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Samoan Community Visits SFC Senetenari Polu

1) Pastor Meki and faletua JoAnn To'alepai, wish Sene Polu the best for his speedy recovery.
2) Contingency from Fort Bragg, North Carolina pictured with Sene and his wife Rosie.
(l-r) CW05 Totolua "koko" Yandall, Captain Fitiuta Apelu Faiivae-Galea'i; Sergeant Major John Letuli; Major Tauapai Laupola and CSM Tuileama Nua.
3) CSM Nua presenting special coin to Sene, which is known throughout military circles as a typical event of significance.
4) Command Sergeant Major Ricardo Alcatara who oversees the entire Walter Reed facility and a close friend of CSM Nua and Major Laupola when they were stationed together in Korea.  CSM Alcatara pictured with the Polus.
5) Mafutaga Malosi o Tina o le Ekalesia Samoa i le Laumua infront of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
(l-r) Afioga Falenaoti Aliki Lavea; Meipo Tavita-Tasi; Faletua JoAnn Kovacs-To'alepai; Aluane Te'o; Isapela Enesi-Coggins & Alalafaga Vaouli-Toia.
Samoan Communities of DC & North Carolina visit with Sene Polu.
Talk about perfect timing, the Samoan Community Christian Church of DC waited just enought time this past Sunda evening, April 13th, to visit with injured Samoan soldier Sergeant First Class Senetenari Pe'a Polu at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) as the Fort Bragg, North Carolina Samoan military contingency arrived.  At the end of their morning service at Fort Myer, Virginia, many of the DC church members were prepared to visit the injured soldier but it was Toleafoa Luteru Te'o, Vice President of the Samoan Church's Leadership team who announced that Polu was in surgery and would not be available until later in the afternoon.
At the same time, communication was received that the Samoans of the Fort Bragg community were enroute following their Sunday morning service.
True to God's word in Ephesians 8:28, that "...in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose," both Samoan communities came together for a special prayer service, faigalotu, for Sene Polu at the appointed time of 6pm in the evening.  What's more, the military official with oversight of the entire Walter Reed facility was none other than Command Sergeant Major Ricardo Alcantara who is a good friend of both CSM Tuileama Nua and Major Tauapa'i Laupola; Alcantara was able to provide a special reception room to fit the entire group for worship.
Timing was everything as Sene had just completed an ultrasound following another three hour surgery Sunday morning.
Led by Pastor Meki and Faletua JoAnn To'alepai, the group began by singing hymns as they prepared for the wonded soldier to be wheeled into reception area.  JoAnn To'alepai, a palagi with a big Samoan heart, initiated the singing of the beloved hymn LMS 92, "Fa'afetai i le Atua," where everyone chimed in all three verses.  Sene arrived with his wife Rosalind "Rosie" Tualatai-Polu and one of his elder sisters who accompanied Rosie from Seattle, Washington, Aotuimalae "Ao" Polu-Finauga. 
The injured Samoan soldier went right into the singing of hymn 92 and it was quite a sight to see as he joyously sang the words along with everyone.
Pastor To'alepai began the opening prayer of thanksgiving, as a humbled people gathered grateful to the living God for sparing Sene Polu's life.
When asked another hymn to sing, "Mai le Vavau i le Fa'avavau" was the song of choice, one of Sene's favorites.  And while everyone sang, there was a watchful eye on the man who has endured a horrendous fate of war but obviously in great spirits and determined to live.
SFC Polu belted out the words of both verses of this beloved contemporary Christian hymn by Peace Chapel with its chorus "Lo'u agaga, fa'amanu ma fa'afetai; I le Atua o le vavau, na te u'u mau oe; Si'i a'e lo'u leo, ma alaga, E lelei, e lelei Oe." 
The worshiop continued with LMS hymn 144 "Ua So'ona Olioli nei lo'u loto ia Iesu," with its lively melody and upbeat lyrics of praise.  Followed by hymn 98, "Pepese tatou i lo tatou Atua; Ina fa'afetai i lo tatou Alii, O le na maliu e fa'amamaina ai, tatou uma nei ai o tatou leaga."
An opportunity was then given to the Fort Bragg entourage that traveled over five hours, Major Tauapa'i Laupola spoke on their behalf, which included CWS Totolua "Koko" Yandall, CSM Tuileama Nua, Sergeant Major John Letuli, Captain Fitiuta Apelu Faiivae-Galea'i, and ladies Lana Aga and Lusia Bartley.  CSM Nua made a special presentation of his CSM coin to Sene Polu which is a significant part of military life.
Tears of joy were free flowing amongst mostly the women but it was certainly a time of great worship and thanksgiving as well.  Pastor To'alepai's words of encouragement to the wounded warrior was a reminder of what Jesus Christ endured on the cross for the sins of many.  That his body was racked with wounds and injuries, but as the prophet Isaiah declared, "...with His strips, we are healed." 
The Faifeau also thanked Sene for his remarkable service and his courage that has left so many Samoan people inspired all around the world.  It was the eloquent oratorical presentation of the Samoan Church Secretary General, le Afioga Tupa'imatuna Iulai Lavea, a High Talking Chief from the Independent State of Samoa employed at the World Bank in DC, that caught everyone's attention, "Sene, ta te le masani, e te leiloa foi a'u; ae o le matou va'ava'ai atu ia te oe, se o oe lava o le Toa.  Ua malie toa, ua malo tau!  Matou te o mai e aumai la matou fa'afetai, i lou tautua atunu'u, tautua aiga, tautua lotu, tautua toto ona o le sa'olotoga o tagata uma." 
Tupa'i's lauga captured every heart present, it reflected the love that Christ had for His own, to lay down His life to save the world.  And before ending, the Samoan Failauga asked to sing "Ua so'ona olioli nei lo'u lotu ia Iesu" again as he had learned of Sene's love for this hymn in praise and worship.  With another melody/tune of the same hymn, the place became even livelier when Toleafoa Luteru and Dr. Fatilua of Congressman Faleomavaega's office displayed
Pentecostal worship with the clapping of hands and absolute open praise. After the awesome service, the Samoan congregationa made a presentation of a bouquet of "Get Well" flowers to Rosie Polu and a card with monetary gift to show love and affection for the Samoan hero who has made everyone proud and blessed to see his will to live and enormous bravery. 
Rosie thanked the gathering on behalf of her husband Sene and her sister-in-law Aotuimalae, humbly acknowledging the fact that though they did not have any family in nation's capital, they have been cared for in every aspect by the God whom Sene so fervently believed in with the kindness of the whole Samoan community and the affection of strangers.
The Samoans dispersed with fond good-byes and well-wishes for the Samoan hero whose life was spared, Sergeant First Class Sene Polu of Faleasao, Manu'a, and bidding each other farewell as the Fort Bragg contingency departed for their long drive back to North Carolina.