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"Blue & Red" by Jonathon Bowser

Reprinted with permission.
Artwork © Jonathon Earl Bowser
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Artwork not to be reprinted without
meeting Mr. Bowser's reproduction instructions.



The Path to Harmony:
The Role of the Wiccan Rede and the Rule of Three
by Flame RavenHawk

Wicca is a process of living in harmony with ourselves, with others, and with the World. We seek this harmony through Love. Harmony can mean many different things. Harmony means balance between things that seem different. Harmony means finding the “same-ness” in things that appear to have nothing in common. Harmony is the blending of these elements for the good of all. Love is often the only way to find this difficult harmony.

We first must love ourselves. There will never be harmony within our spirits if we don’t first love, respect, and accept ourselves for who we are. Learning how to love ourselves often involves getting to know ourselves better. We need to learn who we are and why we are in the World. By getting to know ourselves, we can love ourselves for the unique and special people we are. By becoming aware of our weaknesses, we can overcome them. By being aware of our strengths, we can use them as a force for positive change, growth, and good.

From this inner harmony of self-love, we can learn to love others. We become aware of other people and learn to love them. When this happens, there is mutual respect; for we love them like we love ourselves. We begin to understand that we all have that “same-ness” even though we are different people. We honor the spirits of others because they are special and loved like us. Through love, we discover the harmony between ourselves and others.

Compromise is often necessary for harmony. NO ONE can ever have everything one wants. We become aware that the needs of others are equally important as our own needs. Love of others means consideration of the needs and emotions of others, and then striving to act in harmony with them. If the love is returned, they will be considering your needs and emotions as well. Thus compromises are made, and through love, harmony with others is achieved.

When we have learned to love ourselves and live in harmony with others, we can then extend that love to the World. When we love the world, we will not abuse it, just like we won’t abuse ourselves or others. We become aware that we are a part of the World, not apart from it. We treat the Earth with respect, and all who live on it, including people different than us, plants, and animals. We love the whole world, not just the parts that are easier to love. When we stretch our love to every part of the planet, then we feel that love returned equally magnified.

The things in this world are not “out to get us,” we have just forgotten how to live in harmony with them. When we do stupid, careless, or bad things, then we have somehow lost that harmony. We have lost harmony either in ourselves, with those others, or with the World. Through Love, balance can always be restored.

The Wiccan Rede & the Rule of Three

To help us remember the connections between Love and Harmony, Wicca has two guidelines that we agree upon and live by. They are the Wiccan Rede and the Three-Fold Law. The Wiccan Rede states: “An it harm none, do as thou wilt.” The Three-Fold Law says: “All energy that you send out in the World will return to you Three-Fold.”

The Wiccan Rede is just like the “Golden Rule”: “Do to others what you like them to do to you,” or “treat others like you would like to be treated.” It means treating people with respect and dignity, and realizing that other people have rights, too. Never do anything that will hurt someone else, either by words or by actions.

The Three-Fold Law explains why this is so important. For everything you send out, you will get it back. Thoughts, just like actions, are energy. This is one of the fundamental concepts of magic. When you send positive, loving, and healing thoughts into the world, they will return to you three times stronger than the thought you sent out. When you send negative, hateful, and harmful thoughts into the world, they will also return to you three times as strong.

There is no special book where you can look up your name and “see how you’re doing.” No one can tell you that the special treat you found or the unexpected surprise you received is because of something nice you did last week. There is no time limit on the Law, and the cause is not often clearly linked to the effect. What Wiccans do know is that everything, eventually, will be returned to you. Once you start to pay attention to the Law, you’d be surprised at how it always works.

When we pay attention to the Rede and remember the Law, we are helped in living our lives in harmony with ourselves, others, and the World. We then know that to hurt someone else means that we hurt ourselves, in many different ways. That is why we always seek to find that balance, that harmony, through love.

About the Author

Flame RavenHawk is a Pagan author who has been teaching and writing about topics of interest to the Pagan community since 1987. Visit her website for more indepth information on Wiccan and Pagan topics.

Used with Permission

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The Infinity Makeover
by Daniel Jacob & The Reconnections

Another Transmission from The Reconnections

My Dear Friends,

Many of you are feeling the unrest that is present in the world today. Those positive and negative vibrations are really on the move! Those who are sensitive will often try to interpret what they are feeling through their own "grid" of perception. They will resonate with what is going on globally, and interpret it as though it is being sourced in them. This is called "grounding the energies to yourself." Very good! Very good!

