Laroi's Poem

im usin my sleepin time sittin heya writina ryhme for the emoitonal feelings dwellin in my head, the feelin i have to kill you dead, straight through your useless head. the hopes and dreams of all it seems to shatter onto the ground like a foot on a dirt mounds, dreams shatter like glass to a sound. when u dare i try to ensnare me into your crap ,but i already know your crap and paralyze you with my spinal tap. i leave you on the floor, wantin more for your life to come to its end then to be seen like this by your friends...i hope to surely offend.

u lay their bleedin, your life completing wanting death to bring you an end, but i wont let you die friend cus lettin you off to me is a sin. though im not the judge i will hold agrudge and crush u and all your folks, im sure you think its a joke until u all streaming smoke, but neva will u see deaths cloak.

im on a mission im sent by my government, to find the veil thats brings death and hell, to all who know friend and foe, about it very existence. only for self gain some what like charlatans i seek to find this veil, so i alone will prevail .

you smoke dat stuff i hope its enuff to wash away ya problems wif ery puff. with ery hit u forget the problems of the world all the shit. with ery hit with ery drag clearin ya mind of the rag the day has shown you makin you mad but wif one puff u dont hafta be sad. but my freind i can help you too, help you forget the things u don. make things clear for your mind to process there is no half way i do my best always and forever on my own time, forget your grind i will bring peace to your mind wif every hit with every drag feel the smoke as your breaths sag. with every puff with every hit dont worry its coming can you feel it, the twisting feel of horro and pain u realise you will never breath again. a clogged heart and smoke filled lungs both removed with autopsy tongues. how easy to wash away your pain, maybe your loss but deaths on gain.

i hafta pick u up off da floor again whats wrong cant you just take one on the chin. you smile and grin to lure me in for a swift knee tot he groin. from yelling in pain i do abstain but my face hit the floor like falling rain. tryna get up to see whats up and you bust my head with a pyrex cup. fallin free how can this be you catch in the chin with a knee. my jaw is broke ours clothes are soaked with the blood from our faces , its all a joke. tryna stand up straight but u dont wait you hit me in the head with a porcelain plate. i stuble again you think youll win but lettin you conquer would be a sin. i reach for a pan its in my hand, thoughts of sending you swiftly to dream land are suddenly slack, you stab me in the back a butchers knife an aggresive attack. i reach for the door to pull myself off the floor but your still want some more. throwin bowes atcha nose not blockin like u suppose, ta a quick whack to ya head from the toasta. now who's on da floor, retaliation u tryna prepare. i hit ya in the chest wif a steel foldin chair. toaster to ya face did i break ya u got more blood on ya clothes. i think ive won i dont mean to brag, but ill tie ya head up in this plastic bag. so u give up the winner is now u want the best two outta three

a world wif out pain, im almost theya. living indefferent i dont really care. friends and family all the same just a little more appreciated in my brain. with little care and hoping pain will subside, emotions too are pushed to the side, angers grip of control is tight it makes your brain think eradic..not right. happiness will make you feel good, you can buy that from a corner in the hood. but if u go the hood way when your happiness fades your mind will be engulfed in an empty shade. sadness will usually end wif you bein mad so whats the use of being sad. of all emotions the worse is love of man. it hold your fragile heart in its crushing hand. its leads to every other emotion and can cause quite a commotion. It can sneak in, with the blink of an eye and in the same blink it can make u cry. i think emotions are good for sum but as for me i would rather have none.

pain can be good, or can it be. its all for beholder of the pain to see. a sting from a cut a scratch or bruise, sending to your brain.."you're hurt" que's. pain from emotion is a different story this kinda pain has no glory, its always shunned and hated by most ive never known any one to hold it close. its make us have stone hard hearts, and makes sum of us lose our smart, from different venues emotional pain can come to drive us into the deepest slum. from peoples shunning, to relations gone bad, this pain usually will make us sad. its not the pain that makes you glad, like getting scratched while tying some ones head in a plastic bag. this is the pain that will make happiness subside, and even drive you to suicide. but blastin your brains against the wall isnt the not at all. thats just makes a mess takin up some one elses time...havin to clean the brain ridden wall wif 409.

here its dark and in...hell it hot, can u smell the stinch of..moral rot, he decay-ed odor of blood so red as its drips from a hanging corpse...a body dead, sent here to redeem the people, from hate to love a special gift sent to the earth...from above, but shunned, a trial, a cross...crucufied, is what the earth gave... we never tried, to listen to the stories that were told, of the greatest love so bold, that it forgave the greatest sins...washed them away, and gave everyone a chance...a better day, to behold if we would only embrace the love sent to us from Jesus the son of God...from above, why dont we crucify him again...everday, for our own selfish deeds... he must pay, if he spoke to each of us...what would he say, if i was him this pitiful planet i wouldnt save...i'd put eryone in the early grave.

