About A Boy- Teen Vogue

Enough with quiet success in indie favourites… Emile Hirsch is ready for his big moment.

Although he counts Woody Allen and Marlon Brando among his idols, it was Home Alone that made Emile Hirsch want to act. “I was nine or ten, and I loved all those traps. The whole whimsical spirit of it,” says Emile. “I told my dad, and he was really supportive. He helped me get started.” After bit parts in ER and NYPD Blue, however, the young actor was hungry for something with a little more substance. His search ended with last year’s The Dangerous Loves of Altar Boys, a small film about two friends growing up in the seventies, for which Emile garnered the indie cred that has kept his career moving at a swift pace ever since. The movie co-starred Kieran Culkin (brother of the same star whose movie helped kick-start the young Emile’s acting pursuits), and the two have remained close. “When you do a movie, you get thrown in with a random mix of people you would normally never meet,” Emile says. “The work just bonds you together. Kieran and I still hang out—we just saw the White Stripes play in New York.”

After Altar Boys, Emile completed The Emperor’s Club with Kevin Kline, and The Mudge Boy (the film, about a boy who loses his mother and is forced to deal with his father, was a favorite at this year’s Sundance Film Festival), but now the eighteen-year-old finds himself in familiarly restless territory. “I want to do something huge… I mean a really big movie,” he enthuses. “But, you know, it’s got to be good, too.” We wouldn’t expect anything less.

- Nicole Vecchiarelli