Have you ever been awakened abruptly, in the middle of a powerfully vivid dream? Someone speaks to you, bumps you, or an alarm goes off in the house, causing you to awaken? In the moment before you open your eyes, you are caught between two realities--immersed in the dream, but also receiving stimulus from the waking world as well. In that brief moment, have you ever merged the two? Have you suddenly noticed your child, right in the middle of your unfolding dream, asking for a drink of water? If so, you will understand what is happening to your 3D world right now.

Humanity is now being awakened from the Dream of the Ages. Your physical world is becoming a Metaphysical Portal. New energies are flooding in--like sperm, during the act of love-- racing to fertilize the first available egg! And Friends! In your individual universes........that "egg" is YOU!

Possible/probable realities are now gathering around you in droves. You brush them away from your face, just to be able to see the path in front of you. When a potentiated energy particle (PEP) enters into you, you immediately find a way to harmonize that presence with the rest of what is going on. If you cannot do this, you will have a feeling of being "visited," causing unusual sensations to move through your body. This is what produces those surges that occasionally move through you during these highly transformative times. They are voices of eternity, speaking gently to your internal sensory self, shaking you awake from the 3D dream. You are being QUICKENED, My Friends! Wake up! Wake up!


Many of you are distressed by what we have described above. Many more are delighted by it. How one responds to "visitations" from the Other Side is largely determined by how safe they were to express their spiritual perceptions when they were young children. If your parents encouraged your spiritual journey back then, you'll probably have less fear now, as you expand your horizons. If they denied or inhibited your sharing back then, you may have a bit of a struggle with new input in your Now Moment.

It's time for a makeover. The perceptions that are coming into your spirit body long to be embodied and expressed, in some way, in your physical world. We have found that the easiest, and most basic way to do this is called "An Infinity Makeover." It is a technique for rearranging your residence or business to match the ever-changing flow of your Inner Self.

Many people panic when they are presented with the prospect of a makeover. They dread the idea of cleaning out closets, so they allow many mementos of past life experiences to pile up to high around them. In this way, they block themselves from seeing clearly and appreciating what is happening NOW! Does this describe you? Is your physical body surging and purging and rocking and rolling with the incoming tide? Here is something that may help you. You can do with it what you will.

Imagine a figure "8" lying on it's side. It is the infinity symbol, is it not? Weave that symbol into your heart.

Picture the "left" side of the symbol as a circle of perception that explores your physical home or business--a focused GAZE through your living space--searching for "deadbeat" articles that are simply taking up space, collecting dust, and have no feeling left in them. Don't try to handle all of them, in the beginning, simply look for one. Take the article from its position in your home and make a choice about where it will go. Will you: (a) pack it away in a storage facility (save it).......will you (b) resurrect it, by giving it to someone whose life it can bless, OR.... will you (c) bury it, by throwing it in a dumpster, so Master Carion and his Associates can decompose it, and remake it into something new?

After you have made your decision, and let go of the "dead weight" that had accumulated in your living space, move to the "right side" of the infinity symbol. This would symbolize a circle of discovery that takes you away from your home or business, exploring your changing world as Christopher Columbus explored his. Do you REALLY imagine that you have seen and embraced everything in your own town or neighborhood?

There is a whole world out there! And it is transforming, even as YOU are transforming. Look for something new........something vital, something wonderful to fill that empty space. It could be a book, a feather, or a piece of art that excites you and thrills your heart. It doesn't have to be expensive. It only needs to be expansive, do you see? Acquire it, and take it back to bless your home or business. If you cannot immediately find something, return to your home with a fresh perspective and a host of vibrant energies to harmonize or rearrange things so that occasional emptiness seems like a balanced and happy thing.

Have you ever tasted the grandeur of divine emptiness? It is a doorway into All That Is! Many of you are secretly frightened at the idea of expansion and infinite possibility. You create a small circle of friends or a tightly defined "work track" of movement, and you fill up your space with clutter (memories of past lives that are not connected to NOW)---and your meander around in that labyrinth, so you don't have to interact with the idea of OPENNESS or POTENTIALITY. This is not true of all of you, but it is true of some, yes? Now could be a time to change that, if you feel ready.

