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"The Green Woman" by Amy Brown

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The Crystalline & Their Starseeds
by Rachel Fischer

There is a buzz going around the New Age community about new groups of highly psychic, sensitive and very gifted children. After reading several articles, I was very intrigued by the accounts of these children. I had many questions about who they are and why they are here. I wondered if they could be different groups of Starseeds, and if so, where they were from.

In this article, I focus on a specific group known as Crystal Children. They are highly regarded for their psychic abilities and gentle loving hearts. Interested in learning more about them, I used my psychic abilities to probe alternate timelines in search of information on their stellar race of origin, the Crystalline, and why the Starseeds are here. Here’s what I discovered.

Physical Characteristics and Personality Profile

Crystalline can appear in several different physical forms. The most basic form is the crystal. Just like those on Earth, they exist in a variety of sizes and colors. In their most evolved form, Crystalline are very similar in appearance to humans. The Crystalline are so similar to us that it can be hard to tell the difference.

There are several distinct features that distinguish the Crystalline from Humans. The Crystalline body is made of the same dense carbon structure as crystals. This creates an appearance of being fragile and glass-like. Their skin is a fair golden yellow, and their eyes are slanted. Their hair is silver in color, and as fine as strands of fiber glass. Just as there are no physical gender differences in crystals, there appears to be no physical difference between men and women of the hominid form.

In regards to polarity, Light/Dark, the Crystalline are polarized to the Light. This means that they feel and express only the “Light” feelings of joy, love, and happiness, etc. Being very loving and caring individuals, they are natural peace keepers. Without conflict, the Crystalline have lost the ability to feel and express “Dark” feelings of pain and anger. Thus, they come across as very stabile and content individuals. Additionally, the Crystalline are very intellectual and creative. They have a passion for learning and the fine arts.

Societal Characteristics

Having polarized to the “Light”, the Crystalline live in a collective society. This type of society functions as a unified consciousness. The minds and emotions of all individuals are linked as one group mind so all may understand each others thoughts and feelings. Being linked in such a way promotes a peaceful society but at the expense of free will and individuality.

Being of a collective society, the Crystalline belief system is based on the principle that all beings in the Universe are one. With this understanding, they do their best to live and act with a loving respect towards all members of the galactic community. In doing so, they hope to promote peace, love, and harmony among all races.

Fields of Expertise

One way in which the Crystalline serve their galactic neighbors is by storing information. In essence, they are librarians; their minds house information as a library does. In academic, government, and civilian settings, the Crystalline house books, records, documents, and even videos. Being a service that is universally needed by so many civilizations, you can imagine how knowledgeable and worldly they must be!

In addition to storing information, Crystalline are highly sought after as teachers, scientists, and spiritual advisors. Although they can be found working with a variety of subject matter, they specialize in the field of energy. Their understanding of how to use and manipulate it far surpasses our own. In the medical field, for example, their energy healing techniques are capable of healing illnesses with great ease. Imagine having the technology to unblock an artery without surgery or regenerate new bone tissue, to heal a fracture, in a fraction of the time that it takes our technology!

The Crystalline have also used their knowledge to generate energy to power cities, too. Instead of coal, oil, and gas, crystals absorb the energy from the sun to use to generate power for buildings, vehicles, and other needs. You can imagine how beneficial Crystalline innovations have been to societies throughout the Universe.

The Crystalline as Starseeds

Like other galactic races, the Crystalline have sent members of their society to represent them as starseeds on Earth. These souls have agreed to incarnate as humans to aid this planet and themselves in learning lessons for soul growth. This group of starseeds is already known to many as Crystal Children. Although adults and teenagers can be Crystal Starseeds, the majority of them are age 0 to 7. Below are some of the characteristics that I have found to indicate a Crystal Starseed, child or adult.

  • · Highly sensitive and psychic.
  • · May begin talking later than other children.
  • · Very loving, caring, and wise individuals.
  • · Possess a blissful and even temperament.
  • · Refrain from expressing emotion.
  • · Are introverted and spend a lot of time alone.
  • · Have a strong desire to help and heal others; energy healing and conflict resolution are common ways of doing so.
  • · Have a hard time understanding why one would harm another.
  • · Feel others’ emotions and fears as their own.
  • · Difficulty handling chaotic situations and being in cluttered areas.
  • · Commonly experience depression.
  • · Commonly have allergies to any number of substances.
  • · Can be misdiagnosed as Autistic.