from blackest of sins comes an evil grin to twist and turn to crush and burn utterly destroying and mentally toying with all things to make them nothingness. seperated we fall together we stand so together we must band each man hand in hand to battle the plight that comes in the nights together we fight and victories in sight. this battle is won though we lost sum, we've defeated the scum and have them on the run, theres chains will weigh a ton and well torment them for fun just for our own amusement. the battle has turned the enemy has yearned to win this great fight it seems that they might overcome us indeed slaughtering with great speed, yes weve lost...indeed. theyve crushed ourside..our down fall was pride and now we walk as our enemies ride on their beast of great burden, we are down trotten...the plan of domination to bring together the creation and be ourselves the bewilder nature and be our own our own words has fallen...has fallen

Im spitting these verses like balaam spit curses on the people who sinned mean whiles satan grinned until the day wasover come byt he stilling of the sun till joshua won the battle. man im sicka all these lame folks, they comin like a lepper cloaked hiding they true identities. tryin to fool me, but like jonah i can see they end is coming revelations doom. 4 horsemens comin wif special gifts, ya leaders, peace and crops to lift from the place that they stand, death rides wif hell behind him. but ill be marchin wif davids band dancin like a crazy man. the evil from ya soul should be parted like the red sea, dont beg for lazarus help cus the rich man u gonna see. but as for me, my soul will be set free. no more pain or anguish, chicken off da fried chicken tree.

sittin awake in my bed i wish that we all were dead..then these thoughts wouldnt got through my head because i have insomnia. lookin at the room the room so black tossing and turning, im on my back, shoulda stayed up steada hittin da sack..i still have insomnia. i hate bein awake in the bed so ill picture things in my head...a quiet world with humans dead and great thought due to my insomnia. looking at the windows light its sunrise now..what an awful night..and whent he sunf alls the same ole plight another night of insomnia

HAPPY NEW YEARS: where was ya..osama..when the big ball fell. you dissappointed burn in hell. the streets were filled as were crackers popped..up came vomit, alchohol poison from jim beams tonic. people were throwing confetti... my choice wouldA been sum bouncin betty's so the ER would have had more than its sure they were all drunk and flesh falling in chunks..they prolly wouldnt care.

a new year of sin to eat from within the people who both live here and die. a new year of singing, a new year of laughing, and a new year to make people cry. a new year to get wasted, and all pale you end up in your body bag. a new year of killin a new year for chillin' a new year for thing fun and new. a new year to ponder and ultimately wonder...what ever shall we do. a new year for war and to be taxes whore as the richers get more and the poorers get more poor. a new year thats the same as the last that was lame..all just a game thats repeated...and a new year again, when this new year the cycle will repeat again.

Up from the dust comes wars lust to spreads its peice to end the peace that was made by a man in his hand peace so grand but can never stand. You risk your life and fight the fight, you stay awake on patrol at night keeping things under wrap and all for sum politicians crap. Off to unknown lands guns in your hands to fight a man you've never seen, never dun you wrong war sings the same song its hatred, cruel and obscene. loss of many a friend, a son, and dad, you come back to the nation with out what you had when you left now things are awful bad in your head its worse you;ve been cursed with the post war syndrome of a soldier. do you get greeted for your life has been cheated robbed of your saness its all a mess and all for a politician. They've come back from war in lands of far to receive mistreatment not agreement from people who stayed home while you were lone in the bushes of Vietnam. You've been put in the cattle cars they'll take you far to your home so u can roam while POW's because of their face...because there skin doesnt match your race...because of the politicians in this place feel that you are inferior. You return home from your long roam to be spit on and cursed at no excuse for that, by people who did go, because their pockets were lined with the stuff to buy blow. u come from the sands poison in your hand, mine decaying, sanity defraying, chemcial compounds position on grounds that you were ordered to blow. Uniforms laced, chemicals in your face to protect you from a battle that is shadowed in secrecy about the reason and route that you were in the sands. Chemicals to fight what chemcials might be used aginst you, though foolish it is true, ordered to take your gas mask off though continuous coughs eco through the entire camp. VA hospitals run down, 6 months to down an appointment to see the doctor. you hafta wait your organs saturate by the orange agents the defoliants spray on you and the surrounding forrest. You sit in pain for days...a retired senators salary stays. For fighting your countries fight with all your might, you are forgot by politicians who plot to send you away where many slain lay as they sit in their chairs..with out any cares. History writers neglect your story and give others glory..though you risked your own and now you are home toa country that cares not..and on they plot the politicians who gain from the pain of the many slain, the sands, the rice patties, the forest, the friend fire victims, the POW's the MIA's...though many are home..their pain forever stays...