The "Infinity Makeover" is a two-way process. You make a circuit of WHAT WAS and then you circle yourself around into WHAT COULD BE. The fluidity of the figure "8" provides an image of two circles that are constantly giving to and receiving from one another. This is how your life can be, if you will allow it. If you cannot afford what you want, take a picture of it, and put that picture into the space where you would put it, if you had it. Or........write down what you want, and place a small metal pyramid over that piece of paper, so you can draw that energy unto yourself.

The image of Infinity is not meant to be flat or confined--nor does it exist in just two dimensions. In the Multiversal sense, it is meant to be a kind of stairway that takes you through many levels of reality, if you desire it. This is why the Reconnection experience is often referred to as "The Spiral Journey."

Go ahead. Have a makeover! It's fun. It's simple. And your physical world will begin to smile. Your home and surroundings will begin to reflect the energy upgrade as well! The air around you will begin moving, as excitement and possibility gradually fills the air! The process doesn't have to absorb a LOT of time. But you will have to devote a BIT of time to it. Once you taste the difference, you will constantly be wanting to dance through the spiral. And, as you do, something wonderful will happen. Those "surges" and "purges" of energy that you feel in your body will diminish. Instead of fretting over them, you will find yourself RIDING THEM, through joyful, conscious action. You will be integrating the Unseen into the World of the Seen.

Is that groovy or what?

<end transmission>

Channeled by Daniel Jacob

Copyright, 2005, by Daniel Jacob. All Rights Reserved. May be copied and shared, for purposes of personal growth and/or research, so long as the above URL and this copyright are included. All reproduction for profit, by any means, requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.

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Your Beliefs
By Carrie Hart & Quado

Question from a Reader:

In a message on, Quado seems to be saying that coincidences and serendipitous experiences, which I always took to be God working in my life, are actually the result of spirit guides and not God. Is this a correct interpretation of what I have read?

Quado’s Response:

I am going to ask you to do something which some of you will welcome and some of you will find difficult. I am going to ask you to believe whatever it is you wish to believe and not to be swayed by what anyone else tells you is true.

There are several reasons for this. The first and most important is that you own your own truth. The truth is, in fact, what you believe. This is not only your truth, but also to a great extent the truth that you create around you, influencing the world.

And so, if you believe that you are alone in the world, you are. If you believe there is a benevolent God watching over you, who knows your fate and is directing your destiny, then there is. And if you believe there are spirit guides who are causing coincidences, or fairies or angels who do this, then there are.

And if you believe you have a special relationship with Jesus and that he is intervening with his Father on your behalf, then he is. And if you think that it is better to go through Mary to achieve this, then this is also your truth, your reality. And if you believe that you are your own god, then you are.

In fact, you will never know how things are in a greater and broader sense. No one who lives on earth and shares this dream of life can tell you how things are. And how can I, since my words are being passed through a dreamer such as yourself?

You can only understand what you can understand. If you had never seen an airplane, someone would describe it to you as being like a big metal bird gliding across the sky, since a bird would be your only reference to flying. And thus does the bird become a metaphor for the plane and thereby allow you to understand at least a little of what it is, enough for discussion at least, enough for you to get a picture in your mind. But yet, an airplane is not really very much like a bird, is it?

And so it is with religion and spirituality. No one can tell you exactly how things are and exactly what will happen after you die. Any words that you hear are filtered down through the metaphors which work in your life and with your life experience.

In spiritual writing, much of what is presented to you is in the form of old metaphors, such as angels and Jesus, spirits and God, some from the traditions of your own society and some borrowed from various older traditions and religions around the world. And much of it is a newer metaphor, such as pure energy. And this metaphor works for you, because you have accepted that energy is a real but unseen force that makes the television work.

And so here is the only truth you can know. If it feels right and true to you, it is. Learn to know your center, your heart of rightness, the feeling of peace and calm in your center that says, yes, this feels right. Learn to give this feeling precedence over any rational explanation your mind can come up with.

There is so much talk, talk, talk, all meant to convince your rational mind that some view of life makes sense. Leave that off. Go to your own center and ask yourself there what feels true.

