By Al Parker

About Me

Imagination, curiosity, creativity, accomplishment and truth are some of the attributes that motivate, sustain and determine who I am.
Work, relationships, interests and hobbies occupy most of my time while giving my life meaning and purpose.
My heart is full of gratitude for each new day and the blessings received from living them.

Two poems that impacted my life since the third grade, one to help me press on and one to help me let go. Two equally important abilities.

It couldn't be done
(Edgar A. Guest)
First stanza

somebody said
it couldn't be done
but he with a chuckle, replied
maybe it couldn't
but he wouldn't be one
to say so until he had tried
so he buckled right in
with a trace of a grin on his face
if he worried, he hid it
and started to sing
as he tackled that thing
that couldn't be done
and he did it

Don't cry
(author unknown)

don't cry over milk that is spilled
for its better you'll surely allow
to pick up your pail
just as quick as you can
and run after another cow

My Online Life

I attempt to write poetry. I can be found often in poetry rooms just as a spectator or at times reading a poem or just hanging out with my friends.
Urmyidle is the screen name i use online.

I also create refrigerator magnets with about fifty to date. One of my hobbies to keep me busy. Enjoy sharing interests with others through email.

Sometimes you may be able to catch me in one of the yahoo euchre lobbys, usually advanced or intermediate. I used to play all the time, but not of late.

Anyway, enough about me. The next pages contain a few of my poems that i thought i would share with everyone. Hope you all enjoy them.

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