On the leaves lay my pride and on the grounds i lay on my side, the life tricklin from my head the leaves and ground staining red, a mess to sum but to vultures bread there i lay lifelessly. I told no one of my plans because it was out of the hands of man and only to me to decide it was my own plans for suicide. though i lay there lifelessly my own body i could see l laying there so lifelessly as the leaves fell from the tree. as my soul walked about people came and began to shout and my body was found for during the drought the smell did stink to the sky and the vultures began to fly and my parents and family did cry but i did care for the tears in the eyes for i'd filled my own head with lies. as iwalked and saw my friends my upsetted anger began to end for the laughed and were happy that iwas dead and laughed and point at my broken head they say.."good im glad that bastards dead"..and spat on the ground that was stained red. all the people i had respected my funeral they had neglected and my soul the had not detected as the coffin was buried. so now with my foolish choice i have silences mine own voice and picked out a different course then a better one i could have chose.

so yeah i commited suicide and took my own life and yeah i died and not half the people i expected cried but my body's not dead though ym brains refried. i crawled up outta my grave last night and gave da goth kids a horrible fright and ate this was she right...ima zombie thats what i be. so i walked round for a lil bit and saw a wino in a pit and yep your right he got bit, and eaten up now i feel like sh*t. but alchohol doesnt affect me alot, i guess its because my body rots and ill soon be filled wif maggots because i be a zombie. so i strolled down to da hood and saw a cop and i knew she would..turned round and harrased me but of course i ate er G, and now she's part of my body and im crusin in his crown vic. I passed a ho she say, "do you wanna lick" so i beat her wif the night stick and ate her too lickety split. I made my way to a place i knew and saw sum people i once admired too i stepped to em they said.."do i know " but before she finished she was through, cus i had started eatin her too. suddenly a tear filled my eye and i looked, why had committed this sina nd bout her beautiful life to an end...but the living emotions my deadmind doesnt comprehend so i just finished eating her. afta dat i went to tha mall and read bout the spencers halls in racoon city did it fall a place for zombies to live. so i began my faithful treck,,whats up wif this poem..what the heck, no wonder i get no respect this poem is pure crap.

what would you do if ya country did to you what this heya's about..VETERANS part 2. They fought for our freedom, blood and sweat, now they lay in they own filth wet. Congress cuttin they aid again, uncle sam wants you but use mah brain friend. whiles you was out fighting they sat in they chair, while you was out dying they didnt care. They sit and makin laws, gettin money, gettin ho's, you was in the line of fire in the rubber tree rows. the rules of engagement takin lives everyday, shoulda obeyed ya commands is what they gone say. for fighting for ya life its you who gonna pay. They slept in a mansion you slept on a cot, they got richer you got foot rot. you took a bullet and all they could say, "well done son, a purple heart," send you on your way. The artillery shots deadened your ears, the agent orange hurt you and your peers, seepin in yo skin attackin from you growth and stuff under your skin. Thirty years lata ya sittin at home, post war syndrome gotcha spendin ya life alone. The VA hospys funds gettin cut ery day, people are starving down da street from where you stay. And good ole uncle sam is droppin food in some where over seas, when his own veterans is starvin, dying from disease. the politicians are the ones who need to fight, let them go in the rice patty for one night. they sit in they chairs makin all kindsa cuts, the kinds that drops the old soldiers on they butt. What they needa do is get they own salary cut, den maybe the economy wouldnt be in a rut. All the politicians who were in the national gaurd, then tried come out playin like they was hard. say theya protectin home, but wouldnt take the stand, gettin shipped over seas like the average man. Lose arm, lose a leg, lose ya sight, maybe your mind, cant get a job if ya limbless, no need of tryin. But on Capital Hill they set for ages. Then wont agree on upin' minimum wages. They sittin at they congress parties throwin confetti, step up to the stand ya gets a bouncin betty.

broken man back up plan them words go hand in hand. open the door u ask for more it rots ya soul at the core. syndrome de china i remind ya its eats clean through to da otha side. strap yaself in lets begin you put yaself on dat same painful ride. when will you see, open ya eyes ya just tellin yaself lies. ova again da cycle goes but u keep playin cus you almost pro's . keep on playin ignore my sayin and you will come back yet again, as you frown the world around looks at you wif a sinister grin. go back home leave it alone, back to ya room avoid the doom, let emotions fall like the walls of your our preserverance has. no hope for you, youre already through cus you already have dun it again. strap yaself in lets begin, once again on this same ride. the evil grin pierces your skin it usta be like a rhino's hide. now hair thin, its a sin the way you have let yourself go. look at you what you've put yaself through, the world uses you like yours it's ho. as they dance, as they prance and u sit theya loaded down, as they smile youre defiled with their problems little man. consequnces of your senses for lending a helping hand.

u should look through our own eyes, see hear the words...hear the lies. we can sink or we can rise, it all depends on us. be forgotten, over trodden let them bury you very deep, in my soul you ill hold as u get well deserved sleep. we will soon rise again, all enemies none are friend, to bring them to their bitter end but not with a frown or grin. emtpy eyes empty heart many of souls to tear apart. response times dull on they lul into their worlds of great pleasure, they dont know that as we go we increase our knowledge in great measure. Abstaining from all pleasurable things and gaining the anger there is to gain, as they sit and rot their brain, we sleep, planning our steel reign. to grasp them all by the head and we wont let go until theyre dead, be they poor or rich fed, none will be delivered. Like the man wif eyes of burning coal we shall burn their pitiful souls and fill our own soulless hole wif the greivance we shall bring to the world.