And when someone tells you that God is love, ask yourself, does that feel right and true? And when someone else says you are god, ask yourself, does that feel true? And when someone else says we are all one, does that feel like truth? Is all of this true, or none of it? The answers are inside you, in your truth.

And who am I, Quado? Am I a little piece of God spun off and down here to help you? Am I but an aspect of Carrie, part of her soul self expressed differently? Or am I a spirit guide, a higher guide who is here to pass down wisdom? It does not matter. I am what you wish to believe. The only thing that matters is this: do the words feel true to you? When you read what is written, does it feel good and true? Does it make you feel settled and comfortable in your center? Then, good, this is your truth. If not, that is all right. Just let it go and move on to something that makes you feel true, centered and right.

There is no right or wrong with this. You own your own view of life. You create it. And if there are things for which you have no explanation, questions you cannot answer, then good. That is the sign of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Having all the answers is an end to growth and learning. Learn to be comfortable in a world of ambiguity and paradox. Accept that you will not know, cannot know, and no one else can either. Then just continue to learn and explore, having experiences and interpreting these experiences through your center of truth. Read and explore and learn with others as well, but pass everything through your own filter of truth.

You know as much as anyone. For everyone is in this same dream of life, living in this same dimension. And even forays out into other dimensions still can only be interpreted and shared through the limited tools available to you in this one.

So why not relax and enjoy your life and accept that it cannot be intellectually, rationally explained? Live this moment, right now, as fully and completely as you can, embracing the beauty of each moment, filling it with love and caring and connection with others. Fill each moment full of the wonder which is you, opening your heart and letting it pour out into the world, letting your light shine out and sending the darkness running.

Glow from your own center of truth, by feel, not by intellect. Just glow and be and share all of the love and light and wonder that you are. Squeeze each moment dry, taking from it the great juice of life, the vibrant energy of being. Laugh out loud, run and jump, sing and dance. Live!

Do this and everything else will fall into place, and all the rational and intellectual explanations, all the channelings and visions, will not matter at all. For you are alive and living this life, having this experience, feeling it, embracing it and knowing it, deeply into this very moment, right now. And that is all that is true. That is all that exists. Now.

About The Author

Carrie Hart is a spiritual healer and channeler of Quado. Go to to read more messages from Quado and learn how Carrie became a spiritual healer & what services she is now offering. Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on

Copyright 2005 - Carrie Hart

Reprinted with Permission

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Spirit Signs - June 2005
Falling Asleep At The Wheel
By Robyn Johnston

Greetings travelers! This month’s Spirit Signs takes a look at

“Drivers fatigue”. We often experience drowsiness after we’ve been on the road for many hours (days, weeks, months, life times!) Well, find a place to pull over and ponder these thoughts!

How many of you have driven for several long hours, happily motoring

along, only to find as you glance out at your windshield that you don’t know where you are? Or better yet, you don’t remember driving by a familiar landmark. Kind of creepy isn’t it? These interesting moments may happen often or only on occasion, but the fact that it happen is noteworthy.

As responsible drivers, we don’t want to make it a habit of

being “out of body” for very long. Such practices are best left to our sanctuaries and meditation chairs! However it is in coming back that we have the opportunity to gain insight and remember why we are here, to rebalance and reestablish our goals and priorities.

So, why are you here? It may come as a surprise to a few readers, but most of us know, at least on a soul level, that we consciously choose to re-enter this plane. Aside from the religious affiliations you hold or the beliefs that you keep, it makes sense that this is one big classroom! Those who are living here at this time, made the choice to be here. You are here for a reason, it is not random accident. You are here and more than likely it has to do with learning to love. So, if you are just now joining us, Welcome to our Spiritual Classroom on EARTH! (It doesn’t hurt my feelings if you have been asleep for the past several editions, I’ve taught in a public school for nine years!)

There was a time, not too long ago that I had a personal revelation. I remembered after reading some sacred information that yes, I did choose to come here. I remembered thinking what fun it would be, I remembered the energy initially involved in this choice, the type of excitement that comes when I get going on a new project, the exhilaration I feel when I am blessed with a fresh starting point.

Shortly after I began to open to my higher self even more and invite the information in that had been waiting for me to tap into all along. Each of us passes through these spiritual check points. Sometimes we are awake for them, and sometimes we wake up during them. What is important to remember is that there is really nothing to fear and there is nothing we have to do while we are here, except be aware that there are always teachers, guides, and lots of lessons to assist us in what we came here to do and learn.

