Right now there are 3 ways to fuse. 1.Buy the Fusion Clothes. When you fuse you can do 1 of 2 things.You can do a Battle Fuse. When you do a battle fuse 1 person MUST have the Fusion Clothes and you can only do this in a battle. ANY1 can fuse together.ex:Brolly can still fuse with Piccolo even though they are different races. 2.Buy the earrings. When you buy the earrings you will fuse for ever.You can buy regular earrings or re-use able earrings.Re-use able's are good for if 1 person dies in a fuse.They are 2 being's again.So you can fuse again TAKES 3 DAYS OF FUSIN 1.earrings on 2.bodies uniting 3.transformation compleate,pl's are uniting ::::Note:::: When you fuse you will EASTIMATE your pl's and multiply them by 2(because of 2 people).You can triple fuse by getting there pl and and it to urs.(will take them 3 days TOO so you can not battle)if they are coming in after the MAJOR fuse already happened.If they are all going to fuse(3)then you multiply it by 3:::::IMPORTANT::::: you MUST have the SAME kind of EARRINGS to FUSE Potara Fusion: This is the most powerful fusion out of the two. It is hundreds of times better than the Dance Fusion. For the fusion to work the two fighters must have a pair of Kaioushin ear-rings. The two fighters must put one ear-ring on opposite ears. This fusion is permanent, but Goku and Vegeta were swallowed by Buu and somehow the fusion was off. Rules/Affects 1. The two fighters must have a pair of Kaioushin ear-rings. 2. The two fighters must wear one ear-ring on opposite ears. 3. The fusion is permanent. 4. The two fighters could only of had one fusion in their lives. 3.Dance Fusion: This Fusion is called the Dance Fusion. Telling by the name the major part of this fusion is to do a dance. The two fighters must do the dance perfectly or the fusion will come out all wrong. If they do it successfully they become one stronger fighter. The new warrior has the combined strength of the two fighters. The only problem is that they don't get to use their full power. The two fighters could only use half of their power in this fusion. Rules/Affects 1. The two fighters must be alike in, power, size, and build. Power counts the most. If one is weaker than the other the stronger one has to lower his power to be equal to the weaker fighter. 2. The dance has to be perfect or the fusion will come out all wrong any little mistake will mess them up. 3. The fusion will last for 30 minutes only. They can't make the time shorter or longer. 4. When times up they must rest for at least an hour to regain their strength to fuse again