Records and Catalyst Distro


Spiral Records


First Design Studios


Beyond the Walls of

Injustice Online


Dischord Records - The well respected east coast roots of U.S hardcore, independent, alternative, and postpunk protest sounds and alternative music.


mediattack.digitalbomb.com - Alternative Peacework website URL


Altar Magazine - An interesting and insightful Alternative liberal anti-sexist Publication.


Prosthetic Church - Excellent songs and noise for those who desire tribalist drumming minimalism and pop-oriented ear stimulation through industrial noise, roots postpunk, peacepunk influences and surrealist lyrics.


More links coming soon.


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This could be your link:

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This could be your link:

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This could be your link:

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TIME OUT -  Our Lives are No Dream... - 6 songs of Swedish crustpunk / hardcore thrash. Features a Discharge cover and a member of Wolfpack. Recorded in Los Angeles, this cd is much more to their rock roots than their earlier punk/crust/noise material. Crust and punk with tight production.


ANIMAL COMMANDOS -  Shock Princess - 5 songs of animal rights postpunk influenced by PoisonGirls, Gang of Four, Crass.

BENEFIT FOR ANIMAL RESCUE. Featuring Shaynie Aero and Joey First performing clean, raw, jazzy, funk protest sounds.


TIME OUT -  Histories Warning - 9 songs of Swedish noise crustpunk / hardcore punk thrash. This is fast, raw, hard, and rough, noisy crust and punk with a live sound. - With powerful art and lyrics as a memorial to Hiroshima and all who suffered and lost their lives*- Released in 2001


RESIST AND EXIST -  Insurrectionist Deed LIVE- 6 songs recorded live in San Francisco. This recording features Scott and Austin on guitar and bass. It features songs about New Afrikan political prisoners and soulful crustpeacepunk about human, earth, animal liberation.


PROSTHETIC CHURCH - Cat Parasol - 4 songs recorded live in the studio. This recording features ARMA and Photoman as a 2 piece band. Excellent postpunk. This cd realizes that sound and music has no limitations. Clicke here for Prosthetic Church a.k.a. The Diapers at MYSPACE.


PROSTHETIC CHURCH - The Life, History, and Magic of the Dog - 4 songs recorded live at DRRS studio. This recording features ARMA and Photoman making noise! Raw atonal postpunk influenced by Joy Division, PIL, Gang of Four, and Flux of Pink Indians .




JAMAICA PLAIN - Letters to the Leader - CD COMING SOON -

INTERVIEW between Allan Sentineri (Joey First) of Unfair? (Mediattack! Cd's) and Rebellion Animal.

Rebellion Animal - 107.3 FM Raicies Radio Comunitaria

1)Tell us something about what is mediattack...

Mediattack! is a label I started to support anarchopunk, hardcore, postpunk, peacepunk and music that supports activist causes. The main focus of the label is animal liberation and I work with animal rescue groups such as Animal Commandos, In Defense of Animals, PETA, and Last Chance for Animals. Our goals are to release any creative band that wants to help support animal liberation with music sales and bands that have liberation messages get priority and more chance of a release on the label.

2)What kind of material do you spread? Punk compact discs, pamphlets from the animal groups, and the website information at: http://www.peacework.com or http://mediattack.digitalbomb.com

3)Are you a collective in charge of the struggle for the animal liberation or also the human liberation?

Yes. Animal Commandos and A Collectiv - two Mediattack! animal rescue groups. Animal Commandos is an animal group started by Shaynie Aero of Last Chance for Animals - AZ. I believe that animal liberation is human liberation. http://www.peacework.com/animal

4)In your area, how is the struggle for the animal liberation? Is there anybody interested in it?

Yes. As more groups, bands, artists, and individuals get inspired to get active and bring back their animal liberation message, I see human culture rising up and getting excited about it.

5)Apart from the mediattack, do you participate in other groups?

Yes. Animal Commandos, Mortarhate USA, SHAC USA, Last Chance for Animals, PETA, and In Defense of Animals.

6)What do you think it is needed for the animal liberation to have a better support and dissemination towards "common" people?

Well, I feel that for industrialized countries, advertising, entertainment, and political lobbying are very important for animal liberation since "common" people are persuaded by information culture that entails the above spectrum of media. Non-industrialized countries need any form of information they can get or a non-industrialized animal rights movement consisting of individualized and collective-based creative, non-industrialized media such as art, etc, signmaking.

7)Is important to you , the education in relation to animal liberation?

Yes, but it isn't necessary and it can get in the way if you just want to liberate some animals. All it takes is skill.

8)Can the economic situation of people influence in the decision of choosing a free cruelty life?

Yes. Anything can. Cruelty free doesn't need economics though.

9)Is it more expensive to be vegan than omnivorous in the U.S.A.?

