Capture The Flag Games
Capture the Flag(with one flag) - This one here is where you put a flag in the middle of the field and get on teams equal then everyone has to go in.Objective is to get the flag and take it back to your starting base.We play where if you get your out so the game doesnt last forever.
Capture the Flag(with two flags) - This is sorta like one flag but the flags or at each person's bunker.The objective is to go get the other person's flag,so you have to get there flag and they have to get yours.simple huh
Gun Run - You need to make two bases,a central area,even teams.Now leave you guns at your base and go to the central area,when the game starts you have to capture the other teams flag,you can either go and get your gun or run and get the flag.Objective is to get the other teams flag and take it to your base
Black Jack - **Only 21 paintballs for each player**no sharing.
When you have shot all your paintballs you can be out or still go for the flag.
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