Article I. Name of the Organization

            The name of the organization shall be University of the Philippines Geological Society.


Article ii. Membership


                Any undergraduate student of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, enrolled in the BS Geology course is eligible for membership upon fulfillment of the requirements as approved by the Executive Council.  Any student enrolled in another course in the UP system may be allowed to apply for membership upon the approval of the Executive Council.  The applicant must also fulfill the basic requirements as set by ARTICLE X. (Application for Membership) of this constitution.       



            There are four types of membership.  These are:


a) Resident Members.  These are members who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate course in the University of the Philippines, in good standing with the Society and have renewed their membership status.


b) Alumni.  These are members who have served the Society and who may not have left the University of the Philippines. PhD and MS students may renew their membership status and avail of the privileges and service offered by the Society except lockers and the right to run for office.


c) Non-Resident Members.  These are members who have not renewed their membership status.  They may not avail of the rights and/or privileges given to Resident Members.


d) Honorary Members.  This title may be bestowed upon any non-member who has done exemplary service for the Society as recognized by the Executive Council and fully accepted by an 80% vote of the General Assemble.  Honorary Members receive the same privileges given to Resident Members.  On the other hand, s/he may not run for office and is not allowed to vote during meetings.


Article iii. The General Assembly


            The General Assembly shall be composed of Resident Members who as defined in Article II, Section 2,a) (Resident Members).



                The General Assembly shall have the following rights:


a) The right to vote on issues presented by the Executive Council.

b) The right to avail of privileges offered by the Society.

c) The right to veto powers on policies and decisions of the different committees.  This shall require a 60% vote of the General Assembly.

d) The right to propose the suspension or impeachment of a member of the Executive Council.


Article iii. The Executive Council


            The Executive Council shall be composed of Resident Members duly elected by the General Assembly as set by ARTICLE VII (Elections) of this constitution.  The Executive Council is the highest decision making body of the Society.



            The Executive Council shall be composed of the following offices:



1)       The President shall be the head of the Executive Council and of the whole Society.

2)       S/He shall be the presiding officer of all meetings unless specified otherwise in this constitution.

3)       S/He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

4)       S/He shall vote only in case of a tie during Executive Council and General Assembly meetings.

5)       S/He shall vote when decisions regarding the expulsion of a member are to be made.



1)       The vice President for Internal Affairs shall be the presiding officer of meetings if the President is not present, unless specified otherwise by him/herself.

2)       S/He shall serve as a temporary head of the Society in case the President’s office is vacated until a special election is held.

3)       S/He shall be the chairperson of the Membership Committee unless specified otherwise by him/herself and upon the approval of the General Assembly.



1)       The Vice President for External Affairs shall be responsible for all communications and representations outside of the Society unless specified otherwise by him/herself

2)       S/he shall be the chairperson of the External Affairs Committee unless specified otherwise by him/herself and upon the approval of the Executive Council.

3)       S/He shall act as liaison officer to the Adviser(s).

4)       S/He shall be responsible for the marketing.



1)       The Secretary shall be the chairperson of the Secretariat Committee unless specified by him/herself and upon the approval of the Executive Council.

2)       S/He shall take down the minutes of the Executive Council and General Assembly meetings.

3)       S/He shall represent the Society in case the Vice President for External Affairs is absent.



1)       The treasurer shall be the chairperson of the Finance Committee unless specified otherwise by him/herself and upon the approval of the Executive Council.



1)       The Chairperson of the Academics Committee shall be responsible for monitoring Academic Status of the Resident Members.

2)       S/He shall be responsible for performance of its members and shall be over-all in charge in any academic-related project or activities sponsored by its committee.




1)       The Chairperson of the Logistics Committee shall be responsible for the performance of its members and shall be the over-all in charge in any exhibit-related project or activity sponsored by the Society.



                The Executive Council shall follow the chain of command as stated below when presiding over General Assembly meetings, unless ordered otherwise by the President.


                        Vice President for Internal Affairs

                        Vice President for External Affairs



                        Chairperson of the Academics Committee

                        Chairperson of the Logistics Committee



            Proclamation of the newly elected Executive Council shall hold immediately after the ballots have been cast.  Turnover ceremonies on the other hand, shall be held a week after the proclamation.  The term of office of every Executive Council shall start one week after the turnover ceremonies.


Article v. Adviser(s) to the Society                                                   


            The Adviser(s) to the Society shall be chosen by and serve co terminus with the Executive Council in power.


SECTION 2.        

            The Executive Council shall choose at most two advisers based on the following conditions:

a)       S/He must fulfill the requirements for Advisers as stated in the College of Science Guidelines for Student Organizations.

b)       S/He need not be an alumnus/alumna of the Society.


