This incredible picture was drawn by Kokaze. Take it without her and my permission and die :)
Welcome to UGFA, a club for all Gareas Elidd fans and obsessees to unite and celebrate/glomp/share our love for this most kawaii pilot.

Do you fast-forward through taped episodes of Megami Kouhosei (Pilot Candidate, Candidate for Goddess, etc.) trying to catch a glimpse of Garu?  Do you spend all your saved allowance money on Japanese manga you can't read to own some pictures of your favorite green-haired character?  Do you cover your bedroom walls and doors with any picture of him you can find on the Internet?   Do you beg your art-goddess friends to draw you pictures of him?  *pants*
Probably not.

Do you just really like Gareas Elidd?

Then this is the club for you!
Updates //5.20.04// Check it out!  UGFA has received a banner graciously donated by the kind Sasaricah.  It is lovely, that it is.  Check it out on the Banners page.  Put it on your site.  Join the United Garu Fan Association!  Come on, you know you want to.  Did you know that this site has received more hits than my others?  How cool is that?  I'm thinking of a new layout...more about it later!  
Garu has been glomped
times since 11.2.02
The United Garu Fan Association is proud to be affiliated with Zero Gravity, the official Zero Enna fanlisting!