Omega Robotics -
  Let us all welcome our newest member to our team, Jeff Blaisdell!  Jeff will be helping out with the site and what not.  We have just added our logo!  See lower left for more!

Welcome to Omega Robotics, the homepage for robotic destruction for all of you competitive people.  This page may not be much now, but it will soon improve to a much larger and vast resource for robotic entertainment.  Here's a hint:

  We are building...

  My team consists of 4 members:

  Bryan Lewis

  David Radford

  Mark Dube

And Jeff Blaisdell.  On this page.... we will try to update recent BattleBot information, while building one ourselves.  We are planning to enter into BattleBots with a lightweight competitor, Cannibal (unfortuanately, we are suffering financial problems).  I will give you a sneak into our plans later, but, for now, you can enjoy some of my favorite builder links to the right.  I plan to update soon!
P.S. - The site format will be changing alot, please excuse this for we are under construction.
This is Blade Runner, Illya Polyakov's babe, see more creations by Illya here!
I have moved all of my links and more to here!
Omega Robotic's Contacts -

Bryan Lewis -

David Radford -

Mark Dube -

Jeff A.B. -
Official E-mail Address
We now introduce to you our new logo!  Remember, Omega Robotics, we are coming!

To see details and the design of my Lightweight, Cannibal, click
HERE! Enjoy!
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Copyright 2001
Omega Robotics