Teen Vogue Magazine- 'The Independent Spirit"

Age: 18

Up Next: The star of such indie favourites as
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys and The Emperor's Club, Emile Hirsch will make his next big-studio debut in The Girl Next Door. "It's about a high-school senior who's living life according to the rules. It's kind of Risky Business-ish," Emile explains. "His life is about going for the grade until he meets this girl [played by Elisha Cuthbert] who changes his life. They fall in love--and then he finds out she's a former porn star!"

What a boy wants: As for his own love life, Emile swears it's a lot less complicated. "I'm like a lot of guys when it comes to girls. I've dated some aspiring actresses, but I just look for people who I think are cool."

"I want the characters I play to seem like real people with real problems--to have depth."