My Friends
Seeing as this is an obligatory page amongst our posse, I have decided that it shall be a self-glorification page. Any of my friends (-i.e. I know them somewhat), may email me with a statement saying *almost* anything they want. They can dedicate it to their favourite subject or person, greet people or submit a joke, whatever...excepting that I will censor the very obscene!
*GRIN* It also means that I don't have to think up anything to write myself or annoy anyone with the seating order.
Works first come first serve!
Please e-mail your submissions to  Thank you for your custom, come again soon!
Lianne: Hi everybody! (chirpy 'Hi Dr. Nick' floats from the crowd) It's Lianne here. Or is it Liana. Or Angel. Or whatever the bloody hell you wanna call me. Just nothing nasty, k? Anyway, uh, what can I say...? Um, Whose Line is da bomb and anime rocks!!!!!!! Especially Gundam Wing (despite what anyone like Isabel might say!) Can I just say that Kirby Morrow is the CUTEST guy around!!!! SoBe rules, ne?!?!?! Anyway, love fast, live slow and die pretty. Peace out bakas! Ja ne!

Ryanna: we are going to stop this now because it is annoying everyone, and by everyone I mean me. One thing is gonna happen here and it is...I LOVE YOU! :) We kick one can tell us otherwise. Whosers Rock. Miss Ya Always, Love Ya forever *MYALYF*
By the way, since he will never see this..I totally love T.J. Wolfer aka Taiala Tala
Luv always,
R-appalez eclat!

Jennette: I'm 15, I live in Indiana, I like all the same stuff [Siteholder] likes, which is why she corresponds with some strange kid from the USA, and I run cross country and track! Yah, because that's about all I do. Oh yah, and here is my

Jenni: I'm Jenni, the weird one enjoys listening to music, especially(brace youselves people) Nirvana, Linkin Park, U2, REM, GreenDay, Placebo, Foo Fighters and virtuall anything loud. My favourite songs are Elevation by U2, With You by Linkin Park and Heart-shaped Box by Nirvana. I go really mad when I'm with my friends, and extraordinarily mad when I'm with my friends and any caffienated beverage or Sunny Delight. I have no dress sense whatsoever (hence earning myself the nickname Gap). My life revolves around doing very little, socialising with my friends, going to Rochester (oh, the excitement), and doing sod all.At this particular moment in time, I am stressed because there aren't enough days till the maths exam and I'm paranoid about failing everything. I am also severely pissed off at being only 5'1" tall, jeans always being too long for me, and the way I'm always correcting people's spelling. I am one of the most pedantic people in the universe :-(.
My dream job would be to be an editor of a magazine, in particular Private Eye. I am the only person in the world who wants to have Ian Hislop's job. Thassaboutit I think:-)

Whoser:When Monkeys sleep in your bed, Giraffes eat out of your refrigerator, Dinosaurs roam your house and Ocelots perform stand-up on your couch, you've reached the amount of hours of Whose Line required for a happy life.

Lilpeach: With your farewell, you take with you my heart.