No it is cheaper if you have the ability to question the production of food and why food has to be made into a product or package and you are creative or non-creative and you like food that makes you healthy and doesn't inflict suffering on you or another creature.

10) What do you think about the existence of more conscius people in places like Europe, U.S.A., etc(developed contries) in contrast with Latin America countries (underdeveloped countries).

I think that there is no difference between the people. I don't feel that consciousness is what makes them different. I think people want to be serious, healthy, have fun, and work for positive goals in all countries.

11) Something else you want to add, will be appreciated. thanks a lot to be in touch with the Rebelión Animal collective.

There is no oppression if you refuse what oppresses you. Bite Back! http://www.DirectAction.info


New Unfair? song - coming soon.

Coexist - Disclaimer: (Dashes in the lyrics seperate the ideas and leave room for your own interpretations because we are not preachers or leaders and our lyrics are not reactionary or extremist. They are intended to create peaceful ideas for paths in life and create one's own interpretations.)

Halt corrosive, blind - tolerance for death - Isolated souls, silenced and oppressed create molotov bombs to revolt - Selfish medication for thoughts of self-murder - Therapists dismissed by the drug industry - Schizophrenic struggle against machination constraint jackets - Corporate nuclear failures for lack of disarmament - Another death revolution for no pacifist future - Children lost forever by statist gang - terrorizers - No silence - Coexist and resist abuse and control - Pacifist protests for dignity - Why fight to tolerate a silenced path of suffering and apathy? - Burdened to hate swallows for forced non - compassion? - Pacify these doctrines so crippled to chains of hate - Animal discrimination is robotic tears of loneliness - No tolerance for swallows supports murder for product - Burdened animals suffer - Fundamental mass divides against beliefs - Coexist and persist with hate control - Forced to tolerate mental posession in that concept called love? - End oppression and torture for sad romance and war - No more suffering for the madness of hate and oppression - Blind divisions of beliefs are the new stations - Communist, Capitalist, Socialist or Anarchist? - To gain an end of suffering and so we must persist - Resist and end death, war, and demonic control - Individual freedom halts whitewashed reality - End doctrines of hate over religion and state - Positive constructs are found on all paths - Freedom to exist and freedom of beliefs - Individual beliefs halt systematic corruption, the right against the left and the persistance of hate - Political and active to end the suffering - Coexist and resist class control - Unite! Coexist and resist class constraint jackets - Coexist and persist! Halt the control - Struggle for an end to murderous and extreme violence and support peace.

Unfair? is working on a hardcore music holocaust memorial to those who lost their lives and the families on both military sides in the Iraq War.




New Unfair? demo song lyrics.

Click here to listen to: Get Active! DEMO by Unfair? Disclaimer: (These lyrics may seem extremist to you, but think about how innocent animals feel everyday who are brutalized and tortured for foolish sexual convenience and dangerous drugs such as the abortion pill RU-486 in small, developing countries, yet it's women who face deadly botched abortions. It's obvious that it's the fault of failed animal experimentations that didn't work in the first place and human irresponsibility. Before you get upset and point the finger, maybe you need more pacifist information on why the chaos of animal experimentatation for new and old drugs can backfire with noone to blame except the foolishness of animal research and ultimately, ignorance and politics.

No time for misery. No more drug abuse, its time to get active! No more wasting away, it's time to get active! Electric shock, violent torture, apathetic smiles. Senseless thoughtless animal murder, You've seen it in their eyes. No more music heirarchy, it's time to get active. A sunshine of great peace is waiting in your eyes, but still your mind ignores vivisection on animal eyes. These eyes are our crucifix, a sensitive emancipation, Well I say, whatever, vivisection must end. You can make a change in your life, it's time to get active. Animal testing for your sex is loss of health, irresponsible scum. Take some time for responsibility! Do you want to be shocked and tortured? It's time to pacify, get involved with animal rights. Electric shock, violent torture, apathetic smiles - Take some time for animal rights! It's time to get active! It's time to get active! It's time to get active! It's time to get active!

Note: Mediattack! Cd's is currently looking for people to assist us with manufacturing, distribution, and promotion of our cd's. We are also interested in art or design, animation, or interactive work about the music, and contact us if anyone wants to get involved or if you can help out. Please email here to participate in the production of the Mortarhate USA compilation, request punk animal rights information, or to assist Mediattack! mediattack@lycos.com

Mediattack! Cd's and Cdr's is an independent D.I.Y. label that assists with the support of other artists and is not run by any particular individual, but it is supported by a group of people with peaceful reflections of a world of hate, apathy and terrorism

Designed by Arman2 for Mediattack! D.I.Y. Compact Disc Productions. Special thanks to Shaynie Aero.

NOTE: This isn't an illegal website.