I knew a man who lost a hand in a place called Vietnam and in the sand of Iran another mans blood's pourin. Here at home we sit and watch the news watch the clocks as time tics on death sings it song and say the souls to come on. In dark cloak and sands of time keepin the deads' step in rhyme waste ya life waste ya time your soul is always in its prime. With no other need then to make man bleed bullets are made factoried full speed. M-16's jammin bad, grenades flyin that will frag, then u go home in a body bag and your family will be sad. Were they the ones who pushed da button and closed peaces curtain, an iron grip of a court supreme sending us into deaths delightful beam. But for those who have seen, barely escaped death full proof scheme it's just another very bad dream, so their sons can see what they've seen.

Heya I go once again typin' flows through my hand, movin are mah bodies bands to move fingers up and down again. Lil ho's makin me sick, takin aim wif a boomstick to make they families roses pick, to go on they graves. If da rounds don't eat em, the bayonet will calm they brains, they hearts go still and in they veins, they blood congeal like Jell-O. Mess wif me u'll be no mo. Runnin up, they need to know that hell is were they gonna go, words is nice but actions show, then we'll see who's da ho. Oblivious on a moped a hit and run will leave ya dead."I didn't see em." is what I said to da cops, lights blue and red. And if I catcha charge still, yo family still gone be ill, and you'll in ya wheel chair for real, pissin down a tube. Brain dead is what you will be and ill be on the streets free, ill see you but you won't see me cus all your functions cease to be.

Filled with dreams I go to bed, joy and happiness in my head. Say my prayers get in the bed, sleep befo the pillow touch my head. Asleep my mind flows free making dreams to entertain me. Powers like none before making the whole world my whore, the tides flow to a bloody shore. Nations topple and are no more. King of the world is what I am ruling all with an iron hand, poisoning your air and salting your land. You will be crushed if you take stand. First General in her tank killin' all pullin' rank. You try to laugh you think this is a prank, 1 head shot ya minds a blank like ya brains fried on sum crank, in a couple days yo body will stank. If in the shadow of my hand you get caught, you get dun in like by onslaught. Then I myself will take the field, awesome powers I do wield, there is no protection that can shield from uranium fist of power. As a ninja you come as ninja you'll go, I kills you all with one swift blow. Using the power of my own mind, destroy all of human kind until ones comes to remind me, that I am not all-powerful. All my powers she does steal to quiet me and sit me still, and then its me she tries to kill and suffer I her wrath. The weeks pass by as I recover, on she searches for her dead lover who died by my mighty hand and for him she does take a stand, but she does not understand that she's inside my cran-e-am… A quick attack from behind, a crippling punch to her spine a take all her energy for mine and I thank her as I recline. A ball of energy gigantic size, above my head does arise, it will be her demise for interfering in my field of dreams. This enemy I hadn't wished to kill but its too late her body lies still and I return to my hill and a crown is placed on my head. My hands are dripping and stained red from all those that are dead, now they can be the rats bread…. My dream world bizarre though it seems, it's all in my mind I'm filled with dreams.

wif his hand he can scan and find rebellion across the land. a land belonging to some others but their wives he raped and killed their mothers. Slaves he brought and made them his lovers, then burned and lynched and them under covers. Some tried to band they said they were brothers, but were broken by greens lovers. With an iron hold he grasp and molds the land into what he wishes, the lakes are dry and on the its banks lay the skeletons of the dead fishes. Oppressed and depressed we shall stay, because he wants us that way, and tell the doctors and pharmacist to're not supposed to act that way. To assimilate is what he desires to stomp out the cultural fires. Take on his badge and do things his way, then happily in his home u can stay. He fools you if you think that way. Even then you're in his way. If u dare make a stand he'll send out his giant hand, connected to his far reaching arm to bring hurt, death, and harm. Let the dogs drag you down and his men beat you to the ground. While on lookers stand around, help for you no where can be found. And if you resist peacefully, he still intends to make u flee, this trash is for you this wealth is for me, is what you will hear from he. Banishing you to blackened hills, then to later come back and steal, yours homes away. In the baddest land and make you walk in lines cross sand, a trail of crying left behind as anger swells with in your mind, but his treaty you did sign leaving all your hope behind. So if u happen to meet him one day do your best to stay away, or u may end like so many before..just used as the diablo blancos whore.

Im just passin through, doin da best dat i can do. sometimes i get tracked to da side by lettin my attention slide, to things that are just passin by, so i ask myself... self why?...i been robbed and came back for moore, then i put up an iron door, which was washed away by an acid shore, and the waves came in seven fold or more. i picked mahself up and looked into the night sky, the twinklin of stars oh so high. so i launched my rocket, taken up miles going for stars with beautiful smiles. then i got hit by a surface to air missiles. i floated to the ground silently, with missile shrapnel embedded in me. i drifted slowly staying still and landed near a claymore field, my attitude becoming ill. I look to my left and saw a chain link, it draws my mind and makes me think. But this link i cannot contain so on the ground i let it remain. Then a devil came up to me, she smiled and was nice as could be, but neither could she stay by me and left me very swiftly. so i got up and walked aways, trying to peacefully pass the days but a passer by got in my way, and convinced me to stay. so stay i did for a while, and traveled together for sum miles. Until one came with a different style and she walked wif him the next couple of miles. Then I met a cheating thief, who used me as relief and upon them anger did increase until now their existence cease. I did run up on one to use for my own gain to abuse, but my mind being my muse, I decided to let it choose. It chose to leave the victim alone and for me to continuely roam. But eventually ill find a home for me. But for now the missiles have tore me.

