Unofficial DRCs

Vibe Loonie
Vibe 1
Vibe 2
Vibe 3

The Dork Forums
Studio 64

In Memory of WDIIA
Preserved Forever
When one looks back on the history of this site they will remember that it was WDIIA's idea to start a site in the first place. He is to blame for everything that is wrong and to be praised for everything that is right from August 2001 to November 2001.

It was quite a sad day when WDIIA passed on. He was on holiday in Los Angeles for a while, but when visiting the La Brea Tar Pits there was an accident. A platform that is above the tar pits, which he was standing on, collapsed and he was thrust into the black goo. Firefighters attempted to save him, but ended up killing themselves in teh black goo seeing as how they were uneducated and didn't know anything about the tar pits.

And so WDIIA slowly sank into the oblvion that is the La Brea Tar Pits . . . along with 7 firefighters. Excavators were able to retrieve his body and the bodies of the hopeless heroes. The bodies are now on display at the museum near the tar pits. We thought it would be best for WDIIA to be on display for all the world to see, and his parents wouldn't have it any other way. The skeletons of WDIIA and the firefighters have been positioned to reinact the boxart of The Ultimate Doom. WDIIA's skeleton has be painted green so as to distinguish himself as the the marine who boldly fights of the approaching demons.

WDIIA will not be forgotten for every time one comes to this site they cannot help, but think about him. He is responsible for its existence after all.

WDIIA's final UDRC update can be seen here