What they are here to Give

Being very loving and caring individuals, Crystal Starseeds are here to help us understand the concept of unconditional love. They teach us to accept and respect each other as we are. No matter whom someone is or what they might believe in, Crystal Starseeds always treat everyone in a kind and loving manner.

Additionally, Crystal Starseeds can teach us to become more reliant on our own intuition and psychic abilities. Although, Crystal Children tend to start talking later than other children, they can be very communicative in other ways. There are parents who have reported that they have learned to communicate telepathically with their children. In using their psychic abilities as an important mode of communication Crystal Starseeds help to pave the way for all of us to learn to use such an important inner tool in our own lives.

What they are here to Gain

The Crystal Starseeds’ goal is to learn to embrace individuality and the full range of “Dark” feelings that come with it. To do so, they need to be comfortable with expressing emotions, as well as having thoughts, beliefs, and desires that are outside of the norm. Having come from a society that is based around conformity, this will be particularly challenging for them.

Further, they must learn to set healthy boundaries around how much they give and serve others. Even as children, Crystal Starseeds can be highly talented healers. They may do so by simply helping any strangers in need, sending healing energy to those they think may need it, or helping others’ solve conflicts. Crystal Starseeds have difficulty understanding the value of pain. The idea of harming others is unthinkable to them. So they will go above and beyond their own capabilities to ensure others well being.

Not having boundaries can be harmful to oneself. For those who take care of others, as Crystal Starseeds do, codependent relationships are common. In such relationships, all actions and life choices are made to please others and avoid pain. They are easily taken advantage of. While taking care of others, they deny their own needs, ignore their own anger, and do not fully care for themselves.

Solely devoting ones life to helping others can leave one feeling physically, mentally and emotionally depleted. Crystal Starseeds may manifest any number of physical and emotional challenges to aid them in learning to set boundaries. They will commonly experience severe depression. To escape the possibility of pain, these individuals withdraw inward, away from society and the public eye. Instead of an open and loving personality, they seem passionless, closed off to others, and even detached from their body.

Physically, Crystal Starseeds tend to manifest severe allergic reactions and sensitivities to a wide variety of substances. These allergies can be to chemicals, food, and to their environment in general. Allergies are the subconscious’s way of saying that one feels unsafe with its life choices. By setting personal boundaries, and allowing oneself to feel and express emotions, Crystal Starseed can create a life that is much more fulfilling and passionate than ever imagined.

In closing, I hope to have furthered your understanding of the Crystalline and their Starseeds. With the numbers of Crystal Children increasing, understanding them and why they are here is very important. Being able to support one another as we move along our paths can be very helpful to all.

In Service,

Rachel Fischer

Further Reading:

For information on the Crystalline: The Lion People by Murry Hope
For information on Crystal Children: The Crystal Children by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

About the Author

Rachel Fischer is a psychic/intuitive counselor, author, artist, and musician. She has spent many years studying spirituality, mysticism, alternative healing methods, and paranormal phenomenon. As a counselor and author, Rachel utilizes her clairsentient gifts to bring forth information on the galactic and multidimensional level.

Through an emotional clearing and DNA Recoding process, Rachel helps her clients heal and create positive change in their lives. In addition, she hopes to help prepare humanity to actively become members of the galactic community. Rachel can be reached at 708-712-3612,, or visit her website at

Used with Permission, Submitted by Author

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Reseeding for the Spring
by Christan Hummel

[editor's note: I apologise for the lateness of this article being printed! Christan wanted it for March, but I never got around to doing a newsletter for March, but it's still a wonderful article and has many valid points regardless of the timing :) Enjoy! ~Dekora]

The year 2003 will go down in my book as a year of initiation, both personally and planetarily. It started for me in December of 2002 after I returned from London doing what I felt was the most powerful work I'd ever experienced there at Cleopatra's Needle along the banks of the Thames. A group of us were using our group sound to activate the monument there, when we experienced the obelisk come alive as we vibrated the sonic tones in unison. The hieroglyphics seemed to vibrate as fire letters, as though awaiting such an "activation" for years. We all got the sense that there was something off worldly imprinted in this monument, (which came directly from Egypt in the 1800's and was transported across the ocean to stand in it current place in London guarding the Thames.) After several minutes of vibrating these harmonic tones into the obelisk, several in the group witnessed what appeared like a giant Griffin emerge from within the obelisk, and spread its giant wings around us. Afterwards, a large pink and green image, like nothing any of us had ever seen before, appeared in the night sky right above us and stayed for hours. It seemed a sign of recognition and acceptance from the "genie" liberated from its obelisk "bottle.". It was quite a moving experience, and one which was a culmination of several years of work in progress in the region.