I was layin in da bed, tryna rest my head..the dream weaver had came to me and started makin thread. I began to leave consciousness behind, until you started making fuss and made me change my mind. Why cant u be quiet, let me get sum rest, when ever your in the im silence at its best. You come around slamming doors, walking heavy on the floors. Busting all in my room, sleep wont be coming to me soon. I roll onto the other side, from awakeness trying to hide, but that decision you wont let me decide. You're clearly out to keep me from getting my rest, and by the loud noises you're making you are doing your best. It's the same thing in the mornings, when I'm dreaming dreams. It's like you're walking down the hall with a trotting horse team. You go into the kitchen rattlin pots and pans, it's like a car accident just to wake up one man. I can't even enjoy my rest, my dreams have gone away, I tried to recapture my sleep but you drove it away. So I get up out the bed with partial sleep still in my head. I wish to beat you with all my might…then I realize you'll be trying to sleep tonight.

Christ the redeemer died on the cross, paid for our sins so soul wouldn’t be loss. But lost many still choose to be, what would I do if Jesus was me. I can tell you this really quick the human race makes me sick, I’d send prophets to offend and bring many lives to their end. There'd be dead of first born sons, and mighty storms making people run. Days and weeks with out the sunlight, and pillars off ire in the night. Death Angels past threshing floors, sparring only those with the blood on their doors. Not plagues of frogs but scorpions, and horse flies by the ton. My prophets would spit more then flames, to let you know it wasn't a game, and if ones blood your hand did spill, wild beast are sent your family to kill. My horsemen like in the veil books, would torture all not just the crooks. Famine turning food to sand, and spreading starvation through the land, a ounce of food for a months wages, and the curse would come in stages. Wars power to destroying you with your own, atomic weapons from their own home, exploding in silo's where they sit, this nation would take amajor hit. And deaths vacation would not be forgotten, all the injured, dying and forgotten, for death thy would plead to come. But death would be in the sun relaxin kicked back taking a break, people wantin him back for dying's sake. But death will not answer your request, try to kill yourself..try your best. You wanted so bad the end it all, you chose a gun to make your call, your weak little mind could not take it, you blew your brains out now deal with it. But you forgot deaths on R&R and a 9 wont send your brains far. So now ya brains out of ya head, but you wont die I won't let you be dead. You well pay just like the rest your life I refuse to bless. You could curse and take my name in vain, but ill just send even more pain. You thought foods price was bad before get ready partner I'm sending more. The whole world starvin, so eats your kids, do just like the heathens did. Eat your money its no good anymore, you worshipped it now be it's whore. But maybe I'd decide to change my mind if to the poor you were kind, and if the dove bout me a sign, id think about making the waters recline. Take back my horsemen, plagues and all, let it be for humans to call. A nice creator not one of rage, taking a lesson from the Jesus page, not getting mad or enraged, I'll leave you humans in your own cage. But I would punish those who killed my son and put my followers on the run. Death to them even though Jesus arose…but that’s why I am not God I suppose.

I've seen the gleam of Metian shields, I've seen the Deadkin killing fields. I've seen the Boron weapon mills, and yet to death my heart does be still. I've felt the Hunters awesome might, yet seen them crush in a fight with Omega Grunts whose awesome might holds battering ram in left and grenade launcher in right. I've see the hunter cunningly slaughter my whole team then spared me, my commander burned third degree, all that was death to me. I've seen the head shots that cannot kill, yet crystal shards our hearts will still, back and fourth the battle goes on until, one race will lie there body chilled. I've seen the grenades in my face about to send me to a silent place, but in the fight for the Veil I took first place, and now my minds in outer space. I've seen the blood run on the floor, I've the soldier run for the door. I've seen the bloody ocean shore and I will be the one to bring more. Util I'm better until I heal, all my enemies I will kill and let their bodies lay their still, because what I've seen has made me ill.

Surface to Air bring me pain and yet embedded in my brain the thought of it will remain, until it's disclosed or I go insane. Many time before I've been stilled by the feelings that make me ill, an ask myself if it's all real. The feelings that drive me closer away, just wont leave won't go away, I tell them to but they won't obey or listen to a thing I say. I get tired and take a rest I try to sleep I do my best pleasant dreams come and put to rest any bad feelings in the quest. Later dreams come, they have occurred, they make me doubt the pleasant words, I have seen it from my watch towers, when some one else has stolen my powers and destroys foe's back to back using the strengths that I now lack. With the strength that’s new I found I put their loved one in the ground. Now my own life I must save from impending oncoming rage, in my weakened state my own life I cant save. Weeks do pass and days go by I haven't a chance to see the sky, because the Missiles go flying by ready to knock me from the sky. But at last and in the end, one last attack for my dear friend. A special attack for you from me, thanks again for the energy. It collides so softly with the surface to airs I don't even watch I don't even care. Because my end you tried to bring but now for you the church bells do ring, and the mourners song they sing, payback for you invading my brain.

