The Band*Band Pictures*Lyrics*Shows*Merch*Links

listen to Late Night Showing tunes (album, live, extras) and watch a live video at!

NEWS 4-18-07: This is short notice, but Late Night Showing is doing a reunion show tomorrow night at Jack's on Cumberland st. We will be playing with Mozaic, Folsom (Simon's cover band), and Bail Out Strategy. This will be a killer show, it's $4, and starts @ 8:30pm. We have a few tricks up our sleeves for this one, so you'll want to make it out. Peace.

NEWS 1-06-07: Happy New Year. Just thought I'd let you know that changed its name to and that is where our songs are now. They have a new look, and the old address will still take you there.

This next part isn't a Late Night Showing update as the band isn't playing, but Simon and Keith have been working on another recording project for a few years now and it is basically complete. Very shortly there will be all the songs from this new project at as well as some videos. You can connect with them at as well. Thanks, take care.

NEWS 3-30-06: There's a previously unreleased song up at the site now. Go give it a listen, or two, or three and let us know what you think. The song's called "What's In Store", and the music was recorded during the sessions for "Sign of Light" with words added just yesterday. It features Keith on drums/vocals, Miika on guitar, and Simon on bass. Rip it up, peace out.

NEWS 2-13-06: Hey all, just put up a video, some live/extra songs and 10 songs (count 'em!) from the album at our new site. Click the link above to check that out. All the music on the internet of ours is now on that site, all in one place, so there is no need for our purevolume sites. By the way, you can check the forecast anywhere in Canada below. Later.

The Band*Band Pictures*Lyrics*Shows*Merch*Links

listen to Late Night Showing tunes (album, live, extras) and watch a live video at!

E-mail the Band

©2004/2005 Late Night Showing