Upon returning home, and thinking that I would rest up for the winter after a long year of travel, instead I was visited by an Angelic and Intergalactic team who asked me to create a new workshop focusing solely on sound. They gave me a list of cities where this work was needed-like a sonic acupuncture needle directing celestial energies directly into the Earth's grid points. The message had a sense of urgency, and They asked that I put everything into storage and go on the road for 10 months (yes, 10 months!!) to do the work proposed. I was not readily open to the idea. I loved my place in the mountains of Idyllwild, CA and didn't really consider myself an expert in the field of Sound, but They said that it was needed to shift some current energetic patterns in the Earth, and that I should simply focus on what my experience had been with sound, and not to worry about the experience of others. Then They left.

So I did what was requested, not really sure as to why, packed up my things, and moved into the unknown in what turned out to be a two year (not just 10 month) journey. I see now in retrospect that 2003 was a critical year for the planet, and I have been humbled to see the literal miracles when using sound in this way, to vibrate into existence another holographic reality, one that has been waiting for us to call upon it. So I did my "tour of duty" and was nearly wiped out from it after the first year--every conceivable thing possible came up to try and stop me once I embarked up on this path.

The first three workshops scheduled cancelled at the last minute leaving me to pay the expenses anyway, and without any place to stay as well. The next three - (I called it my 9-11 tour) were in NYC, Boston and D.C. in the month of March, the same week that war with Iraq was declared! Given the tenseness of the timing, all three workshops were just a break even financially. So here I'd given up my house, and went on the road and didn't see a penny of income until April!

Many times I questioned if I was doing the right thing. "Life shouldn't be this hard if I'm doing the right thing!" went my thinking, but it was. I nearly died several times, I was left homeless and penniless in the streets of Spain on several occasions when people who had invited me to stay with them changed plans at the last minute. I moved over 55 times in that year. Despite every hardship there always was an earth angel who showed up to help -- at the very last minute.

When that tour came to an end I wasn't sure I'd ever go back on the road again. Then, in August I was visited by Mother Gaia. Most people think that because I can communicate with the devic realms that I can just pick up the interdimensional phone and call Gaia anytime I want, well, no. She comes to me, and only on two other occasions.

This time while in a coffee shop in Santa Fe. Her presence was so strong and with such waves of love that my friend and I both felt it and I just started to cry. She gave thanks for the dedication and work done by all of us over the last year. She said that because of the purity of heart and motives, we were able to bring into the planet the energies needed at that time. This was why money had been so scarce. It was necessary to bring together only those who came from love. I can attest to that fact because many people sacrificed to attend the workshops, and felt as though they were on a sacred mission--as it turns out we were. Those sonic vibrations brought though love into the specific grid points on the planet where I'd been asked to give the workshops, had shifted the energetic patterns, turning a tide planetarily.

She Mother Gaia said to "recede" (which also meant "re-seed") to build a new foundation, and return in the Spring. With that She left. So, I cancelled my Fall schedule and took the time to "recede" and "re-seed." It was the best advice I could ever have gotten. It was time for me to recover and regroup internally after such a long year of struggle and hardship.

After taking a much needed break in my workshop schedule, I went down to Mexico City for my first workshop in almost a year. It was during Chinese New Year, and also a Hindu celebration very special to me called "Shivaratri." Shiva is the Destroyer-of the past, of illusion, of ego. In the Hindu tradition, Shiva is depicted as covered with ash-representing all that is left after the transformational fires have destroyed our desires and egos. At the Shivaratri Celebration (held every year around Feb/March) it is said that Shiva gives birth a new in the form of a Lingum, an egg shaped object representing the Creation of the Universe. So from the destruction, comes new life.

