The Temple of Pantheism

Pantheism 102


An extensive entry in The New Encyclopedia Britannica lists seven forms of Pantheism, but actually, there are as many forms of Pantheism as there are Pantheists to express them! Why? In Christianity and numerous other faiths, adherents follow the teachings of charismatic leaders. In Pantheism, everyone is the 'leader' of their own religion, frequently self-discovered from feeling a sense of divinity in Nature (many persons are at first unaware that there is a name for their self-discovery).

Imagine looking through a colorful kaleidoscope to view the varieties of Pantheism. Like all pieces in a kaleidoscope, all Pantheists fit together harmoniously, united by their belief in the oneness and sanctity of creation. Yet every piece in the kaleidoscope has unique colors and shadings, just as every Pantheist has unique colors and shadings which personalize their beliefs.

The following diagram generalizes contemporary pantheistically inclined viewpoints.    Adherents spread across the spectrum, some in the center of a category, others at some point in between.   From modern reference book-defined Pantheism, to the strict materialism of Scientific Pantheism, and the broad transcendence of Panentheism, all outlooks consider the Universe divine, and all contain a religious sensibility rich in poetry, mystery, and imagination, kindled by the enthralling wonder of Nature.


Note: PANENTHEISM, coined by K.C.F.Krause (1781-1832) means God is immanent in the universe, as a part though not the whole of his being. This view preserves the idea of God as Creator. The phrase "scientific pantheism" appeared in a biography of John Burroughs (1924) and in later works including a Greek-Roman history book (1960), a study of Spinoza (1971), and a biography of John Muir (1981). SCIENTIFIC PANTHEISM, as defined in the 1990's by Paul Harrison on his  website refers to "a consistent, empirical, materialist and non-dualist brand of pantheism." Paul relates that "Scientific pantheism never uses the word God."  It is "identical with religious atheism....scientific pantheism is just as materialist as atheism, the only real difference is that pantheists have strong feelings of reverence, love, and sense of belonging to nature and the universe."  Similarly, Paul notes that "many atheists hold powerful feelings toward nature and the universe; feelings of reverence, love, awe, and a sense of belonging to nature and the material universe."

Scientific pantheism grades into atheism, naturalism, and humanism, which reject the divinity of  Nature. Panentheism grades into theism, polytheism, and spiritualism, which may acknowledge divinity in Nature (and in so doing can lead to confusion with Pantheism).  However, theism, polytheism, and spiritualism incorporate supernatural entities (such as angels and devils) and otherworldly elements (such as communication with the dead) entirely incompatible with Pantheism's view of a wholly natural world.


    SCIENTIFIC PANTHEISM is proud to recognize the Greek and Roman materialism of the Miletans, Heraklitus, Democritus, Epicurus and Lucretius as its predecessors.
We believe that everything is made up of matter<=>energy, and that there is no separate and distinct substance of spirit. But we also have a deep reverence for the cosmos and for nature, which the early materialists shared.
Scientific pantheism reveres the universe as the only real divinity.
It fuses religion and science, and concern for humans with concern for nature.
It provides the most realistic concept of life after death,
and the most solid basis for environmental ethics.
It is a religion that requires no faith other than common sense,
no revelation other than open eyes and a mind open to evidence,
no guru other than your own self.
For an outline, see the Scientific Pantheism site. Top.

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Scientific pantheism - index

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