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ABC AUSTRALIA, 03/08/2004 21:12:52

Indonesian military cracks down on indiscipline

The Indonesian armed forces have discharged 56 soldiers in the restive province of Maluku for indiscipline and other violations.

A Maluku military spokesman says 12 of the soldiers had already been convicted by the courts while the remaining 44 had deserted their ranks and their whereabouts remain unknown.

The dismissals were carried out during a ceremony in Ambon, the capital of the eastern province of Maluku.

The spokesman did not say if any of the violations were related to a wave of communal clashes between Muslims and Christians that erupted in Ambon in 1999 and left more than 5,000 people dead.

During the conflict, some military and police units were accused of bias either toward Muslims or Christians.

03/08/2004 21:12:52 | ABC Radio Australia News
©2004 ABC

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