Skipper's Redwall Abbey Skipper's Rewall Abbey
Skipper's Redwall Abbey
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You are walking along the side of river when suddenly a large otter with a patch over his right eye and a belt crammed with weapons appears from behind a bush. He stretches out his paw, and he introduces him self,"Welcome, I be known as Bargud Riverhunt, Skipper of Otters. I'll show you ta me home." You follow Bargud until you reach a large Abbey. You follow him inside where you are greeted by an assortment of otters, moles, hares, and squirrels. "This here be ma' Redwall Abbey!" An otter even larger than Bargud walks up to and offers you a bowl of Hotroot Soup. You take one spoonful and spit it out, it's way too hot. "You can stay awhile or leave now but you're always welcome matey!"


My heart goes out to all the victims and families of the victims of the terrorist attacks, and I feel proud of my country when I hear the stories of the heros. This candle is here to show my apreciation of those heros. The firemen and rescue workers and even just the ordinary people that gave up there lives to save others are the real heros. They are twice as good as any superman. They are the reason that America is free.

if you would like to get a good laugh to ease the pain visit the Osama bin Chicken dance by clicking on the image of bin Chicken.

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Name: Bargud Riverhunt
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Skipper's Redwall Abbey

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Bargud Riverhunt

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