Oh beautiful the smog choked skies, the genetically altered fields of grain. The coal mined mountains travesty, the heavily polluted plains. America, America why should God shed his grace on thee. He should frown upon us and put a curse upon us from over fished to oil spilled sea. We have holidays so we'll head to the store, holidays are for enjoyment, not supposed to be a chore. Valentines the first in line you gotta spend to make your loved one feel fine. Easter is the commercialized day, sposta be when Christ died and raised. But instead instead as you can see its bout buying chocolate eggs from cadburry. Fourth of July Nations birthday, who'd have it any other way. Cook out, buy fire crackers and meat. Ribs are on sale what a treat. Halloween candy sales sending your teeth straight to hell. Costumes too and Halloween lore, all for what so wal mart can make another buck. Skip over Thanksgiving turkeys day, but the day after the stores get paid. Workers come in at 5 in the morn, to have their nerves by customers torn. Christmas day is coming soon to put your wallet in a ruin. For a merry Christmas you will pay, just to bring it all back the next day. New Years Eve, isn't a holiday but for beer to drink you'll pay and firecrackers, and loads of wine to intoxicate your mind. But what of Labor, and Veterans…holidays like that. The ones that haven't been commercialized yet. Martin Luther Kings special holiday isn't recognized in the state where I stay. All the presidents birthdays, are treated in about the same way. Maybe the coming of Washington, and Lincoln toys, then their holiday we can enjoy. All the Catholic Saints days, where on the calendar do they lay? For money making days the companies are scheming , we aren't taught most holidays true meanings. Just another day to make ya spend, money will be this countries end. Spend money to have a good holiday, that’s what they tell you, what will you say. We all know its it's false we all know it's lies but America is so commercialized.

Bringing my life to an end, stabbed in the back by a friend. I committed my own sin and told my self I had a friend. I was happy and it shown when I walked all alone. The speakers of knowledge in my head kept me safe from any dread. Their words so wise friendship did despise, and so it plotted their demise. So as time came and went away, friendship always finds away. So my wall was broken down and its bricks littered the ground. Foolishly I stayed to play and the friendliness came to stay. But when I needed my friends to stay they were the first to walk away. So my body left for dead friendship abandoned my head. When I admitted friendship had blinded me the knowledge came back instantly and once again set me free. Now I am happy and its shown, because I again walk alone.

the beginning of the end is so near, we should forget those who we hold dear, let them all fall away like shaft from water falling in the rain. let them be forgettin like things of the past. oh the sweet feeling of forgetting so many things..if only it were as easy as it sounds.

Cut em off at the knees, cut em down like trees. Cut em down fo they have a chance to say please. Lay their dreams to rest, before they can do there best, and put ya nerve and mind to the test. Don't even let em in, don't weaken to their grin, to let your guard down would be a sin. They all got smilin faces, tryna fill the spaces, tryna break you down like whats been dun to many races. But ya gotta let em know, you aint gone be they ho. Close the open fast fo they foot get in the door. Dun let them in ya head, its like eatin poison bread. Give em just an inch and u might end up dead. You gotta stay on guard dun let em make u soft, Befo they get a chance u gotta cut em off.

The path that you are choosing, are you the one losing the things in the past. Should we let it pass. The time will go by, the time will soon fly, are things the same. Are we insane. Did you ever stop, did you ever think, your travel is bringing you close to the brink. Shall we pour it out or shall we drink. Chose your path wisely because we watch spitefully, and our judgement is cruel. Have you made us a fool. You left us alone, in the darkness to roam, did you have any idea, Weren't our intention clear. We let you across to the other side, you were not to go back. You should stay at our side. Your bridges are burning, now you are turning to go back to the side. Our winter now abides.

Theya's nuffin left to do but give up the hope. It's like you're in prison and dun dropped the soap. You gotta let go if the things in da past. You don’t wanna realize that those things won't last You wanna hold on and keep them all close, But those are the things that hurt you the most. All the fun times, the good times you had. You gotta let em go even if it makes you mad. There's nothin' to do but find a new way. Differences are coming change is on the way. You try to look back to see what you find. I can already see your thoughts I know what's on your mind. If you want, you can sit down. You can even stay, but the things of the past have all gone away.