One thing I noticed from opening up to this awareness is that it was much easier to release the fear that can build up from being on the earth for a while. If you’ve ever observed babies and toddlers, you’ll see first hand what it is like to look at the world with innocence and wonder. It is a delight, so many new things to learn and explore so many people to meet and things to do. However, the longer we are here, the duller our senses become. As we age and go through these experiences, we become masters at the craft of “tuning out” the higher vibrations that are available to lead us to the next set of instructions and higher realms of spiritual insight.

I often share with my reiki clients that our bodies are really vibrations of light and energy. Over time these vibrations can slow, becoming blocked, dull and clogged. Reiki and other energetic healing therapies assist in helping the body release these old energy patterns, emotional scars, wounds and garbage. This helps bring the body back into alignment. We can go further by comparing the body to a home and the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical issues we harbor to debris or garbage. Most of us know the importance of taking out the trash on a regular basis. If we didn’t dump the waste from our cars and homes, pretty soon, we would find that there would be no place to sit! When we clear out the rubbish within our body! , mind and spirit, we create a more open and relaxing spaces for our souls to live and grown in.

We don’t have to be excellent students to figure out that the lessons that come to us are because we CHOOSE them. It doesn’t take a lot of brain cells to realize that if we don’t learn from perceived negative lessons, they will continue to come back to us until we wake up to what we need to know and begin the process of transcending these lessons.

No, we don’t have to become wise travelers, we ALREADY are! We need to learn to drive our spiritual vehicles with more awareness, determination and self-care. Once we learn to maneuver our own vehicles we are then called to assist other drivers out there, making our spiritual highways a joyous place for all.

One of the easiest ways to welcome and open to this awareness is to take responsibility for our actions. Seeing ourselves as divine images of God can instantly free us from driving along the “victim route”. Even the tiniest shift in thought and awareness can bring about monumental change.

We are not here to set land-speed records for spiritual acceleration, but it might be a good idea to get going! (P.S. In some situations, you can expect a “cosmic thaw” if you are NOT following spirit as closely as you need to be. Our higher selves and spirit teams are experts at keeping us on track!)

One thing I have noticed on this particular spirit journey is that you can expect to travel with feeling and insight as your map. Sometimes spirit lessons don’t come to us in the form we expect and certainly doesn’t happen in a linear sequence. For example, we may have already grown out of a job that no longer fosters or supports our spiritual gifts. We may be guided to move on, long before we see the physical abundance that is there to support our move. If this is the case for you, you are being given a divine lesson for your soul. I encourage you to take whatever routes are opening to you at this time! Look upon these trails with adventure and fun-loving excitement. Our time on this journey is short. There is really nothin! g that we HAVE to do. You came here for the SOUL PURPOSE of learning to love, love yourself, love others and to be of service to all those brothers and sisters who chose to come in at this time as well. How do you want to bring about your divine purpose? What steps can you initiate today that will invite change and refreshment in your life, right now?

It’s all right for you to fall asleep behind the wheel of spirit, just as long as you remember to wake up! Spirit is always patient. It’s true you may “crash” a couple of times, but don’t worry these wake-up calls are not road blocks or detours; they may have been carefully placed in your life for a divine reason!

Here are some driving tips for staying awake:

Take a breather, pull off and get out of your vehicle, shed off the

mundane world, the to-do list and obligations. Dip into a meditative

retreat and refresh your soul.

Driving can be monotonous, especially on along road trip! Give your self little breaks; pull over for a fun pit-stop to invite creativity and inspiration from your spirit team.

Go through the “car wash” by employing some detoxification rituals, such as using a sauna, having a massage or even spending time in a sweat lodge. Reiki and other transformational healing practices are ideal ways to release old patterns and help raise vibrations for ascension and assimilation of the new energies coming in at this time.

Remember to pack healthy, nutritious “food for thought” by reading inspiring literature. Be open to the books that fall into your hands!

Take time from your day to just be. Journal your thoughts and be aware of any reoccurring themes, your team may be trying to tell you something!

Seek your own truth. Avoid allowing the media to dictate what the truth is. You create your reality by the thoughts you harbor!

