Penobscot Community Elementary School
Informational Links:
M.E.A. Maine Educational Association
M.D.O.E.  Maine Dept. of Education
    Union 93  -  Support Staff Network
Brooksville Community Elementary School
Blue Hill Consolidated School
Adams School, Castine Maine
This site is privately operated and provided for public information by  School Support Staff Members.  This page is updated occasionally with information from area news articles and/or information from schools in Union 93, Hancock County Maine. 

             To submit questions, concerns or  information for this site, Contact the Support Members at:

This page has been visited
Penobscot Community Elementary School

Brooksville Elementary School

Blue Hill Consolidated School
Information  Unavailable at this time

Adams  School , Castine
Information unavailable at this time

Positions may be available but not listed at this time. 
To receive applications, Please call the Superintendent's Office at:
                              (207) 374 - 9927  
Maine's "No Child Left Behind " Information pages
Maine's  M.E.A Testing Results,  Grades 4 & 8
Jobs Available within Union 93
The Bay School,    Blue Hill
Union 93 includes four Elementary Schools complimented by two private schools located in Blue Hill.   Click on the links below to view the school webpages.
Support staff members of Union 93 will be getting together soon to  discuss questions, concerns,  and other areas of intrest with other co-workers.
If you would like to join us in a pot luck dinner at some point and time in the near future,  and let off some of that built up energy from the previous school year,  send us an e-mail at the link below.    Leave us your Name, Street Mailing Address (for future snail-mail),  and a brief note that you think might be of intrest or concern to other members in Union 93.   Your personal information will be kept confidential,  your concerns , questions  or area of intrest will be posted here. for all to see and discuss....      E-mail us at: