About Union Grove Cemetery

Union Grove Cemetery is located in the south central portion of Cross County, Arkansas, sixty-eight miles due west of Memphis, Tennessee, near the town of Wynne, Arkansas. For more detailed directions please refer to the "Directions" page. There is a link to that page in the "site index" located at the bottom of this page, or you may click on any of these handy links to take you there now.

The Union Grove Cemetery Association was organized on May 30, 1908 for the purpose of "fencing, cleaning off, and properly caring for the cemetery" It's original constitution and by-laws can be viewed on the "History" page as well as many other historically significant documents, letters, and images. The Union Grove Cemetery Association is still active today, although it's organization and by-laws has been modified somewhat over the years as our society has progressed.

The old "White Church" burned down many years ago, and has since been replaced by a pavillion. The Association has moved it's annual meeting out of doors under the new pavillion, and a grand pot-luck picnic has become the highlight of this event.

The annual "Memorial Day Reunion Picnic" has become a pivotal event in the lives of those who bear a connection to this place. The families of Union Grove come from all parts of the country on this day to pay their respects, visit family and old friends, and bond with other less familiar members in a way that mere acquaintances never can. You can view photos of the year 2000 reunion on the "Photo Gallery" page.

Now, through the miracle of the world wide web, we invite you to browse these pages and seek your own connection to Union Grove. Whether you are doing genealogical research, historical research, or just curious, there is something here for you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Heartland Genealogical Society
Site Index
History of Union Grove Cemetery
Alphabetical Surname Index
Burials Indexed by Date
Photo Gallery
Recommended Links
Copyright May 2000. Union Grove Cemetery Association. All rights reserved.