Return to natural lifestyle choices; avoid processed foods, use mesh bags for shopping, instead of plastic, make your own skin care products with essential oils, find ways to reduce waste and promote environmental healing.

Take a look at what influences your spending/shopping habits. Are these choices in alignment with your spirit?

Incorporate frequent breaks for exercise and play. Sitting behind the wheel can become mundane, which leads to feelings of boredom. Use, walking, cycling, hiking, swimming as a way to align your spirit with your physical body. Summer time energy offers us wonderful opportunities to get out and enjoy the precious environments and scenery of Mother Earth

Hey, here’s an idea, WHY NOT LET YOUR SPIRIT TEAM DRIVE FOR A LITTLE WHILE? You should enjoy the view every now then. I am sure they will be more than happy to relieve you of “driver’s fatigue”! The truth is we are co-creators with Divine Source, we are not asked to be “in control” all the time.Our guides are always ready to assist!

Please feel free to pass this along to “fellow spirit travelers”,

Especially those who may be suffering from exhaustion! There are lots of helpful practices and exercises to assist in taking control of your wheel! For information on how to get started and the services I offer, please email me at!

Happy Trails!

Robyn R. Johnston, Spiritual Guide

About the Author

Robyn Johnston is a Feng Shui practitioner, Nine Star Ki Consultant and Reiki Master. She is available for residential and business consultations, energetic readings and distance reiki sessions. Robyn also offers personal coaching and intuitive guidance through these tools. If you would like to schedule a consultation, reading or session with Robyn, she can be contacted through email at Be sure to also check out her website for online Nine Star Ki Readings and Distant Healing! For details on the unique services that Robyn offers, please check out her website

Reprinted with permission, submitted by author

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Spirit Signs - July 2005
“Dedicated to those following their higher purpose”
By Robyn Johnston

Hello travelers! Tourist season is in full swing in my neck of the woods. Lots of sunshine, swimming, hiking, canoeing, and camping! Summer energy tends to bring on a more relaxed attitude, sneaking away to a quiet spot at the lake or hanging out with friends on the deck. In my former career as a teacher, I lived for May, June and July! This time was equated with freedom from a strict schedule and the burden of stress carried from the nine months of classroom teaching.

I am so thankful that I finally made the choice to face my fears and reclaim my authentic life. By taking these steps, and following spirit, I realize that there was more to it than simply “quitting my job”, I was giving myself a “permanent vacation!

So while I write you now, I see myself as full-time tourist, though I won’t be doing a lot of world traveling until 2008! In truth though, we’re all tourists! None of us make our permanent home here on earth. We’re just “hangin’ out” for a while. I think some of us forget from time to time that this experience can be a fun and exciting adventure, just like the ones you look forward to on “vacations”.

How many of you live for vacation time? Do you tend to deprive yourself of the relaxation and rejuvenation that is available right in your own home, every day! Wouldn’t you love to live like you were on vacation? Does this sound wonderful? So how does one go about becoming a full-time tourist, rather than a resident on this spiritual journey? The answer lies in our suitcases! That’s right. You need only to look to your luggage to see which category you might fall into. Here’s a hint, the lighter the load you carry, the faster and smoother and getting to your destination is!

Country western crooner, George Strait reminds listeners of traveling lightly in his song, You’ll Be There, “You can’t take nothing with you there and you don’t bring nothin’ back, I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack”. What a positive reminder for all tourists! As we pass through this life, we realize that we’re here for the experience, integrating lessons along the way, learning to identify and accept our own divinity, while balancing all that comes with being fully human.

Many years ago my parents gifted me with a trip to Mexico for my college graduation. My mom who was very nervous about taking to the air, in moment of weakness, (or perhaps too much wine?) agreed to go with me. Our friends, who were experienced travelers, about fell over with laughter when they saw how much my mom brought along. Literally everything in her bathroom, she figured there would be a sink in the hotel so she didn’t bother with that! Our friends went through the items releasing all but the most essential things. Her belongings went from two suitcases to a small carry-on! Liberation! (However, she chose not to remain light for very long, you should have seen all that she brought home!) We all have free will, right?!

We are a society that collects and collects. Many people have the mentality that more is better, but dear spirit seekers, we know this is not the case. If we are really going to enjoy this vacation, assist ourselves, our families and our society, we are going to need to travel lightly. In truth there isn’t a whole lot that we HAVE to have.