That year, I celebrated Shivartri down in Mexico City, where the group sang devotional song into the night until day break. I was in the area for the purpose of holding a workshop for 45 Feng Shui consultants during the time of the celebration. The highlight of the work there was to vibrate into awakening, through sound like in London, the Sacred Feminine points in the land in the area. This area having been so dominated by Male/Patriarchal rule, this awakening was quite welcome. After the workshop, a participant emailed saying that for the first time in their recent history, the WOMEN seemed to have found their voice and protested outside one of the main government square, demanding an end to the violence in their country.

On the day of my departure, after spending two weeks in Mexico City, I received a surprise visit from Lord Shiva!! One hour before I left, while at the airport, I discovered that both my laptop (and only computer) all my back up discs, and all the money from the workshop were stolen! It was devastating beyond description. All of the work I had done on the new book, the work from the last seven years of doing workshops, the database, and all the money from the workshop, sale of tools, private sessions-all GONE in an hour's time.

When I arrived home to California, I was virtually paralyzed, not knowing what to do. I didn't have a clue how to rebuild from this experience. Virtually all I did for two weeks was lie on the couch in my PJs and listen to devotional music. It was all I could bring myself to do. I felt "destroyed." So it seems that my "initiation" which was started in London, reached a culmination in Mexico City-ironically the very first place I had begun this planetary work seven years ago.

Yet, with Shiva's promise of new birth after destruction, like a little butterfly emerging from its cocoon, I slowly found a desire being born within me to do something, and it was the desire to give birth to the new book. One which the devic and angelic realms had asked me to write for years, but I was so busy travelling around the world, I never settled down to do it. In December, two months earlier, I'd written a very rough down and dirty version, but it was terribly underfunded. In the months from then until February, I'd hired an editor and worked on getting the book in better form for a general public audience. All that was lost though when the laptop was stolen!!

It was only after my two week hibernation of lying on my couch that this book finally emerged, and like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of Shiva's destruction, a new birth, a symbolic lingum, emerged in the form of the new book! Interestingly enough, the book went to the printers on the day of the Venus transit, which exactly conjuncted my Venus in Gemini, the sign of communications!

What timing the Divine has in store for us, if we could but trust it! From what seemed like the worst possible thing I'd ever experienced, such a wonderful new life emerged.

This year Shivartri (a day of devotional singing throughout the night round the world) is celebrated on March 9th. May it be a wonderful time to shed the past, the illusions, and the burden of what is no longer needed in order to make room for the new life awaiting to emerge through each of us. With each passing year, I see more and more the significance of applying our sacred sounds to our planetary situation and hope that you will join me in "signing in a new vibrational frequency" into our Planet's grid system. May We Sing Heaven into Earth!

Om Namah Shivaya.

About the Author:
Christan Hummel has been in communication with the devic realms of Nature since a teenager. Through this inner relationship, her Nature guides have helped her to recover ancient lost understandings of how to work with the earth to restore harmony and balance. A pioneer in earth energies exploration, Christan has taught thousands globally how to restore this lost relationship with Nature. In a grassroots network established throughout the world, groups have amazed government officials with results such as lower pollution levels, crime, earthquake activity, restoration of weather patterns, all through the simple techniques Christan shares in her book for people to use in their own homes. Christan provides a unique synthesis of modern science and ancient wisdom in an easy and understandable manner accessible to us all.

For more information you can reach Earth Transitions @ (760) 722-5555 or visit

Used with Permission, Submitted by Author

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By Carrie Hart & Quado

Today’s message is from the Quado Archives, first published on January 22, 2001

Good things come to you when you do not push. When you push too hard, you push away exactly the things you wish to attract in your life. If you try too hard, pushing and creating great turmoil in the energy around you, patterns do not have a chance to settle in, the energy does not have a chance to fall into place, and you disrupt and prevent exactly what you are trying to attract. The same is true with fear. It sends up a field of chaos, preventing the calm entry of ordered fulfillment and manifestation.

Your desires are like wild animals in the forest. You must lay out the treats which will attract them. And then you must breathe deeply, make yourself calm and patient, blend in with the forest, and wait for them to come to you.

And how do you lay out the treats, what treats are these animals looking for?

Greatest among these is readiness. If you will spend your energies in readiness, but without pushing, then this will attract the wild animals of your dreams.

Readiness means having the skills built up which will allow you to shine when opportunity knocks. Readiness means a positive mental attitude which will make you attractive to the little animals who are drawing near. Readiness means that if the opportunity comes near, you will be able to respond fully, your clothes pressed and your bags packed, your talents honed, your finances in order, your demo tape in your pocket. This is readiness.

