Current Leader
Kilik Treva
Current Location: Asia
Troop count: 0
Command count: 2, Tio Elikeo, Kilik Treva
The Beginning of the Moon Droplets
They were formed in 1996 after the great migration of Aloria. They began their HQ within the musty streets of New York and prayed on the guilty dirt bags who robbed, murdered, and raped. They too took to the delights of thievery and murder, getting their daily funds from the corpses of the wicked. At that time the Moon Droplets only had ten members, one of them being Tio Elikeo the run away from the goody goody two shoes empire of Aloria. They of course did not go by the odd name of the Moon Droplets back than, they were simply considered a mob of vigilantes.
When the stakes became higher and the other legends started to flood to Chicago, Kilik thought it'd be best to join up with his once close friend Ty.
It seemed the child had his own up rising going on in Chicago, and could use some help. Kilik and the rest of the members quickly fled the crappy city of New York and headed to Chicago.
This is when it all went wrong, once just some fun terrorism and liberating now became a full out war, the president of the united states of America was assassinated by another tyrant known only as Alex Elikeo. The Moon Droplets soon dropped their angelic ways and threw on the ol' assassin gig. The world was about to change.
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