Unofficial DRCs

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In Memory of Survivor
How ironic . . .
Survivor's death is not only a mystery, but it is incredibly unusual. No one knows why or how his death came to be, but the fact remains that he did die. A horribly humiliating death.

The humor of Survivor was unique of any of the staffers of this site. He always kept things fresh and enjoyed stroking his monkey quite often. Frankly, that's not too unusual, his monkey was quite exquisite. Rather large, but exquisite all the same. I remember when I (PMBorisStoke) got to pet it. It was a thrilling experience and all the staffers envied me. I believe he refferred to the monkey as John Thomas as well. It was a very entertaining monkey. Oh, right, a bit off topic. Enough about chimps.

This story is the result of yet another staffer going on quitting and ending up in some fire off country. Whilst in France, Survivor was murdered . . . or so it would seem. He was found by two elderly couple at the bottom of an elevator shaft of the Eiffel Tower. He was dressed in women's clothing and had the words NOBEL PRIZE carved on his forhead. It is presumed that someone drugged him and, having been obsessed with the scene in Superman II attempted to put Survivor at the bottom of an elevator in hope to relive the drama of the scene. It is presumed that Survivor, not being concious, fell out of the small are beneath the elevator because he could not hold on and fell to his death.

Surivor's death is a pointless tragedy that will never have an answer. He will always be missed.

Survivor's final UDRC update can be seen here