Outland Outfitting


Guide Jerry Cook
P.O. Box 43
Grand Rapids, Manitoba, Canada R0C 1EO
Phone: 204-639-2002 or 204-639-2003 Fax: 204-639-2446
Email:   Outland Outfitting


Bear Pictures

Hi! Thank you for visiting my website.

My name is Jerry, I am a Licensed Guide and Outfitter living in the Grand Rapids area. For the past 16 years I have worked as a Trapper, Commercial Fisherman and with the Department of Natural Resources as a Fire Tac Ranger.

During my work as both a Trapper and Fire Tack Ranger (forest fire fighter), I was astonished at the amount of black bear sign and sightings. Often when we were tenting up, we were visted by the huge night marauders whose boldness lead to some close calls. After consulting with the local NR Officers, I was granted large areas of exclusive hunting ground. Now at over 500 square miles, the selection and the quality of bear is seemingly endless.

Grand Rapids is a small picturesque community in central Manitoba. Population is about 1500, and the nearest towns are at least 100 miles away. This isolation coupled with the numerous caves and dense forests make for excellent bear habitat. Grand Rapids is 400 miles north of the Canadian/USA border. Due to the location of our town between two large lakes, Grand Rapids often becomes a funnel for hungry bears. Every year bears are destroyed or live trapped in town.

The hunt starts on a Monday and runs until Friday with Sunday being arrival, and Saturday being departure day. Success rates are from 90% to 100%, with every hunter getting an opportunity to harvest a bear. Colors range from solid black to blonde, cinnamon or any combination of the three. Some seasons find us harvesting 45% to 50% off-colored bear. Depending on which baits are being hunted, accomodations can consist of Tent Camps for isolated areas, Cabins and/or Hotel Rooms. Transportation to and from baits is usually by 4 wheel drive but can include boat-travel as well as hiking. Black flies are usually not a problem, however, we do have our fair share of mosquitos.

Spring Season runs from mid May through mid June and fall season is the first two weeks of September.

The price for one week is $1900.00 American. This includes a five day hunt at very productive baits, all skinning and hide care, license fee, $310.00, transportation to and from baits, and a comfortable stay. A $750 deposit is required to reserve you hunt. When we have extra time, we can go fishing or tour the local fish hatchery, Hydro Generating Station, and other local sites.

Bear licenses are limited so please book early to ensure your week. Hopefully you are not one of the many hunters who have been taken for a ride by other bear camps. I can assure you that won't happen here. You won't find twenty hunters in camp. You also won't find baits a quarter mile apart, or baits that are unproductive. You will see bear.

References and our video is available. Call or write if you need more information.


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