Article VI. Committees


a)       The Academics Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and update of the Society’s library

b)       The Committee shall be responsible for providing tutorial services to the Resident Members, as well as BS Geology undergraduates who may request for such.

c)       This Committee shall inform the General Assembly of the status of the Society’s library and shall provide a list of available materials, which may be utilized by any Resident Member.



a)       The External Affairs Committee shall be responsible for the publicity and promotions of the Society unless specified otherwise for special projects.

b)       This Committee shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of Alumni relations.

c)       This Committee shall be responsible for acquiring recognition(s) by the College and/or University.



a)       The Finance Committee shall be responsible and in-charge of the Society’s fund raising projects.

b)       This Committee shall be responsible for any financial collections, transactions, purchases and safekeeping for the Society.

c)       This Committee shall provide a financial report, written or otherwise, upon the request of the President.




a)       The Internal Affairs Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the performance of the Resident Members regarding the Society’s activities (e.g. attendance, participation etc.).

b)       This Committee shall set criteria and/or guidelines for applications, acceptance, impeachment, expulsion and suspension other than those stated in this Constitution.

c)       This Committee shall be responsible for the recruitment and membership application process and ultimately, the recommendation of new members to the Executive Council.

d)       This Committee shall provide a membership status report, written or otherwise, at every General Assembly meetings and/or upon request of the President.


a)       The Secretariat Committee shall be composed of the Secretaries of all Committees.

b)       This Committee shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the records of the Society.

c)       This Committee shall be responsible for all official correspondence.

d)       This Committee shall be responsible for all official announcements (e.g. call for meetings etc.) by the Society.



a)       The Logistics Committee shall provide the General Assembly an inventory of all the property and equipment of the Society including those held under the name of the Society.

b)       This Committee shall be responsible and in charge of handling the manpower for sports and social events participated by the Society.

c)        This Committee shall also be the Exhibit Committee.


SECTION 7.                AD HOC COMMITTEE

            The creation of Ad Hoc Committees such as Electoral Committee, Technical Board on Amendments Committee and Special Projects Committee(s) shall be upon the discretion of the Executive Council.

a) The Electoral Committee shall follow the rules as stated in ARTICLE VIII (Elections).  This committee shall be formed at least two weeks prior to Election Day.  Committee members shall be chosen by the Executive Council against the following criteria:

a.1            Resident Members ineligible to run for office.

a.2            Volunteers in case there are no ineligible members.


b) The Technical Board on Constitutional Amendments shall follow the rules as stated in ARTICLE XII (Amendments).  This Board shall be responsible for the collating of the proposals from the different Committees and shall serve as moderators/arbiters during the Amendment Night.


c) Special Projects Committees shall be formed as needed.


Article VII. Meetings


a)       Committee meetings shall be attended by all committee members and/or resource persons as deemed necessary by the chairperson.

b)       These meetings are to discuss policies and/or issues subject to the approval of the Executive Council and/or the General Assembly.

c)       These meetings should be called at least a day before an Executive Council meeting except for emergency situations.

d)       Each committee is required to have a logbook for announcements; any important information and minutes of meetings shall be written.



a)       Executive Council meetings should be called by the President at least two days before a General Assembly meeting.

b)       These meetings are to discuss the proposals, updates etc. of the different committees and to decide upon a course of action.

c)       These meetings should be attended by all seven officers otherwise there is no quorum.

d)       A member of the Executive Council may assign a representative/proxy in case s/he cannot attend the meeting.  Proxies shall be chosen by the committee heads and under the discretion of the Executive Council.



a)       General Assembly meetings should be called by the President at least once a month.  Emergency meetings may be called, upon approval of the President.

b)       These meetings should be attended by all Resident Members.  In case of emergency, a Resident Member may assign his/her vote to another Resident Member.  Applicants for membership may be invited to take part or even vote in some of these meetings.

b.1 Resident Members are required to give an official excuse letter to the Vice President for Internal Affairs to inform him/her of the member’s absence in the said activity or meeting.  Otherwise s/he is considered absent for that matter.

c)  Quorum shall be 65% of the General Assembly.  Majority vote            shall be equal to 50% + 1 of the quorum.


Article VIII. Elections


            All prospective candidates must satisfy the following requirements:

a)       A candidate for the office of the President and Chairperson for the Academics Committee must be a BS Geology undergraduate and must stay as one throughout his/her term.  Candidates for other offices need not satisfy this requirement.

b)       All candidates must be Resident Members in good standing with the Society.

c)       A candidate should preferably be in good scholastic standing for a year prior to his/her candidacy.

d)       A candidate must not hold any office in another organization simultaneously with his/her possible term-to-be in the Society.



a)       Elections shall be held within two- to eight weeks prior to the last day of classes of the first semester as determined by the University calendar.

b)       An election is valid only if at least 80% of the General Assembly cast their votes.  Otherwise, another election must be held.

c)       For all offices excluding the Office of the President 50% +1 in favor of an unopposed candidate and 60% for an opposed candidate, of the total number of votes cast is required to be officially elected into office.

d)       For the Office of the President, 60% in favor for an opposed candidate and 75% in favor for an unopposed candidate of the total number of votes cast is required to be officially elected into office.



a)       Special Elections shall be held if, for some reason, position is vacated in midterm.  They are conducted by the Executive Council.

b)       Special Elections may also be held if an office was not properly filled during the regular elections.

c)       In any case there are no candidates for a vacant office, the Executive Council shall appoint any qualified Resident Member.  This rule may not apply if the vacant office is that of the President’s; in which case special elections must be held.

