UnReAl BIG BROTHER is starting its 3rd season.  The website is currently being worked on and will be fully functional after the game.  Like UnReAl BIG BROTHER 2, there will be episodes that will air after the game has been completed.

If you think you have what it takes to win UnReAl BIG BROTHER 3, then read the rules and then apply!  Applications will close at 6pmEST September 3rd...so apply!

We will choose between 15-20 applicants and then have an interview with each of the "finalists".  After we interview all the finalists, we will make the final cut down to 12 "houseguests".

Please read the rules before you apply.


I. General Rules

1.  The rules MAY change at any time.
2.  You must agree to be active.
3.  If you miss 3 LIVE Meetings/Competitions in a row you will be automatically nominated.
4.  If you miss 3 LIVE Meetings/Competitions(but not 3 in a row) you will be automatically nominated, but the HOH can make 2 nominees of his/her own if he/she wishes.
5.  No real prize will be awarded to the winner.  This is for the fun and experience.

II. Game Play Rules

1.  There will be a new twist, big or small, every week.  This twist will be announced before the HOH Competition.
2.  There will be a Head of Household Competition(HOH) at the beginning of each Week.  The HOH must nominate 2 houseguests for eviction.
3.  There will be a Power of Veto Competition(POV) following the nominations.  The winner of the POV can remove a nominee from the chopping block.  Thus the HOH will have to make a new nomination.  IF a nominee wins, he/she CAN'T remove themself.
4.  The houseguests that are not either HOH or nominated must vote to evict one of the two nominees(after the POV meeting).
5.  Expect the Unexpected.
6.  The last 7 evicted houseguests will return to vote for the winner.  However everyone will be invited back for the Reunion Episode.
7.  You must agree to come back and vote for a winner.



Sorry.  But the application is now closed.  However if you are female and would like to apply, we may need 1 more female, you can send an email to us at

Once you have submitted your application, please email me a picture of yourself to unrealbigbrother3@hotmail.com with your name and location in the subject line so I can identify whose picture it is.
Thank you for your application.

If you have any questions you can contact me at unrealbigbrother3@hotmail.com

We are not affiliated with CBS or Endemol.
For up to date BB USA info, check out BB4BBQ.  "The Roast with the Most"
We currently have enough MALES to select from.  But we still need some more FEMALES to apply.  Thank you