
This is the guidelines for the planets. You may only live in that specfic planet to what astronomical sign you are. however, leo may live in any. This is because leo's birth planet has been overtaken. You must have a leo in your herd when living upon the sun. Leo's cannot be king of any planet however, until their sun is recovered. Exalation is defined as the Planet's "ally". More so where they get their source of power from. Because of this, under acceptance of the planets leader, their mage may teach your mage their power instead of you battling it out. Detriment is a true enemy of the herd, and when fighting them you are weaker to their power with your natural power. The Fall is the worst possible enemy to go up against. If you do not have their "Fall's" and "Determents" power, ( meaning you must own a planet that has that sign) you stand no chance in winning a battle.

please note: a mage may use his powers anytime he wishes, however may only use it for one attack/defense on the battle field!

Symbol Planet Rulership Exaltation Detriment Fall
Sun Sun Leo Aries Aquarius Libra
Mercury Mercury Gemini
Aquarius Sagittarius
Venus Venus Taurus
Pisces Scorpio
Mars Mars Aries
Capricorn Libra
Jupiter Jupiter Sagittarius
Cancer Gemini
Saturn Saturn Capricorn
Libra Cancer
Uranus Uranus Aquarius
Scorpio Leo Taurus
Neptune Neptune Pisces
Scorpio Virgo Capricorn
Pluto Pluto Aries
Leo Libra

Influences of the Planets


The Sun is the planet of the self, will, energy and power. It is the most important planet in a horoscope, and a heavily afflicted Sun in a natal chart makes it difficult for the subject to get anywhere in life, as they will not have the basic self-belief and stamina required to progress.
power: gift of light and life
bestow upon anything the gift of light and life. Once captured, all nine planets will be granted this, if handed to the right leader.


Mercury is the planet of the mind, intellect and communication. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Mercury show the ways in which subjects use their minds and how they get their message across to others.
Power: Mind Reader
before the equine attacks, the mage who contains mercury's power will beable to know what that horse is doing, preventing one full attack (it can be a power attack also)


Venus is the planet of love, higher emotions and artistic sensibility. The aspects and positions of Venus in a natal chart indicate how the subject deals with relationships, sexuality and social interaction, as well as their capacity for creating and appreciating beauty.
Power: infactuation spell
those who possess this will be able to "freeze" their opponent during one of their attacks, while they stand and admire you're planet-given beauty.


Mars is the planet of action and the expression of will through activity. A heavily afflicted Mars in a natal chart may give the subject impulsive or violent tendencies. Favorable influences may channel the energy of Mars more positively, into strength, determination and achievement, for example.
Power Jackel
growing elongated, sharp teeth and nails for one attack, you get the point.


Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and cooperation. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Jupiter indicate how subjects are able to expand their horizons, and how they fit into and contribute to society.
Power:distant horizons
Bring whatever storm you wish, hail, fog, highwinds, directed right at you're opponent. Use your imagination


Saturn is the planet of structure, limitation, experience and discipline. A heavily afflicted Saturn in a natal chart can leave subjects selfish, rigid and limited in their ability to interact meaningfully with others. Favorable influences can make them ambitious, successful and self-disciplined.
Power: Senseless
blind and deafen your opponent for one attack.


Uranus is the planet of innovation, nonconformity, higher intuition and inspiration. In a natal chart, a well-aspected Uranus can bring a touch of genius to the subject, while a heavily afflicted one can lead to eccentricity and unreliability.
power: invisibility
become invisible for one attack


Neptune is the planet of transcendence, higher faculties and psychic abilities. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Neptune deal with the subject's ability to access higher consciousness and their grip on reality. A heavily afflicted Neptune can lead to unrealistic expectations and self-deception.
Power: freezing time
you may freeze time for one complete attack, this can work as a defense also


Pluto is the planet of deep, impersonal energies and transforming forces. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Pluto indicate areas of life in which the subject is capable of making fundamental changes, for better or for worse.
power: transform
you may transform into any animal you want for one attack/defense

please note this page comes from bysant.com and credit is given to Robert Mills