Take what was taught seriously, America's built on integrity, one nation under
God is what they kept sayin to me. They said little man take a stand raise
your hand. One day you may have a business, your very own brand. They
said stay in school, study hard, keep it cool. They never said that the
world was really cruel.
The dreams implanted in you're head when you're a kid. But when you get
older you don’t think like you did. They said you can do anything that you
put your mind to.
They never said, "All we're saying is just to fool you. Make you a slave
to dreams in your head, in the real world you'd prolly be better off dead."
They told me "do your math, learn history and science", they said "when you
get older these will be a reliance."
They said if it's in your head, one day you can make it true, fireman,
airplane pilot, president too.
That’s what they said to me, they all told me lies, now I see the lies
burning in their eyes.
If they told me this, they prolly told you too. But in my mind I shoulda

It was all a dream. Fooled from the start
I listened to them took their words to heart.
It was just the beginning, just the start.
Now I'm the one with the iron heart… because of a dream.)

A little time went by but the message didn’t change.
Repeatedly, it was drilled into my brain.
They never thought about the reign,
their lies would unleash upon the brains,
of the children who heard their lies, took it to heart, and let their
dreams fly.
Only in the end to have their, dreams knocked to the ground.
Because you die too, when your dreams are put down…


As I got older my vision got blurry, and I was met with a different story.
All the great glory all the success, it came to my site it was just a mess.
All the lies, history stories, taking one mans success, giving others his glory.
The country built on integrity and pride, the country taken by lies and
The dreams of many.
A burden to sum, is your dream worthy or is it scum.
Will you full fill your dream and sore into the sun.
Or will defer and start to run.


When you're young they don’t want you to know.
The worlds not nice, it wont let dreams grow.
They'll tell you, "you can, just follow these rules"
But that’s how they do it. Make us into fools.
The rules are made for us, we're not made for rules.
They say, " follow our truths, you can be a hero…"
but I know hell is where the heroes go….
So why follow a dream.
The path that you are choosing, are you the one losing the things in the past. Should we let it pass. The time will go by, the time will soon fly, are things the same. Are we insane. Did you ever stop, did you ever think, your travel is bringing you close to the brink. Shall we pour it out or shall we drink. Chose your path wisely because we watch spitefully, and our judgement is cruel. Have you made us a fool. You left us alone, in the darkness to roam, did you have any idea, Weren't our intention clear. We let you across to the other side, you were not to go back. You should stay at our side. Your bridges are burning, now you are turning to go back to the side. Our winter now abides.

Theya's nuffin left to do but give up the hope. It's like you're in prison and dun dropped the soap. You gotta let go if the things in da past. You don’t wanna realize that those things won't last You wanna hold on and keep them all close, But those are the things that hurt you the most. All the fun times, the good times you had. You gotta let em go even if it makes you mad. There's nothin' to do but find a new way. Differences are coming change is on the way. You try to look back to see what you find. I can already see your thoughts I know what's on your mind. If you want, you can sit down. You can even stay, but the things of the past have all gone away.

Cut em down shut em down put them deep down in the ground. Bodies buried under a mound, living or dead wont make a sound. Break they necks and break they backs, cover they heads wif plastic sacks. Oxygen they will lack and for the ants become a snack. You see my face a blankish stare, on my face you see no care. Not a feeling anywhere. Overlord or King take your pick, my wrath is coming to make you sick. You thought u could take my composure, but you'll die of over exposure. If nature don’t end you're life them meet my partner her names strife. Got mah General at mah side. An iron stallion is what she rides. Lettin pain loose from da main gun, crushin ya spirit just for fun. Angry mine in a smiling face, just waiting for you to get a taste. Rippin and roarin as she goes, wreaking havoc on our foes. New recruit worse of all, don’t let your defenses fall. Killing ya spirit killing your mind, this to him is a past time. Even more uncaring then me, one day greatness he might see. You hear his words and think he's funnin, but he sees your blood runnin. Simple and silly to you he seems, but through his veins uncaring streams. Catchin a nap cus u think he's silly, he'll wake u up like he woke up Willy. All in my army do they dwell, mess wif us we send u to hell.

Stalin walked up to me the other day and asked me if I could play. I said yes and we took a walk and I walked on silent and let him talk. He told that it was all pretend and that there's no such thing as a friend. Just people the stab you in the back and put your limp body in a sack. The words he spoke sounded so right he left and came back to me that night. He said, "I told you it's gonna be your end. I told you, but you thought you had a friend. Now where your friends they've gone away and but where your goin you will stay." And I deserved the pain I got. It was like I had just been shot. The bullet still moving and burning hot. And Stalin said, "Look whatchu got. You didn’t get stabbed but it's worse. You only weakness, its your curse. One day it'll put you in a hearse. It's good for them but for you it's worse" I picked myself up from the ground, I tried to stand but fell back down. I could hear the steps of my enemy close, I tried once again and arose but fell back down, to the ground. The chamber clicked I heard the sound, Stalin said to me, "he's got one more round". I looked up and to my surprise I was staring into my own eyes. I looked at myself on the unable to stand and offered myself a helping hand. Then I looked Stalin in the eye and said to myself, "do you know why, we're almost insane? It's cus of you the weak side of our brain. You're a pitiful showing of a man, can't even give yourself a helping hand. With out me you can't even stand. And your life has come to an end." I raised my gun and aimed at my head, I said, "shoot me and you too will be dead". I replied, "that’s a risk I'm willing to take, I hate living in this awful state. Our sleeping life is better then our life awake." Then Stalin said, "hurry son, do it fast." So I squeezed the trigger and there was a blast. I kilt both of me bought my life to an end. And Stalin...all he could do was grin.

