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Blood Angels Successor Chapter: Drakhon's Chanpions.

For ages untold, the Blood Angels have carried with them the mantle of honor and loyalty that made them the envy of others in the Imperium. Yet, theirs is a cursed heritage, Their bloodline carries echoes of great sorrow and tragedy.. and the ensuing madness that inevitably consumes them as they succumb to the Black Rage has led many to wonder if the Blood Angels are sliding into the abyss as the Warp sings its' siren song to lure the noblest of warriors into the depths of Chaos and Evil. As the Eye of Terror casts its' gaze across the galaxy, one of the Blood Angels, Successor Chapters has been secretly engaging in a frantic race to rid themselves of the dark affliction enslaving them and their brethren. Anything and everything is fair game now. They feel the only way to keep the Chaos at bay is to remain pure... and to do that, the bane of the Black Rage must be vanquished once and for all. And yet, rumors abound. Tales of warriors scavaging far and wide for lost or captured pieces of technology that might be of use to them, both as weapons and for purificating their bloodline.. Rumors of a rogue Techmarine giving technological trinkets to mercenary armies as payment for fighting alongside a Space Marine Chapter.. And perhaps most disturbing of all.. the chance that these heressies could not only be true, but that the forces of Chaos are actively corrupting the Emperor's finest and most noble among his legions, and twistig them away from the Light of the Imperium, going so far as to actually bestowing Gifts and favors onto their leaders... At least one Inquisitor has decided to look into these rumors as he rides st the frontlines of battle. Will Drakhon's Champions rise in triumph for the Imperium and finally cleanse themmselves of the curses that have befallen them? Or will their fall bring down the rest of the Blood Angels with them into Chaos, ahame, and extermination? Only the all-seeing Eye knows.. and it won't relinquish its' secrets without bloddshed and carnage...

The answers will be forthcoming as the campaign unfolds. Stay tuned as I post more info, stats and a full army list for characters, vehicles, and other stuff related to Drakhon's Champions.

A Few Notes on This Army.

Drakhon's Champions came into form as a standard Blood Angels Army. But, given the untapped roleplaying potential 40K presents and seeing as how this hobby can be quite expensive, I have created an army capable of acting as both Imperial and Chaos Armies in one package. This will eventually lead to an original Codex for Drakhon's Champions.

Obviously, in order to accomplish this, there are rules and modifications I have made and playtested, covering infantry, vehicles and gameplay. I would have liked to print them here, but given Games Workshop's recent spate of anti-fan site lawsuits, online hobby sales monopolizing and general mob-like behavior, such a thing won't be possible. I hope Games Workshop will eventually relax and loosen its' stranglehold on intellectual property just enough for fans to genuinely enjoy creating new and original stuff for 40K before it's too late. As things stand, however, the future doesn't look too bright.

In the meantime, check out the links I have added here.


Games Workshop.

Forge World.

New Wave Inc.


Turn Signals on a Land Raider.

Dakka Dakka, Home of Hobbies.

Copyrignt 2003 Games Workshop Inc. All rights reserved.