But there is an enormous difference between readiness and anxiety. Do not be anxious. Relax and have faith. Yes, faith. Faith that if you make yourself ready, and if you project pictures of what you wish to have happen, and then, if you relax and go down into the place where the dreams are released into the field of energy, go down there and send your pictures out in to the world, have faith that this will have an effect. This combination of the released energy and the readiness is very powerful.

But even here, with this power, you must still exercise patience. You must realize that the universe delivers in serendipitous ways, and that what may be the greatest opportunity of all will not necessarily appear to be such at its first appearance. And so, you must be alert, alert and aware, looking for the odd little hints, the impulses, the flashes of coincidence. These are the signals that your energetic projections are having an effect. Follow these little hints and impulses, and do not concern yourself if some appear to come to a dead end. It may be a dead end, or it may be that something else is being set up for a more distant event.

The state of mind to be in is one of enjoyment, wonder, exploration. Enjoy the process of making your life unfold in wonder before you. Enjoy the process of influencing your life in this way, instead of through direct pushing.

Yes, you must still do the things that you would normally do, like sending out the resume, making the phone calls. But do them in a relaxed state, looking forward to good things to come. Do not be concerned if the resume goes astray and ends up on the desk of someone less important than you had hoped; this may be exactly the opportunity you are seeking, the person who will open the door which will lead to the greatest fulfillment of your desires.

Be open to all. Be willing to try new things. Relax and breathe. Lay out your treats, relax and breathe, and let the world come to you.

Do not chase after; do not pursue. Let it all come to you.

About The Author

Carrie Hart is a spiritual healer and channeler of Quado. Go to to read more messages from Quado and learn how Carrie became a spiritual healer & what services she is now offering. Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on

Copyright 2005 - Carrie Hart

Reprinted with Permission

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Spirit Signs - May 2005
Car Troubles
By Robyn Johnston

How many times have you broken down along your path? Too many to count?! How do you react? Do you instantly curse because your spouse was the last one to drive the vehicle and didn't fill it up? (Used to happen frequently in my case!) Or perhaps a flat tire keeps you from getting somewhere you really needed to go? Maybe the weather was bad? Maybe the battery just died?

Spiritual break-downs are part of the evolutionary journey that many souls go through as they make their way to their higher selves. We may experience these break downs as we encounter past hurts, painful memories or confront deep fears that we have stuffed away for many cycles.

We can also experience material break-downs such as financial strain through the loss of job, or emotional loss through releasing old relationships. Most of the time we are taught that losing something is bad and we avoid it at all costs, but the I-ching, the ancient book of changes, reminds us that sometimes all has to be lost so that we might once again see clearly and start anew. It is sometimes in loosing that we are able to gain great insight. (Dieters loose weight to gain the figure that they desire, so perhaps the answer lies within the perspectives we carry. Not all loss is bad!)

Sometimes along the way of our spiritual journey we will need to learn that not all is what it appears to be. It takes great trust to accept some of the situations that we encounter. If we are willing to take responsibility and accept that all that comes to us is what we have invited, a great liberation begins. We start to unleash ourselves from the false programming and misaligned thoughts that have plagued us. If we can learn to see objectively and through the eyes of spirit, we are given great rewards that simply cannot be measured by earthly accounts.

How many times have we groaned and grumbled over the initial perception of any given event, only to find later it was necessary and sometimes the best outcome that we could have hoped for. Trusting in spirit requires that we project, but do so in a way that allows a higher and better plan to come in, one that is even greater than what we would imagine for ourselves.

If we can admit that we don't have all the answers and that we don't NEED them, this frees us up to accomplish the parts that we are responsible for. It seems that many of us are conditioned to want to know the reason for why things happen and we want to know it NOW. Few are content to allow things to happen and remain positive and objective until the time is right for us to know the workings behind the event. All too quickly we jump to judging if the event is good or bad.

