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The Jakarta Post

The Jakarta Post, July 05, 2004

Terror suspect attempts to flee

PEKANBARU, Riau: Terror suspect Slamet bin Kastari, a Singaporean, suffered a fractured leg after he jumped out a window while trying to escape from police custody, police said on Saturday.

"He was trying to escape while he was being questioned by police detectives. He jumped from the window, but unfortunately he fell and fractured his leg," Riau provincial police chief Brig. Gen. Deddy Komaruddin said.

Slamet was once accused of being member of regional terror network Jama'ah Islamiyah and was sentenced to two years in jail by a district court here for falsifying documents. He is now being questioned as a witness in several bombing cases. Slamet will complete his sentence in August this year. -- JP

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