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ABC AUSTRALIA, 08/07/2004 20:20:54

Leading JI member among seven arrested in Indonesia

Indonesia's deputy police chief says a leading member of the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) network is among seven terror suspects arrested last week.

Inspector General Dadang Garnida says Mustaqim, an Indonesian member of JI's central command, was arrested, along with six others, in the Central Java town of Sukoharjo on June 30.

Inspector Garnida has described Mustaqim as an important figure in JI, which is accused of staging a series of bloody attacks in Indonesia and the Philippines, including the Bali nightclub bombings in October 2002.

The AFP news agency says in a report last year, the International Crisis Group of political analysts, said Afghanistan veteran Mustaqim headed Camp Hudaibiyah, JI's military academy in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, from 1997-2000.

08/07/2004 20:20:54 | ABC Radio Australia News
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