Unknown Book Club

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From: Hestia
Date: 13 Nov 2001
Time: 22:21:16
Remote Name:


What a shallow b****! Poor Mirabelle was clueless as to how mean and cruel Lisa was. How sad that Lisa's whole life revolved around landing a rich man and one-upping people like Mirabelle. I guess it shows what kind of person she was just in the fact that she is threatened by Mirabelle.

I really enjoyed when she slept with Jeremy thinking that he was Ray Porter. Jeremy got the "Ray Porter" treatment! Heehee! Her whole seduction plan flopped. She did not even ask him his name, she just tells him that she knows who he is. How funny it was when he called her the next day and found out that she thought he was someone else. :-)

Last changed: November 13, 2001