Alpha Lobber- The leader of the lobbers, yet the youngest of the group.

Burger-An average looking girl.
Cheese Burger-A little above average looking girl.

Chuck Norris-A re-"turd" of a person. If the retard in the drive thru messed up your order theya Chuck Norris. If the retard at the register can't calculate money right, theya Chuck Norris.

Cold Fry-a person who is not attractive at all. Looking at this person is like eating a cold french fry.

Forcefeed-being forced to do somethin.

Fruits/Fruit Salads/Fruit Cakes-annoying gay roomates who eat your food and try to screw you over at any chance they get, but they're always the victims.

Grin And Bear It/GABI-(pronounced=gabby)the assimilation of an independent man to a subserviant man in order to please his girlfriend/wife. Usually done by fooling the man with abundant kindness, once he's caught the true colors gradually come out, by then it's too late and all he can do is, grin and bear it.
This grin has been seen on the faces of many once happy, smiling men.

Ghost-referring to Ghost from the Matrix series, who neva says more den 20 words in both movies together, and in the Enter the Matrix game shows less emotion in a car accident that flips the vehicle 3 times than a twenty day old corpse...

Grimace Burger-"the best burgers in the world". thats what the chef tells you. But once u bite into actual burger you realize it may just be the worse burger ever. The initial bite is followed by your brain shutting down your chewing muscles in order to prevent the horrible food from further bein disgested. The only action possible at this point is to spit it out. How does meat get a grass like texture anyways...

Harvey Quinn-Harvey’s story is the story of a thug who worked for the Joker. Harvey wanted
to be Mr.J’s Number one henchman and so upon capturing Robin, Harvey was given the order
to kill the boy wonder. Sadly Harvey’s dedication was his downfall. He spent so much time
beating and abusing Robin that he forgot to eat, sleep, and do other day to day things that are
essential for life, and so Harvey died. But those three days are three days Robin will never
forget. So pull a Harvey Quinn and be that dedicated.

Honey Bun-A really good looking person

Hot Stepper-A ring out cause by an uppercut from Mitsurugi.

I hate em, I hate em-When you hate somebody or something so much that saying "i hate em" once, just isn't enough.

Mario Gurgle-When the Mario scream just isn't enough, sometimes you need a death gurgle to go along with it.

Mario Scream-Sometimes things are too bad for words..including hugs from people, inappropriate clothing, and appearences. The Mario scream is a meter for counting the horribleness of an event, person, etc.

Marv Gloves-When the stalker boot isn’t enough and you need extra protection when doin sum super hardcore “stalkin”. If these gloves were real not only would they allow you to “handle the wire” but also handle uranium 238, liquid nitrogen, and perhaps even magma. And yes even more stupidity will occur when usin the stalker/marv gloves.

Microwaved Honeybun-a 10/10 on the pretty scale.

Shhhh...He's sleeping-No actually he's dead. But you can taunt that dead piece of garbage by saying he was so tired he just couldn't take it anymore.

Stalker Boot-an imaginary shoe that attachs itself to your foot causing you to be: attracted to, like, and possibly become infatuated with someone. This boot will cause you to do stupid things if it's tightness is not kept in check.

Stubbs or Wheels-A fat person who resembles a fridge in size and all u can say is..."a stubbed fridge or a wheeled fridge?"

The Fat Gene-if you live in the south you've seen em. Those people wif the fat pie faces who resemble Hogish Greedly from captain planet. Yes, they have the fat gene.

The(insert person u like name here)Combo-The pinnacle of the food scale. The most expensive hardees meal that u have decided to name after the person u admire. It looks delicious, like the person it's named afta, but in the end it can only bring u pain.

Through Da Ringa-Some one who looks rough and old, but is of young age.

Toby-Anyone who gets used and abused.

Toni Burger-any food that is disgusting because of bad cooking.

Travolta- a horrible/garbage movie that isn't a b-movie. Most often times kilt by John travolta himself. Like the Toni burger is awes you as to how sumthin could be this messed up.

T-Rex- a person who uses two and only two fingers to play an arcade game. This person is usually has next to no skills what so ever.

Two Scoops- when something is so good that u need even more...two scoops more infact.

Wake Up Willie-continuous harrasment of a neighbor with a night job by driving by honking the car horn/playing basketball/ anything that might make said person unable to sleep.