The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) defines psychoactive Substance Dependence as the presence of at least three of the following symptoms for at least one month.
1.       The person uses more of the substance or uses it for a longer time that intended.
“Alexa, what are you doing?”
“Writing.” “…Writing.” “Uh… drawing.” “A worksheet.” “Math! I’m doing math!”
2.       The person recognizes excessive use of the substance and may have tried to reduce it but has been unable to do so.
That’s it… I’m going to stop. I need to stop writing. Okay. All right. So that’s all. I’m going to stop now. *puts pencil down* *doesn't know what to do next* *picks pencil back up*
So anyway, then ….
3.       Much of the person's time is spent in efforts to obtain the substance or recover from its effects.
Pencil… need pencil! And paper! Must have paper! I need to go to the store! 
Ouch… writer’s cramp. And my eyes are blurry.
4.       The person is intoxicated or suffering from withdrawal symptoms at times when responsibilities need to be fulfilled, as school or work.
Yeah yeah I’ll finish my art project as soon as I figure out something really horrible to do to my protagonist.
5.       Many activities are given up or reduced in frequency because of the use of the substance.
I don’t have time to go see a movie; I need a word that rhymes with “lightning.”
6.       Problems in health, social relationships, and psychological functioning occur.
Emily! It’s great to see you. Was it you who told me… Oh, no, that was my character. Well remember the other day when… oh… wait… that was my other character.
7.       Tolerance develops, requiring larger doses (at least a 50% increase) of the substance to produce the desired effect.
Must write more! Aaaargh!
8.       Withdrawal symptoms develop when the person stops ingesting substances or reduces the amount.
Could I just… hold the pencil? Oh please, just… GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!
9.       The person uses the substance to relieve withdrawal symptoms. For example, one may drink alcohol early in the morning because one feels withdrawal symptoms coming on.
 I’m going to want to write during the test, I know, so I’d better go ahead and say something right now while I have the chance.