As a feng shui consultant, clients often share tangible experiences of becoming lighter. After they analyze the contents of their homes and begin to purge what no longer supports them, they release items that are not harmonious. This creates space to bring in items and energy that anchors what they want to accomplish, who they wish to become and where they wish to go. Emotional, spiritual, mental and physical detoxification is a direct route to taking a permanent vacation! Are you ready to join me? Still not convinced it’s possible to be on a permanent vacation? Ok, read on!

Jesus provides an excellent example of spiritual living, trust and traveling lightly. It wouldn’t have done much good for him and his disciples to bring all the cooking pots, materials, clothes, etc. Not only would that have taken a lot of time to pack and unpack, it was totally unnecessary. God promised that if they followed His call, their needs would be met. That promise still stands for spiritual tourists of today. Our divine connection with the higher realms requires little more than an open mind and a willing heart as to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable journey. Did I mention you can begin at any time?

In addition to all the baggage carried, vacationers add to their load by stressing about funding the fun! Again, the divine master Jesus provides a beautiful example of trust. As Jesus taught and shared his wisdom, healing and insight, his needs were always provided for; he was given food and shelter along the way. In other words, he didn’t have to worry about finding the audience, establishing contacts, getting out press releases, doing publicity work, managing a website, checking emails or worrying about how to pay for a building and materials needed to share his message. He also didn’t take the time to stress about hotel reservations, or what clothes would look best for his presentation! He knew he was a tourist, he was in the world, not of the world, and so are we.

So being the divine masters that we are, why do we burden ourselves with emotional, physical, mental or spiritual baggage? For one thing, many of us get locked into negative pattern from an early age. As we head into the higher vibrations many are integrating now, we realize these programs are not working like they used to. When this new energy crops up, many start feeling the physical strains of carrying around such heavy loads. For some, the weight of these burdens has provided a barrier, emotional padding. The negative thinking and false beliefs have become unconscious habits. However, we don’t need to lug around these heavy loads, the baggage of worry, doubt and fear can be released at any time. All we need to do is

One of the quickest ways to downsize is through your thoughts. With some divine assistance I am creating a “Manifestation Manual” to guide those souls who wish to transcend from the place they are right now to where they wish to go. Believe me, it doesn’t have to take long to create your ideal life. The life I am living right now is a direct result of applying the techniques that I am transcribing in the manual. Once the choice is made to align with spirit, great miracles begin to occur!

You will notice that heavy emotions, situations, relationships, thoughts, beliefs and ideals take up too much room! Once they are gone, there is room and time to enjoy your vacation. For me, the release of deep seated fears, and limited thinking created a shift that allowed more time in my schedule for writing, doing readings, distant healing sessions, teaching, counseling, speaking and guiding others, the activities I love to do! Obligations and worries had slowed me down, took up space and drained me of the vital energy needed to carry out my divine purpose. I consciously realized that I am enjoying my life more and “working” less, just like being on a permanent vacation!

What could you do right now to lighten your load? The first answer that comes to mind is probably one from the soul level. Honor it, try not to dilute or judge it. Spirit comes through very clearly, if we are willing to be objective.

Think about the bare necessities. What is it that you really need to be happy? In truth we probably don’t need that much, but having clear thoughts are a big bonus! I also appreciate the intuitive guidance and confidence that is given with the commitment to follow spirit. Other answers may include good health and loved ones. I doubt many of us answer with a dollar amount in the bank account, or the latest SUV model. However, these can be nice experiences to have as well!

Many of the energies present at this time support the desire to lighten the loads we carry.

However, it’s easy to get caught up in the drama of every day lives. Far too many feel they simply can’t afford to take time off to rest, let alone leave for vacation, when taking a break is what many of us need most! And when there finally is a “get away” most don’t want to be without modern conveniences. In fact, our padding and baggage is so much a part of our being that many spirit travelers continue to carry around unnecessary burdens, old hurts, outdated relationships, deeply rooted fears, and limited thinking long past the point of being helpful. What are you ready to release today?

One of the suitcases, you’ll want to check is the one that contains your self-talk. An affirmation such “My life is easier and more fun every day,” sets a solid foundation for “vacation energy” and opens the doorway to new perceptions. The key to creating a permanent vacation is consciously choosing the thoughts you carry. The reality of our tourism experience lies in the thoughts held each moment. To experience a blissful vacation, identify and focus on what attractions you’ll take in and what you want to experience. Set your spiritual itinerary with positive intentions.

