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A story of family history

From: Hestia
Date: 17 Feb 2002
Time: 21:43:00
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I liked Eddie's Bastard. It took me a little while to get into it and once I did it was a quick light read.

What an interesting family. They all seemed like characters. I just realized that the book is all about the men in the family. I don't remember it discussing any of the women at all except to say that the grandmother left the grandfather one day. Probably because of his heavy drinking?

Okay, I had to wonder how an alcoholic took care of an infant. I am sure many people do it but an old man who is alone and never spent much time if any around a baby? Oh yeah and what about the sandwiches everyday? Was it balony or salomi? Yuck, how is a growing boy suppose to grow up healthy eating only that? And, was it just me or did you find the nightmare about the girl (Mary) being chased and murdered really weird. I don't think it was really well resolved either.

Last changed: February 17, 2002