I'd like to share a story that illustrates this point perfectly. It comes from an excellent book, "Feng Shui, Back to Balance" by Sally Fretwell. "A farmer buys a horse. His neighbor comes over and exclaims how fortunate the farmer is to possess such a magnificent animal. The farmer replies, "Who knows what's good or bad?" Then the horse runs away. The neighbor reappears and commiserates on this great misfortune, only to hear the farmer calmly repeat, "Who knows what's good or bad? The next day the horse returns and brings with him a drove of wild horses. The neighbor enviously exclaims, "How fortunate you are!" Once again the farmer patiently reiterates, "Who knows what's good or bad? Again this proves to be wise, for the next day, the farmer's son tries to mount one of the wild horses and gets thrown, breaking his leg. The neighbor expresses his sympathy and sadly replies, "What a misfortune!" The farmer replies with his familiar unemotional statement. The farmer's logic prevails, for the following day soldiers come to recruit men for battle, and the son is exempted because of his injury.

The moral of this story is that labeling an event as "good" or "bad" limits our experiences, as we never can know the entire purpose of all the events of our lives."

Of coarse this means there are blessings in disguise along our spirit paths! They may be hidden, but they are there just the same. Open your spirit sight and see for yourself. Sometimes we don't find out until much later or until after a critical time when we are simply amazed at the divine workings we failed to see with our earth vision.

Another example of a beautiful blessing in disguise and the importance of releasing judgment in a situation, involved a former student. I was honored to teach a beautiful, compassionate young girl, who I believe to be a very wise soul. In the month of November she had fallen down stairs and broke her foot. Of coarse the instant perception as that this was an unfortunate accident. It was a real inconvenience to get around crutches and make room for them in the classroom! They would slide off the desk and bang and clank around! We were all excited for her to get the cast off! However, this child never complained. Her classmates and fellow teachers teased her in a good-natured way and she took it all in with a brilliant smile and excellent attitude.

In December however, she began to experience some painful symptoms in her neck. I even sent her home one day because she was in a visible amount of pain, though she never complained. Her parents and I thought it was the physical stain of the crutches and that eventually it would go away. She was to get her cast off during Christmas break anyway.

Her condition did not clear up. Instead it got worse. After several visits to the chiropractor, her neck became even more painful. The doctor sent her on to a larger city for testing because by this time she was unable to hold her head up by herself, she literally had to hold her head in place with her hand! Again, not one complaint.

Once she was at a larger facility, tests were ran and she was scheduled for surgery right away. The problem in her neck had nothing to do with being on crutches, she was diagnosed with a childhood disease that caused the wearing away of one of the vertebrae her neck. The crutches has exacerbated the condition enough that the bone was now in a wedge shape and almost completely disintegrated.

Here's the interesting part. Most of the time children with such a condition do not know it. They show no other physical symptom and have had no problems. If left untreated the child can become paralyzed, simply by turning his/her head the wrong way or stepping off of a curb! This could very well have been the case for my student, except the doctors credit finding the condition in just the perfect time because her breaking her foot and using the crutches!

She recovered beautifully and is once again an active, happy sixth grader! We all agree that she was divinely guided and that indeed she has a purpose and mission to share. Through it all she was a wonderful inspiration to those around her!

It is a wise practice to suspend judgement. Although we are human, and one of our great qualities is having emotions, its important to align our emotions with correct thought and perception. In this way we can be sure
that the potholes along our spirit path are ones that we bounce right out of and launch us right back onto the path where we wanting to follow.

Honor the delays and break downs, learn from them and you may just find they are fewer and farther between! We live in a wonderful time where we can very quickly manifest whatever we desire, as long as it is in harmony with the greater plan, for ourselves and all of humanity.

By releasing limited thoughts, realigning with your soul purpose and relaxing into your divine light, the spirit path you follow becomes one of pure joy and bliss. We can all work to allow the "break downs" to become "turn arounds" and get going toward the destination of creating our own heaven here on earth.

For details on the unique services that I offer, please check out my website or email me at I am delighted to assist those wishing to follow and tune into their higher paths.

Happy Trails!

About the Author

Robyn Johnston is a Feng Shui practitioner, Nine Star Ki Consultant and Reiki Master. She is available for residential and business consultations, energetic readings and distance reiki sessions. Robyn also offers personal coaching and intuitive guidance through these tools. If you would like to schedule a consultation, reading or session with Robyn, she can be contacted through email at Be sure to also check out her website for online Nine Star Ki Readings and Distant Healing!