How many of us fantasize about a dream vacation? When the time to “get away” has gone how many of us sit an analyze it? We attach some kind of positive or negative label to each vacation. Were there delays, confusion, frustrations? If so, check in and see what thoughts could have attracted these experiences? Most of us know, on at least a soul level, that our thoughts create our reality. Even negative or difficult experiences are ones that are attracted to us through our thoughts. Often times, if we can release the need to judge an experience as good or bad, we can shift the focus to see it as necessary, learn the lesson and move on to the next destination on our vacation.

You may have to start unpacking, lifting layer after layer, to get to the bottom of the bag. Once you reach the bottom though, it should be a lot easier to see what you’ve been toting around. The unconscious thoughts, the ones at the bottom of the pile are ones that really add the weight. When these thoughts/perceptions arise from the depths, they attract situations and experience to match them. Like dirty socks, they may hibernate for a while, but eventually they’ll be discovered!

So while it’s difficult to claim responsibility for these unconscious thoughts, doing so shows great spiritual maturity. Of coarse none of us want to experience delays or storms on our vacations, but by understanding and accepting that we create our individual experiences, we are then empowered to find an alternate route, detouring or at least positively navigating through any unpleasant territory. Being consciously aware of what we are thinking each moment requires conviction and consistency. Those who work to remain open and be aware of their mind talk are rewarded with the treasures of co-creating with the divine, rather than acting by default and allowing the “auto-pilot” to call the shots.

If you feel a permanent vacation is out of reach, ask why? How might you be placing limitations on your divine destination? Rather than depleting energy, learn to transmute your programming to attract relationships, experiences and situations that are most desired. Who ever said that learning lessons here had to be hard? Consciously choose to learn in an accelerated and enjoyable fashion. I have a high pain tolerance, but I really have more fun learning in comfort! Depending on the amount of debris you’ve packed around, you should start to feel lighter and lighter each day as you practice conscious thinking. If you’d like assistance in releasing excess baggage you now carry, please consider scheduling a transformational healing session and reading with me, I’d love to assist.

The choice to see this life as a permanent vacation is yours, so how do you want to spend your time? Trapped in the baggage claim of negative thoughts or on the express lane to personal liberation and joyful bliss?

I encourage you to pack lightly. You are only going to need a few things, an open mind, willing heart and the freedom to follow your dreams! Enjoy your travels, vacation time seems to fly!

Happy Trails!
Robyn Johnston, Spirit Guide

About the Author

Robyn Johnston is a Feng Shui practitioner, Nine Star Ki Consultant and Reiki Master. She is available for residential and business consultations, energetic readings and distance reiki sessions. Robyn also offers personal coaching and intuitive guidance through these tools. If you would like to schedule a consultation, reading or session with Robyn, she can be contacted through email at Be sure to also check out her website for online Nine Star Ki Readings and Distant Healing! For details on the unique services that Robyn offers, please check out her website

Reprinted with permission, submitted by author

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Daily Affirmation

I am ready to accept positive changes in my life now.


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Healing Circle

This is an area I'd like to offer to our subscribers for distant healing services. If you have a need for distant healing or prayer and energy work, or you know of someone who would like some, please send me an email at with "newsletter healing request" in the subject and the person's name, location and reason for the need of healing in the main email. This isn't just for healing, it can be also a request for extra energy for another reason (ie. please send energy to help Sandra find a new job), all requests for love and help will be honoured.

Each month I will post the new people who need healing in this area of the newsletter and encourage all members to send distant healing, prayer and energy to the people in the healing circle.

Greetings Dekora, I have a request for healing for a friend of mine. Her name is Maria and she is 45 and lives in Cockeysville, Md. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and they are going to do a lumpectomy on her on Wednesday morning, May 4, 2005. She is very scared and I would appreciate if you could send healing energy to her to sustain her during the recovery.
Please send healing energy and support to Kelley from Janesville, WI. She suffers daily from injuries sustained from a car accident in Sept. 2003. She is currently going through a difficult time with settlement from the insurance company of the person who caused the accident, and could use some "justice" energy. She can always use healing energy to help with her injuries also.

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