Ep Factory
This Side Up
Ep Blue again took 1st in Open at CTPBL, and Ep Red took 1st in Novice, and Ep White took 2nd in Novice. Nice Job
1st Place-Nov
3rd Place-Nov
4th Place-Nov
Team Members
EP Factory Team Blue
EP Factory Team Red
Rob - Eclipse Shocker / Tricked Bushy

Matt K - 2000 Led SE Angel

Kyle - 2002 Freeflow Lock Out Edition
Aj - 2001 LCD Angel

Jon - 2k2 Bushy

Dave - ANS GX3 Cocker

Kenny - 2.1 Dark Angel
Rob - Captian
2nd Place-Nov
Febuary 17 CTPBL
January 10 CTPBL
Event Updates
The next tourny will be on January 18 at Matts Outback in Coventry. It is gonna be a 5 man tourny
Febuary 23 Matt's Outback
3rd Place-Nov
Older News
EP Factory Team BLUE
EP Factory Team RED
March 10 CTPBL
3rd Place-Nov
4th Place-Nov
Matts Outback
Febuary 17, Tourny Pictures
March 10 CTPBL Tourrny Pictures
April 13, Matt's Outback
3rd Place-Nov
Dave - Co Captian
EP Factory Team BLUE
EP Factory Team RED
June 2 CTPBL
1st Place-Nov
2nd Place-Nov
Events Played
CTPBL 2002 Standings
June 15, Matt's Outback
1st Place- Nov
Chris - Mamba Angel
Ep White
July 21, Liberty 5-Man
3rd Place- Nov
The Famous Pt Enforcer
August 18, CTPBL
2nd Place- Open
October 27, CTPBL
1rd Place-Nov
3th Place- Open
4th Place- Nov
Ep Factory Team Forum
1st Place-Open
1st Place- Nov
3rd Place- Nov
September 22, CTPBL
Nov. 9, Matt's Outback
1st Place- Nov
This Side Up 5 Man - comming soon......
Custom E - Cocker comming soon...
Rob - Eclipse Shocker
Nov. 24, Matt's Outback 5-Man
4th Place- Open
Angel LED
December 8, CTPBL
1st Place-Open
1st Place- Nov
2nd Place- Nov