Reprinted with Permission

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Energize Your Abundance

Do you ever have a bleak day, when nothing seems to go right? Do you
ever feel trapped in a life of mediocrity? Are you ever overwhelmed by
all the things you must do before you can even think about the things
you'd like to do? When thoughts of gloom and frustration overcome you,
stop. Stop right where you are, take out a piece of paper or open a new
document on your computer. Then write ten things for which you are
thankful. Keep writing until you have at least ten. Once you've done
that, your outlook will likely begin to change. But keep going, and do one
other thing.

For each item you've listed, think of a specific action you can
take immediately which will express your appreciation. Perhaps it is
something you can do in return for someone else, or perhaps it is something which will make better use of a blessing you already have. Give power and
vigor to the good things already in your life, and you'll bring more good
things into your life. Fight the gloom and despair by energizing your own

~ Ralph Marston


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Movie Alert: Upside of Anger
By Stephen Simon

THE UPSIDE OF ANGER jumps off the screen into our hearts as a powerful whirlwind of emotions and fascinating, provocative questions about family and the elusive emotion of anger with which most of us seem to flirt on a daily basis. (If you commute to work in a big city, that sentence might better read "hourly basis.")

The story revolves around a woman (Joan Allen) who awakens one morning to find that her husband, with no warning, has simply gone, never to return. With four daughters to raise, she slips--actually, plunges-- into a world of anger, bitterness,and the solace of daily bottles of vodka. Her neighbor (Kevin Costner) becomes fascinated with Allen and her daughters and the film, totally based in character and emotions, plays out in the relationships among all of them.

Joan Allen is one of the most underestimated actresses in the world and she gives the Academy Award performance of a lifetime here. She takes a woman "on the brink", so to speak, and plays her with every color of the acting rainbow, from tragic sorrow to soaring comedy, and she never misses a single beat. Not since Nicole Kidman in THE HOURS have I been as blown away by a portrayal as I was by Joan Allen in this film. Costner, too, has never been better. Together, he and Allen create a fascinating and very adult love story that is strikingly original and compelling. Lastly, the four young women (from early teens to mid-twenties) who play Allen's daughters are each brilliant and, most importantly, they illuminate the various manifestations of anger that can insidiously manifest in our children and in ourselves.

Ultimately, the situation facing all the characters in the film turns out to be a moment of grace, one of those times in life when, in retrospect, we realize that our lives have been redirected by a powerful and seemingly invisible universal force. In her magnificent new book, The Unmistakable Touch of Grace, Cheryl Richardson defines these moments:

"Every event we experience and every person we meet has been put in our path for a reason. When we awaken to this fundamental truth, we begin to understand that a benevolent force of energy is available to guide and direct our lives. I call this energy the unmistakable touch of grace."

Cheryl's book eloquently and lovingly details those moments both in her own life and in the lives of dozens of others. ALL of us have experienced those moments, haven't we? Moments that slip into our lives disguised as tragic or traumatic which ultimately result in significant growth. Ram Dass, for example, suffered a massive stroke several years back and emerged a changed and reinvigorated spiritual leader who, as a result of the stroke, was gifted with new insights.

(Personally, I pay VERY close attention to these moments, particularly when they arrive in multiples of three. Within a 2 week period, I read Cheryl's book, saw THE UPSIDE OF ANGER, and then we chose FIERCE GRACE, the brilliant documentary about the aftermath of Ram Dass' stroke as a film for our May volume. Grace is, indeed, omnipresent.)

THE UPSIDE OF ANGER is a classic film in Spiritual Cinema in that it truly asks the eternal questions of who we are and why we are here and also leaves us feeling better about being human beings when the film is finished. It also reminds of how wonderful films can be when they trust the intelligence of their audience. I LOVED it...and I hope you do, too.

Have a wonderful Spring!!
Stephen Simon


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Copyright 2005 - Stephen Simon.

Reprinted with Permission

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Healing Circle

This is an area I'd like to offer to our subscribers for distant healing services. If you have a need for distant healing or prayer and energy work, or you know of someone who would like some, please send me an email at with "newsletter healing request" in the subject and the person's name, location and reason for the need of healing in the main email. This isn't just for healing, it can be also a request for extra energy for another reason (ie. please send energy to help Sandra find a new job), all requests for love and help will be honoured.

Each month I will post the new people who need healing in this area of the newsletter and encourage all members to send distant healing, prayer and energy to the people in the healing circle.


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