Unknown Book Club

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Ruth and Roxy

From: Hestia
Date: 03 Nov 2001
Time: 22:09:38
Remote Name:


I liked the Ruth character. The author's desciption of her through Bonnie's eyes was nice. What a sad life she had until the mill closed. It was probably pretty common of women from her generation, though - to give up education and career for family.

I found it really sad that Ruth's sons moved away and had little contact with her. She was such a good person to have 2 children practically turn their backs on her and the other run away stealing money from her and her friends.

Roxy: When Roxy told Bonnie that she could drop off the dresses in Atlanta, I was talking back to the book. "Don't do it, Bonnie!" I knew that Roxy was going to take the money. There is no way she would have offered to do that drive otherwise. That girl never did anything for anyone else. She was a big loser.

I really felt sorry for the children with Roxy as a mother and a loser father who left them. The ending was nice but I felt it was a bit unbelievable in one way. I don't think the Ruth character would have left her grandchildren to live with someone else. I could see her commuting and having childcare for them but not totally having them live with someone else while she goes to school in a different town.

Last changed: November 03, 2001