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ABC AUSTRALIA, 10/08/2004 18:05:49

Pro-Sharia unbrella group considers Indonesian presidential candidates

A hardline Indonesian Muslim group advocating Islamic Sharia law is seeking talks with candidates in next month's presidential elections to decide who to back.

The Indonesian Mujahedin Council, whose leader, Abu Bakar Bashir, is currently detained as a terrorism suspect, is seeking talks with the two candidates at their executive meeting next week in Central Java.

Council spokesman, Irfan Suryahadi Awwas, says the discussions with incumbent, Megawati Sukarnoputri, and her challenger, former security minister, Susilio Bambang Yudhoyono, could decide who will receive the support of the umbrella organisation of pro-Sharia groups.

He says the Council, which is yet to receive replies from Mrs Megawati or Mr Yudhoyono, could also be swayed by either's willingness to release Bashir or defiance in the face of foreign intervention and pressure.

The second round of the Indonesian presidential vote will be held on September 20.

Mr Yudhoyono, who won 33 per cent of the vote in the first phase of the elections in July, is the frontrunner, ahead of Mrs Megawati who secured nearly 27 per cent.

Ex-general Wiranto, of the powerful Golkar party, is out of the race after he finished in third place with 22 per cent of the vote.

10/08/2004 18:05:49 | ABC Radio Australia News
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