You say forget me, well forget you too. Forget our bad times and our good times too. I dun forgot you as a person, forgot you as a whole. Forget you, you are nothing to my darkened soul. You wanna dis me…Ill dis you back. You aint nuthin to me. You're like a fly on my back. I hear a buzzin sound when you talk. I hear the noise you make when you walk. I hear you, I see you, but I can pretend… that I don’t even know you, our friendships at end. So forget me, den forget you too. If you were worth it, I'd spill ya blood like a killer would do. But you're not worth it, you're not worth my time. In fact you're not even…worth my ryhme.

Ths is my burden the one that I carry. But I keep goin on and on I will tarry. I carry my cross strapped to my back. You have no burdens because you are slack. You laugh at me and the things that I say. Why can't you leave me alone. Just stay away. I have no desire to hear your words any longer, Though they have made me stronger and stronger. I cannot bare any longer to stay here with you. If I remain my composure is through. So it's time to move on, to leave you alone. For better people to find is why I shall roam

You stood at my side and shared my pride. I asked your opinion before I'd decide. To make any move, to do anything. Forever in my brain your name will ring. We rose together in power and respect, and now you're here to break my neck. Stabbed in the back by some one so close. Having you by my side is what I chose. Now I will pay for the choices I made, I'll let all things in the past fade. It means nothing to me anymore. You're nothing to me, just a dirty whore. You have my strength you have my power, but to you I'll never cower. Side by side we use to stand tall. Now you want to see me crawl. My dreams to build and over come. My only choice now would be to run. But, I can see there's no use of me running, I'll give you one thing…I didn't see it coming.

If I had general winter in my blood, all my enemies would feel the flood. The flooding of coldness the stone cold heart. No caring or love in a single part. When I pass by you can feel the hate, hatred so deep it will penetrate. Your clothing and skin, chilling you to the bone. I rule my own kingdom from my subzero throne. I hit with my cold shoulder faster then Glacius. Freezin your body leavin you in cold stasis. No one can stand against my might. Challengers step forward, I wish they might. No need for an army, I battle alone. Let all you back stabbers stay ya selves at home.
I am the General you need no other, not a single friend, not even a brother. The coldness I feel shouldn’t be felt. With me all our enemies will be dealt, a hand of fate faster den light. So fast they wont have a chance to fight. Sub zero winds over take all, even the strongest of them will fall. You give too many a chance to come back. With me at your side we'll pick up the slack. I'll make you strong, you wont need friends. You're happy outside but I know it's pretend. The look on your face reflects the inside. Devoid of things, emotions and pride. Together unstoppable, separate we fall. Just think of it kid, me and you'll conquer all.

Lets Battle some times, you seem so amazing. All you're super powers, but >my guns are blazin. You've taken my powers, I took your spouses life. It seems both our lives >are filled with strife. Yeah, you had me running for several days. Running and hiding in a high walled maze. Amazed that the powers I had once wielded, are the ones you use now to keep your body shielded. You waited too long and let me think, my strength has grown and my fear has shrank. I baited you good into the gravel pit. It's over now, like Nightmare says, "this is it". It was all just a trap that you were too blind to see, my last words to you…"thanks for the energy"

A ninja you are, in your own mind you're queen. But this is my mind, you're just fodder for me. I've taken your army out one at a time. Their bodies all dead now, on them the maggots will dine. We go face to face, in a horrible fight. You seem to be playing I'm using all my might. You put on a good show and beat me real bad. I've never lost a fight before, not in my head. You've beaten me down, I've been overcome. Oh, my bad I forgot bout my gun. A head shot with the sawed off to put you in your place. You were so cute, too bad I hadda ruin ya face.

You have regeneration, and super speed too. I did in my last dream. But this dream is new. You can jump over buildings and pick up a car. Last dream I destroyed earth by pushing it into a star. But now im just here plain and bland. Except for the weapons I have in my hand. Ill kill all of your vampire squad, they'll die by my hand I'm a one person mob. Ill take your general, no he can't stay. Drive a stake through his heart and send him away. General of mine now a vampire queen, isn't it odd how all my dreams are theme'd. I pulled out my cross, held it to your face. yes with that cross I put you in your place. You said, "You know I dun believe in God, Tor" now theres a cross burned on you. Oh yeah by the way, God loves you too. Im ready to end it, you're not fun to fight, when you're henchmen are gone you lose all of your might. Appeal to my emotions to not kill you dead, then I turn my back and you go for my head. Well it's the end now and there's mah man Stalin. Well its game over, can you hear death callin. Don't try to cry your tears are useless, I'll just behead you and leave you skull toothless. You're army was big, but you put up a weak fight. Maybe we'll meet in my another dream….tomorrow night.