Games in Progress
This is a listing of the games which ran throughout the school year. Some are still up for next year, while others have simply ended. A big thanks to all who ran games this year for the club, and hopefully even more will be started up next year. Included is the name, system, and GM, and a final note of what happened (if ended)

"Untitled" Mage by Kelly Smith -held over till his return in Sept.

"Untitled" Al Quadim by Bjarne Almquist -???

"Labyrinth of Madness" AD&D by Stephanie Nash -held over until Sept.

"Montreal by Night" Vampire by Jeremy Hood -Unfortunatly just barely off the ground. We shall miss Jeremy when he is in Halifax.

"Untitled" Rifts by Jay Geekie -A spy in the ranks, and only one character left standing. But the bad guy, as always got his in the end.

"The Clone Wars" Star Wars by Paul Mah -???

"Untitled" Travellor by Peter White -held over till the return of players next Sept. The second attempt with everyone as prisoners, after an unfortunate turn of events led to the destruction of the ship and the loss of a character.... again with the evilness???

"Try Whistling This" BESM by Andy Ticknor -Ended after a successful run, as Andy moved to Winnipeg.

"WoD Files v2.0" various whitewolf systems by Pete Middaugh -an untimely death of the game, but it may be ressurrected... ???
Have a game? Send info to:
Name: Jim Williams