Dina Fanai
Official Site: http://www.dinafanai.com/

Pages on this site:

Cutting Room, NYC
Cutting Room II: The Return

Links to pages on other sites:

If you know of any good links for Dina, please contact us!
From the 2002 Tour Program
  One TSO YahooGroupie who was able to attend Dina's
Cutting Room
show on June 18th, 2003 shared her experience with us...


  I got back a little while ago from seeing Dina perform at The
Cutting Room. The weather here in NY is nasty and rainy and almost
stopped me from going tonight but I'm so glad I went because Dina's
show was definitely a strong ray of sunshine in all this gloominess
we've been experiencing.
  Dina's voice is lovely and strong. She sings like an angel with
so much passion interwoven within her enchanting melodies. Her songs
are beautiful and touching. They caress your inner light and serenade
your soul in the most gentle and beautiful way. Her songs are well
thought out musically and lyrically and possess deep meanings about
life and love among other things.
  After the show I said hi to Dina and purchased a CD. She couldn't
have been sweeter and she was very appreciative toward her audience.
I'm so glad I attended Dina's performance tonight and I look
forward to more in the future. Thank you Dina for a wonderful show!

Remembering The Vision