Unknown Book Club

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Re: Brad & JJ's expectations...

From: Tam
Date: 20 Apr 2002
Time: 04:07:21
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FIrst, I agree it was a bit of a surprise, him liking large women.

Next, look at most of JJ's examples of "normal" skinny beautiful people. Her roommates, Brad, Geraldine really for the most part. They were all very shallow and their total assessment of a person was based on the outside and how pretty it was. They never considered that there even should be anything in the head or heart.

Perhaps that is why BRad is able to be some super lover for JJ. He thinks it is normal to do things like that and his shallowness makes him able to perform where a man in love with someone else, with a real soul and conscience, would not be able to.

I think she settled for less with Brad based on what everyone else said she should do...instead of listening to her heart and trying to make herself happy - which we all know is the first step to true happiness.

Like my Dad says:

Do you know what you get when you settle for less???


Last changed: April 20, 2002