HEIGHT:  2 metres when standing
WEIGHT: 660 pounds
FOOD:  Fruit, salmon, nuts, insects, rodents, berries, people
HABITAT: Tundra, Mountains, dense forest in Northwestern Canada/Alaska
GREATEST WEAPON: Claws that are as long as a human finger, and sharper than razors, brute strength
POPULATION:  50,000 in Canada/Alaska and another 1000 in the continental US
NOTES / URBAN MYTHS:  Could kill an elephant with one swipe of arm, sleep for four months during the winter, a group of bears is called a "sloth", can run as fast as a horse over 200 metres
HEIGHT: 6 feet fully erect (8 foot arm span, though)
WEIGHT: over 500 pounds
FOOD:  any kind of vegetation, some bugs
HABITAT: the dense rainforests of Saire, Rwanda and Uganda
LIFE EXPECTANCY: 35 Years (53 in captivity)
GREATEST WEAPON:  Intelligence, teeth, brute strength, opposable thumb(!)
POPULATION:  only 650 left
NOTES:  Can climb trees, lives in a family of up to 30 other Gorillas, builds and uses a brand new nest every day, spends 30% of day foraging/feeding
Wanna get acquainted with blue tits, weasels and yaks?  Check out this link to BBC's Animal Facts Page.  The information here may help you create a new Inter-Species survivor debate for you and your stoner friends to talk about over cold pops and cheesies - you can't talk about sex forever, you know.
You decide....
Who would win - in a fair fight?  Neutral terrain.  Both fully grown. Both pissed at each other.  Check out the facts.  Add your own spices to the argument, and then think of a new challenge.
I'm telling you, folks, this is hours of fun. All you need is a few drinks and a lull in the conversation, at which point three words will do the trick,  "Who would win?"
A Hippo or a Polar Bear - IN THE WATER?  In Africa, more people are killed by hippos than any other animal, but the Polar Bear is the largest land mammal in the world, and is a great swimmer - WITH HUGE CLAWS.  That's good stuff.
A Camel or a Kangaroo?  The kangaroo is a lot smaller, but can kick the grease out of a burrito (?). The camel spits, too, which has to be de-moralizing for any opponent - it also has an endless supply of water in their big 'ol humps.  Woo hoo, what a doozy.
Let's not forget the little guys. Snapping Turtle, and a Rabid Aarvark.  The Aardvark may be the first animal in the dictionary, but he's the last critter I'd want to mess with - especially if he's foaming.  And snapping turtles are known to, well, snap.  I got nothin'.
A Giant Panda or a Cougar?  A Grizzly Bear could probably take a cougar under normal circumstances, but what about it's distant, and slightly less formidable cousin, the Panda?  They're known to be grumpy and fierce when cornered.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Or how about checking out the craziest bastard you'll ever meet.  Steve, the "Crocodile Hunter" would surely enter a few good arguments into our little game here.  A Croc or a hippo, Steve?  "By crikey, I reckon the hippo would make a fair tucker out of any crock inside 12 feet!  That's a good boy."