About.com interview – Rebecca Murray

EMILE HIRSCH ('Sedgewick Bell')

This was an extremely tough role for any young actor. How did you get into character?
Believe it or not, I got into the charismatic, shady, sly heart of Sedgewick Bell by watching CNN and C-SPAN.

You're serious?

What was it about watching those two stations that helped you find Sedgewick?
I don't know. There's something just so kind of smooth about politicians. I'm not saying that all politicians are like that but Sedgewick was raised by politicians - his dad is a senator - so I figured the qualities that they have, he would have been around them while he was growing up. He would have seen that's how adults act and that's how he's supposed to be.

Was it difficult playing this character? Sedgewick doesn't have many redeeming qualities.
Well, his charisma is his redeeming characteristic to the audience, you know, it's his mischievous side. He draws people in by the fun that he has. He gets people to like him.

You do an almost nude scene in this film. What was filming that scene like for you?
It was extremely bold because I don't have a 'six-pack’ so I kind of felt like a chump, but it was alright.

And your next project involves your character living next door to a porn star?
I go to school and I fall in love with a porn star. It's got a great script. It's really funny, but it's got some good drama in it, too.

Are you trying to stay away from the typical 'teen comedy' movie roles?
No, not consciously. If there's a good teen comedy script, I'd do it. I'm not staying away from any genre. I'm trying to get scripts that I like.

How did you get the role in “The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys”, and what was it about that script that hooked you?
It was the mix of drama and adventure. The mix of elements, with comedy and animation. It had a kind of honesty that it tried to evoke, and I think it did. Getting the part was thrilling. It was a series of auditions over a month. I lost sleep on a lot of nights but I just kept on going because I wanted that role like a mo-fo.

Of the two characters, Francis in "The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys" and Sedgewick in "The Emperor's Club," which one is more like you?
Definitely a lot more like Francis - not so much like Sedgewick (laughing).
