Unknown Book Club

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Lincoln whose father owned a car dealership

From: Hestia
Date: 03 Sep 2002
Time: 21:32:39
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How long did it take you to realize that his father named him after a car! I think I was about halfway into the book. I thought it was pretty funny, especially because my brother-in-law owns a dealership. At least his sons have normal names.

What did you think of his family? I am surprised that his mother stayed with his father all that time. My father was a bit rigid like his but he has mellowed a lot over the years. Sounds like his just got worse.

His mother was funny. I like that she wanted to bury her car. I also liked her painting of her car sticking out of the lake. Her trip reminded me a little of your trips out West, Tam!

Last changed: September 03, 2002