Article IX. Suspension, Impeachment and Expulsion


a)   A Resident Member is defined to be in good standing with the Society if:

1)       S/He has renewed his/her membership status.

2)       S/He is not under suspension by his/her respective college or under any other disciplinary action.

3)       S/He has fulfilled any other requirements as set by the Membership Committee, as approved by the Executive Council.


SECTION 2.                SUSPENSION

a)  A Resident Member may be placed under suspension due to disloyalty as defined by the following grounds:

1) Disloyalty to the constitution

1.1   Gross neglect of duties in activities of the Society.

1.2   Excessive absences from Society meetings.


b)  A Resident Member is suspended upon a majority vote of the Membership Committee.  The suspension takes effect when the Member receives his/her letter of notification and has one week to vacate his/her locker and surrender any property of the Society currently borrowed under his/her name.  The term of suspension is determined by the Membership Committee as they see fit.


SECTION 3.                IMPEACHMENT

a)       An Executive Officer may be impeached upon a 75% vote of the General Assembly

b)       S/He may be impeached under any of the following grounds:

1)                   Gross neglect of duties.

2)                   Disloyalty to the Constitution.

3)                   Dismissal from the College.

4)                   Graft and corruption.

c)   Impeachment of an Executive Officer is initiated by a Resident                 Member by submitting a letter to the Executive Council.  Stated                   therein is/are the grounds against the Executive Officer.


SECTION 4.                EXPULSION          

a)       Any Resident Member may be expelled upon unanimous vote of the Executive Council including the President.

b)       Any Resident Member may be expelled under any of the following grounds:

c)       S/He accumulates four suspension sentences

d)       Any other criteria set by a signed letter by another Resident Member submitted to the Executive Council.  Stated therein is/are the case(s) against the Resident Member charged.


SECTION 5.                DEFENSE

            All those covered by SECTIONS 2,3 and 4 of ARTICLE IX (Suspension, Impeachment and Expulsion) will be summoned to defend their positions before a decision is voted upon and handed down.


SECTION 6.                APPEALS

a)        Appeals to the Executive Council may be made after decision is handed down.  Appeals against impeachment will not be entertained.

b)        All appeals should be submitted within a week after the charged member has been notified of the Executive Council’s decision.


SECTION 7.           

            All parties concerned shall have access to all information regarding their case.


Article X. Application for Membership

SECTION 1.           

            All applicants eligible for membership must fulfill the requirements as stated by the Membership By-Laws.


SECTION 2.           

            An applicant may attend the Induction Ceremony if s/he receives an invitation from the Membership Committee as approved by the Executive Council and General Assembly.


Article X. Awards/Recognition


            This award is bestowed upon a Resident Member who has shown exemplary performance and enthusiasm in performing his her duties as a member of the Society.  Executive Officers may not be included on the selection for the award.



            This award is bestowed upon the Applicant who has shown hard work and dedication to the Society and who, as an applicant has shown good leadership qualities and potentials in becoming an exceptional member.                                                                          



            The Membership Committee shall select the Applicant of the Year, while the Executive Council shall select the Member of the Year.  Both recipients shall be selected by a majority vote within the respective committees. These awards shall be given before the end of the second semester.


Article XII. Amendments


            The review of the Constitution and proposals for the Amendments should be made within the months of January to March.  The Amendment Night shall be held only if voted upon by the General Assembly during the second semester.  A proposal must have a 50% + 1 vote for it to be passed to the General Assembly.



            A rule shall be amended by a majority vote equal to 60% + 1 of the quorum.



            All amendments shall take effect immediately after it has been approved.


Article XIII. UP Geological Society Pledge

            I, ___________, do solemnly swear to abide by the Constitution of the University of the Philippines Geological Society, and obey its rules and regulations.

            I promise to be selfless in my dedication and to work wholeheartedly to uphold the dignity of the Society.

            I will strive to do my very best to develop my intellectual capabilities to the utmost as to be able to contribute to the academic excellence of the Society.

            I will never waiver in my respect for the Society’s Officers and will maintain harmonious relationships with all the members of the Society.

            My loyalty to the University of the Philippines Geological Society will always come foremost among all considerations.

            By my god and honor, so I swear.






We, the members of the University of the Philippines Geological Society, realizing the need to organize an academic society, dedicated to the pursuit of honor and excellence in the field of geology, aware of the importance of providing a conduit between the academe and the actual practice, and convinced that such noble goals can be achieved only through concerted actions and dedication, do hereby associate ourselves and work together under this constitution.